References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- p (probability), 3.80, 10.50
- p., pp., 7.15, 10.42, 14.150–51, 14.225
- page, 9.27
- page count. See length (parts of text)
- page numbers (folios)
- alternatives for reflowable electronic publications, 1.123, 2.35, 14.22, 14.160, 14.174, 15.23
- appropriate use of, 1.6, 9.26
- blind (unexpressed), 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.39, 1.46, 1.49, 3.6, p. 980
- in books, arabic vs. roman numerals, 9.26
- cross-checking text citations and reference lists for, 2.32, 15.21
- cross-references to specific pages within same text, 2.35, 2.60
- descriptive headers with, 2.38
- drop, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.49, p. 980
- “dummy,” 1.81
- fixed, not always used in electronic publications, 1.6, 1.81, 1.123, 2.35, 14.47, 14.49, 14.160
- inclusive ranges (see page ranges)
- as index locators (see index entries: locators)
- in lists of illustrations and tables, 1.39, 3.40, fig. 1.7
- location of, 1.6
- of manuscript, 2.38
- markers for, in electronic publications, 1.123n2, 1.125, 14.160, 16.13
- in multivolume works, 1.9, 14.116, 14.120, 15.41
- no comma in, 9.54
- for permission requests, 4.95
- proofreading of, 2.114, 2.134
- in running heads for endnotes, 1.15, 1.62, 2.76, 2.114, 2.136, 14.47, fig. 14.2
- in source citations (see page numbers in source citations)
- in table of contents, 1.38, 2.134, fig. 1.5
- three zeros for temporary, 2.35
- See also inclusive (continuing) numbers; locators; page numbers in source citations
- page numbers in source citations
- alternatives for electronic publications, 14.22, 14.160, 14.174, 15.23
- arabic vs. roman numerals, 14.147, 14.171
- author-date reference system, generally, 15.9, 15.23
- chapters with, 14.106–7
- with citations to notes, 14.157
- classical Greek and Latin works, 14.243, 14.251
- classic English works, 14.253
- e-books, 14.160
- examples and variations, 14.23
- ff. and passim, 14.148–49
- forthcoming works, 14.146
- generally, 14.22, 15.8
- ibid. with, 14.34
- journal articles, 14.174, 14.177, 15.23
- legal-style citations, 14.273, 14.276, 14.284, 14.290, 14.294, 14.303, 14.305
- magazine articles, 14.188–89
- multivolume works, 14.116, 14.120, 15.41
- in notes, 14.153
- notes and bibliography system, generally, 14.22
- notes keyed to, 14.53, fig. 14.6
- p. and pp., 14.150–51, 14.225
- periodicals, generally, 14.165
- ranges, author-date reference system, 15.8, 15.9, 15.21
- ranges, notes and bibliography system, 14.23, 14.106–7, 14.110, 14.148–49, 14.167, 14.174
- reprint and modern editions, 14.114
- for sources of quotations, 13.67
- text citations, 15.27, 15.30
- volume numbers with (e.g., 10:122), 14.23, 14.116, 14.152, 14.177, 15.23, 15.48
- page proof, p. 984. See also proofs
- page ranges
- condensing, 9.61, 16.14
- en dashes in, 6.78, 9.60, 16.100, 16.134
- as index locators, 16.12, 16.14, 16.100, 16.113, 16.121
- for journal articles, 1.79, 1.81, 1.87, 1.92, 1.103, 14.23, 14.174
- on journal cover or spine, 1.84, 2.109, 2.134
- in running heads, 1.15, 2.76, 14.47, fig. 14.2
- in source citations: author-date reference system, 15.8, 15.9, 15.21; vs. ff., 14.148–49; notes and bibliography system, 14.23, 14.106–7, 14.110, 14.148–49, 14.167, 14.174
- pages
- abbreviation of term (p., pp.), 7.15, 10.42, 14.150–51, 14.225
- bad breaks in, 16.138
- checking overall appearance, 2.116, 2.117
- defined, 1.5
- facing: alignment of, 2.117; proofreading of, 2.116; tables on, 2.115, 3.51, 3.86, 3.87
- See also page numbers; pagination; proofs
- pagination
- avoiding repagination, 2.122
- basic guidelines for, 1.6–9
- in book review and book notes sections, 1.98, 14.153
- and continuous publishing model, 1.82, 14.174
- determining page 1, 1.46
- of final manuscript for production, 2.75–76
- of folio editions, 14.155
- and indexing, 2.104, 2.105, 2.106, 2.113, 2.118, 16.108
- journals, 1.81, 1.82, fig. 1.11
- and metadata, 1.75
- multivolume works, 1.9
- parts of books: back matter, 1.4, 1.8, 1.9; chapter display, 1.8, 1.49; chapters, 1.8, 1.46, 1.49; conclusions, 1.53; dedication, 1.7, 1.36; epigraphs, 1.37; front matter, 1.4, 1.7, 1.17, 2.38, 2.57; galleries, illustrations, and tables, 1.8, 1.39, 2.115; introductions in front matter, 1.43; introductions in main text, 1.47; part-title page with text, 1.8; second half title, 1.4, 1.8, 1.46
- roman numerals in, 1.4, 1.7, 1.9, 2.38, 2.57, 9.26
- in signed signatures, 14.154
- within volumes, 1.81, fig. 1.11
- See also page numbers; page ranges; recto pages; verso pages
- paintings, 8.198, 14.235. See also artwork
- pamphlets, brochures, and reports
- art exhibition catalogs, 8.201, 14.236
- congressional reports and documents, 14.285
- in manuscript collections, 14.229
- in private collections, 14.231
- source citations, generally, 14.220
- titles of, 8.186
- paper
- durability statements, 1.20, 1.35, 1.84, fig. 1.1
- environmental standards, 1.35, pp. 979, 984, 988
- opacity, p. 984
- trim size, p. 989
- paperback rights, 4.64
- paperbacks, 4.64, p. 984. See also covers of journals and paperback books
- paper durability statements, 1.20, 1.35, 1.84, fig. 1.1
- paper-only editing. See under manuscript editing
- paper-over-board format (lithocase), 1.71
- papers, unpublished, 14.217, 14.218. See also unpublished and informally published materials
- paragraph (first-line) indentation
- defined, 2.11, p. 982
- glossary entries, 2.23
- paragraph format, 2.11, 2.12
- paragraphs instead of lists, 6.130
- paragraphs within block quotations, 2.19, 13.22
- text following block quotations, 2.21, 13.24
- in transcriptions of discussions or interviews, 13.48
- paragraph mark, 2.98, 2.126, 10.43, 14.273
- paragraph numbers, as locators
- in electronic publications, 1.123, 1.125, 14.160
- in indexes, 1.125, 2.106, 16.12, 16.13, 16.108
- legal and public documents, 14.273
- ranges of, 14.148
- paragraphs
- abbreviation of term, 10.42
- conjunction at beginning of, 5.203
- defined, in word processing, 2.11, 2.82
- indentation of, 2.11, 2.12
- instead of vertical lists, 6.130
- interruptions in, 2.12
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.12, 2.19, 2.20
- marking manuscript for, 2.98
- marking proofs for, 2.126
- notes with multiple, 14.40
- symbol for, 2.98, 2.126, 10.43, 14.273
- within quotations, 2.19, 13.22, 13.32–33, 13.35, 13.39, 13.56
- word-processing styles for, 2.82
- See also paragraph numbers, as locators
- paragraph style (indexes). See indexes: run-in style
- parallel bars. See vertical bars
- parallel structure, 5.242–45
- and auxiliary verbs, 5.245
- and correlative conjunctions, 5.244
- and en dashes, 6.78
- lists and outlines, 6.127
- in prepositional phrases, 5.243
- subheads, 2.59
- paraphrasing, 4.89, 11.17, 13.4, 13.45
- parentheses, 6.95–98
- and alphabetizing, 16.59, 16.60, 16.61
- back to back, 6.98
- font for, 6.5, 6.129
- in indexes: authors’ names after titles, 16.50, 16.97; continued lines, 16.139; cross-references, 16.18, 16.20, 16.26, 16.97; endnote locators, 16.111 (see also glosses: in index entries)
- with in-text citations for quotations, 13.64
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- other punctuation with: brackets, 6.97, 6.101, 14.37, 14.38, 15.28, 15.40; colons, 6.98; commas, 6.18, 6.98; exclamation points, 6.74, 6.98; multiple sets of parentheses, 6.97, 6.101; periods, 6.13, 6.98; question marks, 6.70, 6.98
- scholarly abbreviations in, 10.42
- sentences in, 6.13, 6.98
- in source citations: classical Greek and Latin works, 14.250; dissertations and theses, 14.215; with issue numbers, 14.177, 15.47; journal articles, 14.171, 14.177, 14.182, 15.9, 15.47; legal-style citations, 14.276, 14.283–86, 14.288, 14.294–95, 14.298, 14.300, 15.59; newspaper articles, 14.193, 14.197; note reference numbers, 14.26; notes, 14.19, 14.20, 14.39; reprint editions with multiple dates, 15.40; websites and web pages, 14.207 (see also text citations)
- in table titles and heads, 3.55, 3.56, fig. 3.12
- uses: abbreviations, 7.17, 10.3; brand names, 8.146; captions, 3.24; clarification of italics for emphasis, 13.62, 14.37; enclosing numbers or letters in lists, 6.129; with forthcoming or in press, 8.188; genus, species, and subspecies, 8.124; glosses or translations, 6.96, 11.5, 11.10 (see also glosses: in index entries); i.e. and e.g., 6.51; labeling for mathematical expressions, 12.24; letters for parts of books, 8.180; mathematical expressions, 12.45, 12.50 (see also delimiters); music dynamics, 7.75; notes to tables, 3.78; parenthetical elements in sentences, 6.48, 6.51, 6.85, 6.95; table titles and heads, 3.55, 3.56, fig. 3.12; telephone numbers, 9.57; time zones, 10.41; translations of quotations, 11.12, 11.13
- See also glosses; parenthetical elements in sentences; punctuation; text citations
- parenthetical elements in sentences, 6.48, 6.51, 6.85, 6.95
- Parliament (UK), 14.298–301
- participial phrases, 5.111, 5.115, 5.231, 6.30, 6.32
- participial prepositions, 5.175
- participles
- as adjectives, 5.90, 5.111
- adverbs modifying, 5.114
- be-verbs with, 5.118, 5.154
- in compound terms, hyphenation of, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- dangling, 5.115
- formation of, 5.110
- fused, 5.114
- vs. gerunds, 5.113
- and negation, 5.231
- past, 5.90, 5.100, 5.119
- and prepositions, 5.175
- present, 5.110, 5.118, 7.41
- table titles as, 3.54
- word division, 7.41
- See also gerunds; participial phrases
- particles
- negating, 5.231
- in personal names: alphabetizing, 16.71, 16.84; capitalization, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7–10
- in phrasal verbs, 5.102
- parties, political, 8.66
- parts and part titles
- articles, stories, chapters, and such, 8.177
- collected works of author, 8.178
- division into, 1.48, fig. 1.5
- editing of, 2.58
- format of terms, 8.179, 8.180
- generic terms for, 8.179, 8.180, 14.110
- introductions to, 1.38
- in letters and diaries, 1.52
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.17
- numerals for, 9.26
- pagination, 1.4, 1.8, 1.46, 2.75
- part-title page with text, 1.8
- in poetry, 1.51
- in running heads, 1.12, 1.16
- source citations for, 14.147, 14.150
- submission of, 2.3
- in table of contents, 1.38, 2.32, fig. 1.5
- See also books: parts of
- parts of books. See books: parts of
- parts of speech, 5.3, 10.42. See also adjectives; adverbs; articles (definite and indefinite); conjunctions; interjections; nouns; prepositions; pronouns; verbs; word usage
- Party/party, 8.66
- passim, 7.55, 14.149, 16.12
- passive voice
- and dangling participles, 5.115
- defined, 5.118
- infinitives in, 5.106
- linking verbs in, 5.101
- long (with by), 5.192
- with past participles, 5.119, 5.135, 5.154
- password protection, 2.88
- past perfect (pluperfect) tense, 5.126, 5.127, 5.133
- past tense, 5.100, 5.125, 5.126, 5.130, 5.133
- patents, 14.258, 15.55
- pathnames, 6.112. See also file names
- patronymics, 8.12
- pattern matching, 2.79, 2.80, p. 984
- PCF (process chlorine-free), p. 984
- PCN (Preassigned Control Number), 1.34
- PDF files
- annotation of, 1.118, 2.71, 2.119, 2.133
- as content proof, 2.140
- for continuous publishing model, 1.82, 14.174
- defined, p. 984
- description, 1.118
- for digital artwork, 3.15
- edited manuscript sent as, 2.71, 2.88
- electronic journals as, 1.77
- front matter in, 1.122
- functional features in, 1.119
- hyperlinks in, 1.118, 1.121
- indexer’s use of, 16.102, 16.105
- line breaks in, 7.36
- for manuscript submission, 2.4, 2.8, 2.37
- navigation, 1.120, 1.123
- prepress proofs as, 2.107
- proofreading in, 1.118, 2.2, 2.100, 2.103, 2.119, 2.133
- searching, 1.118, 2.111, 2.133, 16.102, 16.105
- testing of, 2.139
- time and user stamps in, 2.133
- pedigree charts, 3.46. See also charts and graphs
- peer review, 2.5
- pencil editing. See manuscript editing: paper-only
- percent, percentage, 3.82, 7.89 (sec. 1), 9.18
- percent sign, 3.82, 9.18, 10.58
- perfect binding, pp. 984–85
- performances
- and rights, 4.14, 4.64
- source citations for, 14.201, 14.203, 14.261, 14.266, 14.267, 15.57
- periodicals
- copyright registration forms for, 4.48
- defined, 14.164
- regular departments, columns, and features, 8.177, 14.190, 14.195
- serial rights, 4.64
- source citations for: basic citation structure, 14.167; basic information needed, 14.165; initials for authors’ given names, 15.33; journal articles (see journal articles, source citations for); journals vs. magazines, 14.166; legal-style citations, 14.272; magazines (see under magazines); newspapers (see under newspapers); reviews, 14.201–4; URLs and DOIs, 14.164
- titles: abbreviations of, 10.7, 14.170, 15.13, 15.46, 16.49; articles and features within, 8.177; in building or award names, 8.172; indexing of, 16.48–49; initial the in, 8.170, 14.170; italics for, 8.163, 8.168; in legal-style citations, 14.272; magazine, journal, review, and such, 8.171; sentence-style capitalization, 15.38; treatment in text, 8.168
- volume, issue, and page numbers in, 9.27
- See also journals; magazines; newspapers; reviews
- periods (punctuation), 6.12–15
- with abbreviations: academic and professional designations, 10.4, 10.21, 10.22; biblical citations, 10.45–47, 14.239; business and commerce, 10.69; at end of sentence, 6.14; eras, 9.34; generally, 10.4; in legal-style citations, 14.274; military titles, 10.15; omitted in technical abbreviations, 10.49; organization names, 10.23, 10.26; scholarly, 10.42; slash instead of, 6.109; specific abbreviations, 5.250; time designations, 10.39–41; units of measurement, 10.64
- leaders (several spaced periods), 3.64, fig. 3.16
- marking manuscript for, 2.93
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- omitting, 6.14, 6.123, 10.4, 10.49, 14.96
- other punctuation with: apostrophes, 6.118; brackets, 6.13; closing quotation marks, 2.80, 6.9; ellipses, 13.53, 13.56–58, 14.97; em dashes, 6.89; exclamation points, 6.124; parentheses, 6.13, 6.98; question marks, 6.124; 3-em dashes, 6.94
- permissible changes to, 11.7, 13.7
- single space after, 2.9, 6.7, 6.12
- slash instead of, 6.109
- uses: abbreviations (see with abbreviations above); a.m. and p.m., 9.37; captions, 3.21, 3.23; classical Greek and Latin works, 14.249, 14.250; compass points in addresses, 10.34; double or multiple numeration, 1.57, 2.28, 2.29, 3.11, 3.50, 12.25; with ff., 14.149; glossaries, 1.61, 2.23; imperative sentences, 6.12; indexes, 16.17, 16.20, 16.97; initials of personal names, 7.66, 10.4, 10.12; numerals with sovereigns, 9.41; outlines and lists, 2.21, 6.130, 6.131, 6.132; preceding quotation, 13.17; publishing history on copyright page, 1.25; run-in subheads, 2.18, 2.59; source citations, 14.19, 14.21, 14.167, 14.176, 14.254, 15.6; between titles and subtitles in European style, 14.89; transcriptions of discussions or interviews, 13.48; twenty-four-hour system of time, 9.40; words or phrases standing alone, 6.12
- See also ellipses; punctuation; URLs
- periods of time
- centuries, 7.8, 7.87, 7.89, 7.89 (sec. 3), 8.71, 9.32, 9.33
- cultural, 8.71–74
- decades, 9.33
- descriptive designations, 8.72
- eras, 8.135, 9.34, 9.64, 10.38
- geological, 8.135
- numerical designations, 8.71
- prehistoric cultural periods, 8.74
- traditional period names, 8.73
- See also dates; time designations
- periphrastic comparatives, 5.85, 5.163
- periphrastic superlatives, 5.86, 5.164
- permalinks, 14.9, 14.15
- permanent compounds, 7.82. See also compound terms
- permissible changes to quoted and referenced materials
- basic approach, 2.44
- capitalization, 8.165, 13.7, 13.18, 13.19, 14.88
- cautions about, 2.44, 2.61
- initial a, an, or the, 8.169
- non-English materials, 11.7, 11.15–16, 11.19, 11.28, 13.7
- overview, 13.7–8
- punctuation, 8.165, 8.167, 11.7, 11.11, 11.19, 13.7, 13.30–31, 14.88
- spaces and spacing, 11.7, 11.11, 11.19
- titles of works, 8.165, 8.167, 11.7, 14.88, 14.91
- and translations, 11.15, 11.16
- typography and layout, 13.8
- See also editorial interpolations and clarifications
- permissions, 4.73–83
- blanket, 3.32
- case studies and field notes, 13.49
- checking, 4.79
- on copyright page, 1.20, 1.30, 4.78, fig. 1.4
- and Creative Commons licenses, 4.62
- criteria for, 13.3
- defined, 4.17
- and dissertations and theses, 4.60
- fees and record keeping, 4.79, 4.95, 4.96, 4.98, 4.101, 4.104, 4.105
- granting, 4.70, 4.71
- in illustration credit lines, 3.30, 3.32, 4.102
- manuscript and editorial concerns, 2.2, 2.3, 2.65, 4.79
- for multiauthor volumes, 2.41
- in notes, 14.54
- obtaining, 4.75–83, 4.95–101; archives’ restrictions, 4.83; for author’s own work, 4.78; automating process of, 4.97; basic principles, 4.75; beyond immediate use, 4.80; communications on, 4.95–101; complexity of process, 4.76; independent professionals for, 4.76n1; interview and photo releases, 4.77; “orphan works” problem, 4.81, 4.82; sample letters, 4.96, fig. 4.3
- overview, 4.1
- in prefaces, 1.41
- role of counsel, 4.74
- in separate acknowledgment section, 4.103
- special types of material: archival material, 4.83; author’s previously published material, 4.66, 4.78; compilations, 4.105; email addresses, 14.214; illustrations, 2.2, 2.3, 3.18, 3.29, 3.30, 3.32, 4.98–101; interviews, 14.211; poetry, 4.95, 13.3; previously published materials, 2.2–3, 4.66, 4.78, 4.105, fig. 1.4; tables, 3.77, 4.95; unpublished works, 2.3, 4.81, 4.83, 13.3
- unnecessary, 4.93
- US Supreme Court on, 4.93
- See also acknowledgments; copyright; fair-use doctrine; illustration credits and credit lines; source notes
- persistent URLs (permalinks), 14.9, 14.15
- person
- of nouns and pronouns, 5.12, 5.30, 5.39, 5.40
- of verbs, 5.136, 5.138, 5.143
- personal communications
- author-date reference system, generally, 15.53
- notes and bibliography system, generally, 14.214
- permissions for, 2.2, 2.3
- posts on private electronic forums as, 14.210
- social media messages as, 14.205, 14.209, 14.214, 15.52
- personal names. See names, personal
- personal pronouns. See under pronouns
- person-first language, 5.260
- personification, 5.43, 8.37
- per vs. slash, 6.109, 10.4
- PEs (printer’s errors), 2.135, p. 984, p. 985
- Philippines, names in, 16.87
- philosophical terms and movements, 7.58, 8.79, 8.94
- phonetics, 6.102, 7.64, 11.22
- photocopying
- cautions about, 2.6, 12.65
- classroom and educational use, 4.64, 4.66
- copyright issues, 4.17, 4.35, 4.55, 4.64, 4.66
- for cropping, 3.19
- and fair-use doctrine, 1.103
- of manuscript, 2.6, 2.71, 2.91, 2.92, 2.116
- for musical examples, fig. 3.5
- photocopy, use of term, 14.218
- for previously published material, 2.43
- process and fees for, 1.103, 4.97
- See also print-on-demand (POD) titles
- photographs
- commissioned, 3.33
- copyright registration forms for, 4.48
- fair use of, 4.90
- halftones, 3.3, 3.6, figs. 3.1–2, p. 981
- labeled in illustrations, fig. 3.6
- original, labeling, 3.16
- permissions and credit lines for, 3.29, 3.30, 3.33, 4.98, 4.99, 4.101
- previously published, 2.47
- releases for, 4.77
- reproduction-quality prints, 2.27
- source citations for, 14.235
- titles of, 8.198
- See also illustrations
- photomicrographs, 3.27
- phrasal (complex) prepositions, 5.174
- phrasal adjectives (compound modifiers), 5.79, 5.92, 5.93, 7.85, 7.89 (secs. 2, 3)
- phrasal adverbs, 5.161
- phrasal connectives, misleading, 5.142
- phrasal pronouns, 5.27
- phrasal verbs, 5.102, 5.181
- phrases
- adjectival (compound modifiers), 5.79, 5.92, 5.93, 7.85, 7.89 (secs. 2, 3)
- adverbial, 5.158, 5.161, 6.31, 6.32, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- articles as affecting meaning of, 5.76
- introductory (see introductory words and phrases)
- with not, 6.45
- with not only . . . but also and such, 6.46
- parallel structure in, 5.242
- parenthetical, 6.48, 6.51, 6.85, 6.95
- participial, 5.111, 5.115, 5.231, 6.30, 6.32
- restrictive and nonrestrictive, 5.23, 6.29, 6.30, 6.41, 6.50
- standing alone, 6.12
- with such as and including, 6.50
- with the more, the less, and such, 6.47
- used as words, 7.63
- verb phrases, 5.104, 5.171, 5.239, 5.245, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- See also clauses; conjunctions; parenthetical elements in sentences; prepositions
- physical characteristics, 8.43
- physical quantities, 9.13–17
- with abbreviations and symbols, 9.16–17
- dimensions, 3.27
- in general context, 9.13
- simple fractions, 9.14
- whole numbers plus fractions, 9.15
- See also International System of Units; metric system; units of measurement
- physical science terminology, 8.147–52
- abbreviations, 10.63
- chemical names and symbols, 7.89 (sec. 1), 8.149, 10.63
- compound terms, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- laws and theories, 8.148
- mass number, 8.150
- metric units, 8.152
- radiations, 8.151
- resources on, 8.147, 10.63
- See also scientific and technical terminology
- pica, p. 985
- Pinyin system, 11.82–85, 16.77. See also Chinese language; Wade-Giles system
- pitches, musical, 7.71
- pixels (resolution), p. 986
- place, conjunctions as indicating, 5.201
- place-names, 8.44–59
- adjectives derived from, 5.69, 8.45
- alphabetizing, 16.74, 16.90–93
- capitalization (see under capitalization)
- compass points and directions, 7.89, 8.46–47, 10.34–36
- continents, countries, oceans, 8.45
- definite article with, 8.59, 16.91, 16.92
- in forewords, 1.40
- with Fort, Mount, Saint, and such, 10.30, 11.26, 16.90, 16.93
- indexing (see under indexing)
- institutional names with, 6.39, 6.81
- on maps in text, 2.60, 3.20, 8.45
- mountains, rivers, and such, 8.53–55, 10.30, 16.90
- in non-English languages, 8.59, 11.61, 11.85, 11.87, 11.99, 14.131, 16.92
- non-English terms in, 8.55, 11.26
- old vs. present forms, 16.29
- plurals of, 7.9, 8.53, 8.56, 8.57
- political divisions, 1.27, 8.51, 8.52
- popular names and epithets, 8.48
- possessives of, 7.17
- public places and structures, 8.56–59
- punctuation, 5.69, 6.17, 6.39
- real vs. metaphorical, 8.50
- regions, 8.47, 8.54
- resources on, 8.44
- in source citations: manuscript collection depositories, 14.227
- with the, 8.45, 8.59, 16.91
- topographical divisions, 8.53–55
- urban areas, 8.49
- US states and territories, 10.4, 10.8, 10.27, 14.130
- See also cities and towns; geographical terminology; maps; place of publication
- place of publication, 14.128–32
- basic format, 14.127
- books published before 1900, 14.128
- city in, 14.129
- country of printing, 1.27, 14.130
- English names for non-English cities, 14.131
- journals, 14.182
- in legal-style citations, 14.305
- “no place,” 10.42, 14.132
- omitted in self-published materials, 14.132, 14.137
- states, provinces, and countries, 14.130
- surmised, 14.132
- plagiarism, 1.91, 4.75, 4.92
- plain-text file, p. 985
- planets, 8.138–42. See also earth
- plants, 8.119–30
- cultivated varieties (cultivars), 8.130
- illustrations, figs. 3.3–4, fig. 3.6
- scientific names: authors’ names in, 8.124; divisions higher than genus, 8.126; English derivatives from taxonomic system, 8.127; genus, species, and subspecies, 8.120–25; hybrids, 8.125; resources on, 8.119
- vernacular names, 8.128–30
- See also scientific and technical terminology
- plates
- defined, 3.5, p. 985
- indexing of, 16.116
- lists of, 1.39, fig. 1.7
- numbering, 2.28
- text references to, 3.9
- when to use or omit term, 3.23
- See also galleries; illustration credits and credit lines; illustrations
- Platonic ideas, 8.94
- plays
- divisions of, 8.184
- format of, 13.46
- quotation of, 13.47, 13.57
- source citations for: classic English works, 14.253–54; frequently cited works, 13.67; reviews, 14.201, 14.203; short forms, 14.254
- titles of, 8.183
- See also classical Greek and Latin works; dialogue; speech
- pledges, 8.84
- pluperfect (past perfect) tense, 5.126, 5.127, 5.133
- plurals, 5.13–16, 7.5–15
- abbreviations, 7.15, 8.121, 10.49, 10.52, 10.53, 10.65, 14.150
- alternative forms, 7.6
- anomalies of, 5.16
- apostrophes in, 6.116, 7.13, 7.15
- centuries, 7.8
- collective nouns, 5.7, 5.15
- compound terms, 7.7
- for gender neutrality, 5.255
- generally, 5.13
- genitives of, 5.20
- letters (alphabet), 7.15, 7.64, 7.65
- in mathematical expressions, 12.3
- Native American group names, 7.10
- non-English words, 7.12, 11.3
- noun coinages, 7.14
- numbers, 7.15, 9.53
- and phrasal adjectives, 5.92
- place-names, 7.9, 8.53, 8.56, 8.57
- political divisions, 8.52
- possessive form of, generally, 7.16 (see also possessives)
- pronouns, 5.52, 5.67
- proper names, 5.15, 7.9
- singular form for, 7.11
- singular sense with, 5.14, 7.20
- standard forms, 7.5
- titles of works, 7.12
- units of measurement, 9.19, 10.65, 10.67, 10.68
- used as words, 5.14
- words in quotation marks, 7.13
- words or phrases in italics, 7.12
- See also number, of nouns and pronouns
- plus sign, 7.72, 7.78, 9.57, 11.130, 12.15, 12.60
- p.m., a.m., 9.37, 9.38, 10.41
- PNG, p. 985
- POD (print-on-demand) titles, 1.28, p. 985
- podcasts, 8.189
- poetry
- abbreviations in (e.g., v. for verse), 10.42
- book divisions for, 1.51
- fair use of, 4.86, 4.87
- first lines: indexes of, 16.6, 16.144, 16.145; references to, 8.182
- interjections in, 5.207
- proofreading of, 2.113
- quotations from, 13.25–29; centered, 2.20, 13.25; and ellipses, 13.57; format, 13.25; generic markup of, 2.81; indentation, 2.11, 2.20, 13.25–27; manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.20; multiple stanzas in, 13.34; in notes, 14.38; and paragraph format, 2.12; permissions for, 4.95, 13.3; quotation marks within poems, 13.28; run in to text, 6.111, 6.113, 13.29, 13.34; runover lines, 2.20, 13.25, 13.27; text citations for, 2.20, 13.71–72
- rhyme schemes, 7.69
- source citations: classical Greek and Latin works, 14.243; classic English works, 14.253–54; footnotes keyed to line numbers, 14.53, fig. 14.5; short forms, 14.254; sound recordings of, 14.264; text citations for, 2.20, 13.71–72
- terms (e.g., canto, stanza), 8.184
- titles of poems, 8.181, 14.86
- See also classical Greek and Latin works
- points, p. 985. See also ellipses; periods (punctuation)
- Polish language, 11.70
- political terminology
- geographical entities in, 8.48
- political and economic organizations and movements, 8.66, 8.70
- political divisions, 1.27, 8.51, 8.52
- unofficial groups and movements, 8.67
- See also governmental entities
- popes, 8.26, 9.41, 16.36. See also sovereigns and other rulers
- pop-up boxes, 15.17
- portable document format (PDF) files. See PDF files
- portrait, p. 985
- Portuguese language, 8.8, 11.70, 16.83
- position bars, in e-books, 1.123
- positive (absolute) adjectives, 5.84
- positive (absolute) adverbs, 5.162
- positive questions, 5.235
- possessives, 7.16–29
- of abbreviations, 6.43, 6.44, 7.17, 8.189
- adjectives after, 5.80
- as antecedents of pronouns, 5.29
- apostrophes for, generally, 5.50, 6.116
- with appositives, 6.28
- vs. attributive form, 7.27
- basic rule and exceptions, 7.16, 7.20–22
- of compound terms, 7.24
- vs. contractions, 5.50
- definition and uses of, 5.20
- for . . . sake expressions, 7.21
- and fused participles, 5.114
- genitive with, 5.20, 7.25
- with gerunds, 7.28
- in glossed American Sign Language, 11.134
- has, have to denote, 5.153
- independent, 5.49
- for initialisms, 7.17, 8.189
- of italicized or quoted terms, 7.29
- joint (group), 5.22
- joint vs. separate possession, 7.23
- in names of diseases, 8.144
- of nouns plural in form, singular in sense, 7.20
- of numbers, 7.17
- of with, 7.20, 7.25, 7.26, 7.29
- of plural nouns, basic rule, 7.16
- and prepositions, 5.183, 7.26
- of pronouns: adjectives after, 5.80; generally, 5.35; indefinite pronouns, 5.67; and joint (group) possessives, 5.22; personal, 5.49–50, 7.28; relative pronouns, 5.63, 5.64
- of proper names, 7.17, 7.19, 7.20, 7.27, 7.28
- text citations following, 15.25
- of words ending in unpronounced s, 7.18
- See also genitive case
- post, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- Postal Atlas system, 11.82, 11.85
- postal codes
- Canadian provinces and territories, 10.28
- in place of publication, 14.130
- punctuation with, 6.39, 10.27, 10.29
- vs. standard abbreviations, 10.33
- US states and territories, 10.4, 10.8, 10.27
- zip code with, 10.29
- See also addresses, mailing
- posters, presented at meetings, 14.217
- postpositive adjectives, 5.79
- PostScript (PS), pp. 979, 985
- pound sign (number sign), 2.98, 2.125, 3.79, 11.131
- pound sterling symbol, 9.20, 9.22
- powers of ten (scientific notation), 9.9, 9.11, 9.12
- pre, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- Preassigned Control Number (PCN), 1.34
- predicate adjectives, 5.79, 5.82
- predicates
- compound, 6.23
- defined, 5.18
- as linking verbs, 5.82, 5.101
- nominative, 5.18, 5.141
- prefaces
- acknowledgments in, 1.42
- author’s and editor’s, order for, 1.41
- defined, 1.41
- editorial method explained in, 1.45
- vs. forewords, 5.250
- format of term, 8.179, 14.110
- illustration credits in, 3.30
- indexing of, 16.109
- material appropriate for, 1.43
- and multiauthor volumes, 2.41, 2.44
- new, noted on title page, 1.26
- pagination, 1.7
- placement in book, 1.4
- quotation issues explained in, 13.7, 13.48, 13.58, 13.59, 13.61
- running heads for, 1.11
- second or subsequent editions or reprintings, 1.41
- source citations for, 14.110
- submission of, 2.3
- prefixes
- combining forms, 7.82, 7.89 (secs. 2, 4)
- defined, 7.82
- division of words with, 7.40
- Greek language, 11.121
- Hebrew language, 11.93
- hyphenation, 6.80, 7.40, 7.81, 7.87–89, 7.89 (secs. 2, 4), 8.161
- mid- as, 7.87
- negating, 5.230
- in non-English languages, 11.58, 11.93
- numerical expressions with, 9.8, 9.10, 9.11, 10.49, 10.55
- Russian language, 11.106, 11.107
- in SI units, 9.10, 9.11, 10.49, 10.55, 10.56
- standing alone, 7.89
- See also compound terms
- prehistoric cultural periods, 8.74
- preliminary pages (prelims). See front matter
- prepositional phrases, 5.176–83
- active voice to eliminate, 5.192
- as adverbs, 5.176, 5.178
- adverbs replacing, 5.190
- clashing (repeated), 5.181
- defined, 5.176
- elliptical, 5.182
- function, 5.177
- with intransitive verbs, 5.98
- limiting, 5.187–92
- objective (accusative) case in, 5.44, 5.172, 5.183
- parallel structure in, 5.243
- and personal pronouns, 5.44, 5.183
- as phrasal connectives, 5.142
- placement, 5.178, 5.179
- pronoun affected by, 5.183
- prepositions, 5.172–95
- vs. adverbs, 5.184
- adverbs modifying, 5.156
- appropriate use of, 5.195
- avoiding overuse of, 5.187–92
- complex (phrasal), 5.174
- vs. conjunctions, 5.184
- with dates in titles of works, 14.93
- defined, 5.172
- ending sentences with, 5.180
- functional variation, 5.184
- in headline-style capitalization, 8.159, 14.284, 14.290
- idiomatic uses, 5.193–95
- in indexing, 16.53, 16.68
- in Latin expressions, 8.159
- like, 5.185, 5.250
- and nominalizations, 5.189
- in non-English languages, 11.58, 11.121
- with nouns used as adjectives, 5.24
- of-genitive, 5.21, 5.191
- only, 5.186
- participial, 5.175
- in phrasal verbs, 5.102
- and possessives, 5.183, 7.26
- simple and compound, examples, 5.173
- See also prepositional phrases
- prepress (preliminary presswork), 2.2, 2.107, p. 985
- prepress services, 3.15
- preprints, 1.113, 14.173, p. 985. See also electronic publications: published before print version
- present perfect tense, 5.132
- present tense, 5.125, 5.129
- President, president, 8.19, 8.21, 8.22, 8.28
- presidential documents
- orders and proclamations, 14.289
- programs, 8.75
- speeches, 8.76, 14.289
- treaties, 8.66, 8.80, 8.81, 14.275, 14.290
- Press, in publishers’ names, 14.134
- press releases (news releases), 14.200
- press sheets (F&Gs), 2.107, pp. 980, 985
- presswork, p. 985
- preventive grammar, 5.57
- previously published materials
- of authors, on copyright page, 1.18, figs. 1.3–4
- compilations of: and copyright, 2.46, 4.5; illustrations in, 2.47; manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.43–47; notes in, 2.44, 2.45; permissible changes to, 2.44, 2.61; permissions for, 4.105; source notes for, 1.50, 2.46, 14.54; as work made for hire, 4.10
- copyright of, 2.46, 4.5
- editing of, 2.61, 2.91
- permissions for, 2.2, 2.3, 4.66, 4.78, 4.105, fig. 1.4
- source citations for, 14.54, 14.181
- See also derivative works; quotations
- price, 1.75, 1.98, 2.108, 2.109, 2.134, 4.63. See also bar codes; currency
- prime and double prime symbols, 9.16, 9.17, 10.36, 10.61, 10.66, 11.92
- printed sheets. See press sheets
- printer’s errors (PEs), 2.135, pp. 984, 986
- print-on-demand (POD) titles, 1.28, p. 986
- print technologies
- digital printing, p. 978
- folded-and-gathered sheets (F&Gs), 2.107, pp. 980, 985
- prepress (preliminary presswork), 2.2, 2.107, p. 985
- sheet-fed press, p. 987
- web-fed press, p. 990
- See also binding
- privacy, right of, 4.73
- prizes and awards, 1.99, 8.31, 8.83, 8.115, 8.172
- pro, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- probability
- mathematical copy and expressions, 9.19, 10.50, 12.57, 12.58
- in tables, 3.80, fig. 3.22
- proceedings of conferences and symposia, 1.18, 1.39, 4.8, 4.59, 14.217. See also conferences; multiauthor volumes; special issues, journal
- process color printing, p. 986
- product codes (bar codes), 1.69, 1.74, 1.75, 1.84
- product sign, 12.40
- professional titles. See titles and offices of people
- programs, names of, 8.66, 8.75. See also conferences; governmental entities; pamphlets, brochures, and reports
- programs, software. See software
- progressive (imperfect, continuous) tenses, 5.119, 5.128, 5.135
- prologues. See introductions
- promotion
- and abstracts, 1.76, 2.25
- artwork for, 4.77, 4.100, 4.101
- and covers and jackets, 1.70
- in journals, 1.77, 1.84, 1.86, 2.109
- pronouns, 5.27–67
- and adjectives, 5.29, 5.49, 5.78, 5.80, 5.81
- antecedents: absent, 5.30, 5.61; defined, 5.28; demonstrative pronoun, 5.52; different genders, 5.57; errors, 5.28; for gender neutrality, 5.255; multiple, 5.34; possessives as, 5.29; and pronoun number, 5.32–33, 5.42, 5.57, 5.62, 5.255; relative pronouns, 5.57, 5.59–62
- and appositives, 5.12, 5.36, 5.51
- article as substitute for, 5.78
- and assimilation of quoted material into text, 13.12
- attribute, 5.45
- and bias-free language issues, 5.47–48, 5.252, 5.255–56
- classes: adjective, 5.49; demonstrative (deictic), 5.52; indefinite, 5.47, 5.67, 5.139, 5.256; interrogative, 5.54–55, 5.58; list of, 5.38; reciprocal (each other, one another), 5.53; reflexive and intensive, 5.41, 5.51, 5.53; relative (see relative pronouns)
- in contractions, 5.104, 5.105
- definition and uses of, 5.27–30
- distributive, 5.67
- em dash between introductory noun and, 6.86
- as interjections, 5.208
- it, 5.47, 5.115, 5.239, 5.240, 5.246, 8.77, 8.118
- for named natural events, 8.77
- negating, 5.230, 5.233
- personal, 5.39–48; after linking verb, 5.45; after than or as . . . as, 5.46; agreement of noun with, 5.42; case of, 5.44–46; changes in form (nominative, objective, genitive), 5.9, 5.35, 5.41 (see also case of nouns and pronouns); compound (-self forms), 5.51, 5.250; form of, 5.39, 5.41; and gender, 5.43, 5.47, 5.48; identification of, 5.40; misuse of, 5.37; possessive, 5.49–50, 7.28; and prepositional phrases, 5.44, 5.183; singular they, 5.48, 5.48n5, 5.252, 5.256; special uses of, 5.47 (see also he, him, his; she, her, hers)
- personal, in non-English languages: Danish, 11.70; German, 11.39; glossed American Sign Language, 11.134; Italian, 11.46; Norwegian, 11.70; Polish, 11.70; Swedish, 11.70
- person of, 5.30, 5.39, 5.40
- phrasal, 5.27
- possessive: adjectives after, 5.80; generally, 5.35; indefinite, 5.67; and joint (group) possessives, 5.22; personal, 5.49–50, 7.28; relative pronouns, 5.63, 5.64
- prepositions with, 5.172
- properties, 5.31–37; case (see case of nouns and pronouns); gender, 5.43, 5.47, 5.57; number (see number, of nouns and pronouns); overview, 5.31
- for religious figures, 8.95
- -self forms of, 5.48, 5.51, 5.250
- singular they, 5.48, 5.48n5, 5.252, 5.256
- for vehicles and vessels, 8.118
- proofreader’s marks, 2.119–33
- capitalization changes, 2.131
- circling comments and instructions, 2.121, 2.124, 2.127, 2.128, 2.129, 2.131
- conventions in, 2.119
- deletions, 2.124, 2.130
- em spaces, 2.126
- examples of, fig. 2.5, fig. 2.7
- for extensive changes, 2.122
- font changes, 2.131
- items to be spelled out, 2.129
- legibility, 2.123
- list of, fig. 2.6
- paragraph and indentation changes, 2.126
- placement of, 2.120
- position or alignment (justification) changes, 2.98, 2.127
- punctuation changes, 2.124, 2.132
- spacing between letters or words, 2.125
- stet, 2.130
- transposition of items, 2.128
- See also manuscript editing: paper-only
- proofreading, 2.100–140
- assigning responsibility for errors, 2.135–36
- defined, 2.100
- double-checking in, 2.134
- editor’s style sheet for, 2.111, 2.112
- example, fig. 2.7
- extensive changes after, 2.122
- global changes, 2.111, 2.113, 2.122
- independent professionals for, 2.101
- indexer’s assistance in, 16.125, 16.131
- of indexes, 2.2, 2.105
- and metadata, 1.92
- of multiauthor volumes, 2.42
- in PDF files, 1.118, 2.2, 2.100, 2.103, 2.119, 2.133
- process and checks: comparing copy with proofs, 2.110; fonts and typefaces, 2.113, 2.131, 10.8; illustrations and tables, 2.107, 2.115, 2.127, 2.137; master set and routing of corrected version, 2.103; overall appearance, 2.116; page numbers, 2.114, 2.134; queries and instructions in, 2.116, 2.118, 2.121; quotations, 2.113; running heads, 2.76, 2.114; for sense, 2.118; spelling, 2.111; stages of proof, 2.103–9; word division, 2.112
- responsibility for, 2.42, 2.101
- revised proofs, 2.103, 2.105
- schedule for, 2.2, 2.102, 16.4
- specific types of material: compilations, 2.43; copy in non-Latin alphabets, 11.73; electronic publications, 2.100, 2.103, 2.137–40
- standard for, 2.119
- See also proofreader’s marks; proofs
- proofs
- defined, pp. 984, 986
- digital, p. 978
- indexing from, 16.4, 16.102, 16.105, 16.108, 16.117, 16.133
- marking, for indexing, 16.117–21, fig. 16.1
- in production checklist, 2.77
- stages, 2.103–9; book cover and jacket, 2.108; F&Gs, 2.107, pp. 980, 985; first pages and galley proofs, 2.104, p. 981; index proofs, 2.105; journal cover, 2.109; master set maintained, 2.103; prepress and press, 2.2, 2.107, p. 977; revised, 2.103, 2.105, p. 984
- See also alterations; proofreader’s marks; proofreading
- proof symbol, 12.56
- proper adjectives
- defined, 5.69
- in non-English languages, 11.26, 11.39, 11.70
- from place-names, 5.69, 8.45
- religious terms, 8.96, 8.97
- See also words derived from proper names
- proper names. See names, proper
- proper nouns, 5.6. See also names, personal; names, proper; place-names
- prophets, 8.93
- prose extracts. See block quotations
- protases (conditional clauses), 5.228
- proto, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- protocols (network), 14.17, p. 986. See also FTP; HTTP
- proverbs (maxims), 7.60, 7.62, 13.5, 13.38. See also figures of speech
- provinces, Canadian, 10.28, 14.130, 14.193
- pseudo, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- pseudonyms and pseudonymous works
- blog comments, 14.208
- copyright, 4.25
- of human research subjects, 13.49
- indexing of, 16.34
- source citations for, 14.80–81, 15.35
- public-access policies, 4.68
- publication date
- in book review and book notes sections, 1.98
- journal articles, 1.92, 1.95, 1.104, 14.171
- journals: in copyright line, 1.103; current, on home page, 1.86; identified by, 1.79; location in, 1.84, 1.87; proofreading of, 2.109, 2.134; and volume number, 1.80
- location in works: copyright notice, 1.22, 4.41; copyright page or title page, 1.19, 1.20, 1.22, 1.25, 14.142; journals, 1.84, 1.87
- as metadata, 1.75, 1.92
- “no date” (n.d.), 10.42, 14.145, 14.263, 15.18, 15.44, 15.50, 15.54
- source citations, author-date reference system: basic structure and punctuation, 15.5, 15.6, 15.9, 15.25; blog posts, 15.51; editions with more than one date, 15.40; letters in published collections, 15.43; manuscript collections, 15.54; multimedia content, 15.57; multivolume works published over several years, 15.41; newspapers and magazines, 15.49; “no date,” 15.44, 15.50; vs. notes and bibliography system, 15.2, 15.3; placement of, 15.14; references arranged by, 15.17–20; social media content, 15.52
- source citations, notes and bibliography system, 14.142–46; artworks, 14.235; basic format, 14.127, 14.142; blog posts, 14.208; books published before 1900, 14.128; copublications, 14.140; journal articles, 14.171; magazines, 14.165, 14.188; multimedia content, 14.261, 14.263; multivolume works, 14.117–19, 14.144; new impressions and renewal of copyright, 14.143; newspapers, 14.165, 14.191, 14.197; “no date,” 14.145; periodicals, generally, 14.165; reference works, 14.232; social media content, 14.209; specific volume of multivolume work, 14.118; websites and web pages, 14.207
- when available in previous year, 1.22
- See also forthcoming
- publication details
- abbreviations in, 1.21
- absence of, 10.42, 14.132, 14.145
- basic formats, 14.127, 15.6, 15.9, 15.14, 15.25
- in book review and book notes sections, 1.98
- for classical Greek and Latin works, 14.246, 14.248
- for dissertations and theses, 14.215
- form of work (e.g., microfilm), 14.115
- in journals, 1.84, 1.87
- See also authors’ names; copyright; editions; place of publication; publication date; publishers’ names; source citations
- public display, and copyright, 4.13, 4.14, 4.34
- public-domain works
- and copyright, 1.103
- derivative works based on, 4.22
- government-produced, 4.21, 4.44, 4.68, 4.75
- illustrations, 3.35
- non-US publications as, 4.29
- quotations from, 4.75
- source citations for, 14.54
- when works become, 4.19, 4.20, 4.27
- See also copyright: duration
- public laws. See legislation
- public places and structures
- buildings and monuments, 8.57, 8.68, 8.101, 8.172, 9.48, 9.52, 11.26, 11.61
- non-English names for, 8.59
- roads and thoroughfares, 8.56, 9.50, 9.51, 10.33, 11.26
- rooms, offices, and such, 8.58
- publishers
- addresses, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.84, 1.95
- agreements with (see publishing agreements)
- archival practices of, 1.114
- as authors, 14.84
- copublications, 14.140
- distribution arrangements, 14.141
- and fair-use “rules of thumb,” 4.85
- generic markup style, 2.81
- grants for, 1.31
- house style: author communications, 2.68, 2.70; editing for, 2.49; generally, 1.116; for indexes, 16.103, 16.106, 16.118, 16.123, 16.129; proofreading for, 2.113; for source citations, 1.108–9, 2.64, 14.2–4; for tables, 3.86
- logos, 1.19, 1.69, 1.70
- main editorial offices, 14.129
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.7
- notes on text, 1.45
- parent companies, imprints, and such, 14.138–41
- permissions from out-of-business, 4.82
- websites of, 1.21, 1.59, 1.68, 1.118, 4.94, 4.97
- See also copyright; publication details; publishers’ names; publishing agreements
- publishers’ names
- Books and Press in, 14.134
- location in works: book review and book notes sections, 1.98; copyright notice, 4.42; covers and jackets, 1.69, 1.70; edition details, 1.25; journals, 1.84; title page, 1.19, 14.129, 14.133
- as metadata, 1.75
- omissible parts of, 14.134
- resources on, 14.133, 14.138
- self-published or privately published works, 14.137
- in source citations, 14.133–41; abbreviations in, 14.133–34, 14.136; and or ampersand in, 14.135; basic format, 14.127; copublications, 14.140; distributed books, 14.141; imprints, parent companies, and such, 1.19, 14.138–41; non-English names, 14.135, 14.136; preferred form, 14.133; when to omit, 14.128
- See also publishers
- publishing agreements, 4.51–63
- author’s alterations limited by, 2.136
- author’s warranties, 4.52, 4.70, 4.72, 4.73
- basic provisions, 4.52
- and copyright owner’s rights, 4.13
- examples of, figs. 4.1–2
- illustrations noted in, 3.15
- journal articles, 4.55–57, fig. 4.1
- multiauthor volumes, 2.42, 4.58, 4.59, fig. 4.2
- new books, 4.52–54
- “no derivatives” clause, 4.62
- and non-English rights, 4.64
- open-access publishing models in, 4.52, 4.66
- publisher’s responsibilities: copyright tasks, 4.32; rights and permissions requests, 4.70, 4.71, 4.76n1; subsidiary rights, 4.17–18
- rights to reproduction and distribution, 4.51
- for self-published materials, 4.63
- subsidiary rights (see subsidiary rights)
- symposia proceedings, 4.59
- See also copyright; intellectual property rights; licenses for copyrighted works; permissions
- publishing history, 1.25, 2.46. See also editions
- publishing schedule
- basic schedule, 2.2, fig. 2.1, fig. 2.2
- indexing, 2.2, 2.67, 2.70, 16.4, 16.101
- journals, 2.102, fig. 2.2
- manuscript editing, 2.2, 2.52
- proofreading, 2.2, 2.102, 16.4
- volume editor’s responsibility for, 2.41
- PubMed, 1.111, 4.68
- punctuation
- and alphabetizing, 16.59, 16.60, 16.61
- author queries about, 2.69
- basic function of, 6.1
- in captions, 3.21, 3.23, 3.24, 6.14
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- in electronic publications, 6.2, 6.4, 6.8, 6.84
- errors in (see errors in grammar and punctuation)
- with interjections, 5.206, 6.35
- and italics, 6.2, 14.89
- marking manuscript for, 2.93, 2.95, 2.96
- marking proofs for, 2.124, 2.132
- in mathematical copy, 12.7, 12.18, 12.38, 12.54
- with mathematical expressions, 12.15, 12.18–20, 12.28, 12.35, 12.42
- multiple marks at same place, 6.122–26, table 6.1
- non-English materials (see under non-English materials)
- permissible changes to, 8.165, 8.167, 11.7, 11.11, 11.19, 13.7, 13.30–31, 14.88
- spaces following, 2.9, 6.7, 6.12, 6.62, 14.116
- tables (see under tables)
- with trademark symbols, 8.153
- typographic considerations, 6.2–6, 6.14
- of URLs, DOIs, and such in text, 2.13, 6.8, 6.104, 6.112, 7.46, 14.17–18
- for yes and no, 5.250
- See also abbreviations, general; abbreviations, specific; braces in mathematical expressions; brackets; colons; commas; dashes; ellipses; exclamation points; guillemets; hyphens and hyphenation; parentheses; periods (punctuation); question marks; quotation marks; quotations; semicolons; slashes; suspension points; typographic considerations