References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- da (Portuguese particle), 8.8
- daggers and double daggers (symbols), 3.79, 14.25, 14.49
- dangling terms
- gerunds, 5.116
- infinitives, 5.109
- participles, 5.115
- Danish language, 11.70
- DAs (designer’s alterations), 2.135, p. 978
- dashes
- length of, compared, 6.75
- marking manuscript for, 2.96
- vs. parentheses, 6.95
- preceding epigraph source, 1.37
- 2-em dashes, 2.96, 6.75, 6.93, 7.66, 13.59
- typing, in manuscript preparation, 2.14
- See also em dashes; en dashes; hyphens and hyphenation; punctuation; 3-em dashes
- data, as singular or plural, 5.14, 5.250
- databases
- accession numbers for, 2.34, 14.215, 14.257, 14.270
- bibliographic, 14.67
- and copyright issues, 4.55, 4.56
- dissertations and theses in, 4.60
- and electronic rights, 4.65
- hyperlinks to, 1.86, 1.96, 1.109
- institutional repositories, 4.60, 4.66, 4.67, 14.215
- legal, 14.270, 14.276, 14.300
- metadata in, 1.75, 1.92, 1.121
- in place of index, 1.110, 1.111
- for proofreading, 2.140
- publisher’s rights database, 4.71
- search for copyright owner via, 4.82
- in source citations: dissertations and theses, 14.215; formatting hiding publications from, 15.17; legal-style citations, 14.270, 14.276; magazine articles, 14.189; names vs. URLs or DOIs for, 14.9, 14.11, 14.161, 14.164, 14.175; newspaper articles, 14.191; permalinks for, 14.9; scientific, 14.257; shortened citations, 14.276
- data cells. See tables
- data falsification, 1.91
- data sets, as electronic supplementary data, 1.78
- date of download. See access dates
- date of publication. See publication date
- dates
- abbreviations: months, 10.39, 14.171, 14.224, 15.15; years, 9.30, 9.64
- adjectival use of, 5.83
- alphabetizing of, 16.65
- avoiding ambiguity in, 6.108, 9.35
- avoiding of in, 5.250
- centuries (see centuries)
- of copyright, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 14.142
- currency with, 9.25
- decades, 9.33
- in diaries, 1.52
- editorial doubt, 6.68
- fiscal year (FY), 9.64
- in foreword, 1.40
- formats for: all-numeral styles, 6.108, 9.35, 9.36; day-month-year, 6.38, 6.108, 9.35, 14.224, fig. 1.9; month-day-year, 6.38, 6.108, 9.35, 14.224; year-month-day (ISO), 6.108, 9.36, 9.40
- holidays, 8.89
- inclusive, 6.78–79, 9.34, 9.60, 9.64, 14.117, 14.144, 14.171
- incomplete, 6.79
- in legal-style citations: acts and treaties, 14.290; bills and resolutions, 14.283; cases and court decisions, 14.276, 14.279, 14.294, 14.298; hearings, 14.284; international entities, 14.305; legislation, 14.288, 14.295, 14.300; legislative debates and hearings, 14.285–87, 14.301
- months (see months)
- numbers for (see under numbers)
- in prefaces, 1.41
- punctuation: commas, 5.83, 6.17, 6.38, 9.54; en dashes, 6.78–79, 14.117, 14.144, 14.171, 15.41; hyphens, 6.108, 9.36; slashes, 6.107, 6.108, 6.113
- in source citations: access dates, 14.12, 14.176, 14.207, 14.233, 14.237, 14.257, 15.50; interviews, 14.211, 15.53; manuscript collections, 14.224; multimedia content (recording or performance date), 14.261, 14.263; patents, 14.258; unpublished materials, 14.215–17, 15.53 (see also in legal-style citations above)
- in titles of works, 14.93
- unspecified date of death, 6.79
- work period known (fl.), 10.42
- years (see years)
- See also periods of time; publication date; time designations
- day-month-year date format, 6.38, 6.108, 9.35, 14.224, fig. 1.9
- days of the week, 8.88, 10.40. See also dates; time designations
- de, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- de, d’, de la, du, 8.7, 8.9, 16.84
- dead (foul) copy or proofs, 2.105, 2.110
- deadlines
- indexing, 2.2, 16.4, 16.101
- proofreading, 2.102
- publication schedule, 2.2, figs. 2.1–2
- Deaf, deaf, 8.43
- debates, source citations for, 14.286–87, 14.301
- decades, 9.33
- decimal points
- in celestial coordinates, 10.61
- dex (decimal exponent), 9.12
- vs. double and multiple numeration, 1.57n1
- in global positioning coordinates, 10.36
- with millions, billions, and such, 9.8, 9.24
- in monetary amounts, 9.20, 9.23
- in non-US style, 9.55
- in SI style, 9.55, 9.56
- in tables, alignment of, 3.72, 3.86, figs. 3.14–15, fig. 3.20
- and use of zero, 9.19
- See also fractions; periods (punctuation)
- decked heads (spanner heads), 3.53, 3.57, fig. 3.13, fig. 3.16
- declarative sentences (statements), 5.211, 5.246, 6.12, 6.68
- dedications
- format and placement of, 1.4, 1.7, 1.36
- omitted in indexing, 16.109
- running heads omitted from page, 1.11
- submission of, 2.3
- defamation, 4.70
- defective words, 5.146
- definite articles. See articles (definite and indefinite)
- definitions, in text
- highlighted in index, 16.143
- mathematical, 12.25, 12.56
- numbering of, 12.25, 12.56
- punctuation of, 7.58
- See also glossaries
- degrees (academic). See academic concerns: degrees and affiliations
- degrees (measurement), abbreviations for, 10.49, 10.52, 10.58. See also International System of Units; metric system; units of measurement
- degrees (positive, comparative, superlative). See under adjectives and adverbs
- degree symbol, 9.16, 10.36, 10.49, 10.58, 10.61
- deictic (demonstrative) pronouns, 5.52
- deities, 8.91, 8.92. See also religions and religious concerns; religious works
- deletions
- marking manuscript for, 2.94, 2.95, 2.124, fig. 2.6
- marking proofs for, 2.124
- stetting or reversal of, 2.130
- whiz-deletions, 5.226, 5.247
- delimiters, 12.26–35
- alternative cases, 12.35
- binomial coefficients, 12.32
- common, 12.26
- functional notation, 12.27
- functions enclosed by, 12.17
- inner product denoted by, 12.31
- intervals, 12.30
- for radicals in text, 12.44
- rewriting fractions using exponents, 12.49
- set notation, 12.28–29
- vertical bars, 12.26, 12.28, 12.33–34
- demonstrative (deictic) pronouns, 5.52
- denominal verbs, 5.25
- departments
- administrative type, 8.63
- capitalization, 14.190
- in magazines, 8.177, 14.190
- See also academic concerns: institutions and departments
- departures from earlier practice
- biographical notes placement, 1.66
- commas with etc. and et al., 6.20
- commas with questions in sentences, 6.42
- double titles connected by or, 8.167, 14.91
- email not hyphenated, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- short form vs. ibid., 13.66, 14.34
- titles of websites, 8.191, 14.206
- US as noun, 10.32
- dependent (subordinate) clauses
- commas with, 6.24–27
- in complex sentences, 5.219
- in compound-complex sentences, 5.220
- conditional (protases), 5.228
- defined, 5.225
- with different, 5.195
- em dashes with, 6.89
- parallel structure in, 5.242
- quotations as, 13.14
- relative, 3.54, 5.56, 5.60, 5.225, 5.226, 5.227, 6.27
- remote, 5.60
- subordinating conjunctions with, 5.200–201, 5.225, 6.24, 6.26
- See also relative pronouns
- derivative works
- and copyright issues, 4.14, 4.31, 4.45
- and Creative Commons licenses, 4.62
- and enhanced electronic rights, 4.64
- license to make, 4.34
- public-domain work in, 4.22
- See also compilations of previously published material; previously published materials
- descenders, p. 978
- describing words. See adjectives
- design
- book, 1.30, 2.73
- and footnotes vs. endnotes, 14.44
- of journals, 1.84, 1.115
- of tables, 3.86
- templates for, 2.2
- testing, 2.139
- designer’s alterations (DAs), 2.135, p. 978
- design mockups (wire frames), 2.139
- determinants, 12.51
- determiners, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7. See also articles (definite and indefinite)
- developmental editing, 2.48, 2.50
- devices. See file formats and devices
- dex (decimal exponent), 9.12
- diacritical marks. See special characters
- diaeresis (Greek), 11.110, 11.113
- diagrams
- genealogical, 3.46, fig. 3.10
- text references and callouts for, 2.30
- wording of, 2.65
- See also charts and graphs; illustrations
- dialect, 5.25, 5.185, 5.236, 10.42. See also colloquial speech
- dialogue
- capitalization in, 7.52, 13.43
- direct discourse, 13.39, 13.44
- in drama, 13.8, 13.46–47
- and fair-use doctrine, 4.87
- faltering or interrupted, 6.87, 6.89, 13.41, 13.50, 13.58
- in field notes, 13.49
- hanging (flush-and-hang) indentation in, 13.46
- indirect discourse, 13.45
- interjections in, 5.207
- in interviews and discussions, 13.48
- multiple paragraphs in, 13.32, 13.39
- in non-English materials: French, 11.31; Italian, 11.47; Russian, 11.101; Spanish, 11.64
- numerals in, 13.44
- permissible changes to, 13.8
- punctuation: colon preceding, 6.63, 6.65; ellipses, 13.41; em dashes, 6.91, 11.11, 11.19, 13.41–42; quotation marks, 13.32, 13.39–45
- single-word speech, 13.40
- titles and offices of people in, 8.20
- unspoken discourse, 13.43
- See also direct address; quotations; speech
- diaries, 1.52. See also letters (correspondence); manuscript collections
- dictionaries
- for abbreviations, 10.1, 10.3, 10.6, 10.23, 10.31, 14.244
- alphabetizing in, 16.58
- alphabet tables in, 11.76, 11.91
- biographical, 8.5, 16.32, 16.71, 16.84
- contractions in, 7.30
- electronic versions, 1.118, 1.120, 1.121, 14.233
- for forms of address, 8.33
- for generation terms, 8.42
- for geographical terminology, 8.47, 16.32
- HTML format for, 1.118
- for hyphenation of compound terms, 7.81, 7.82, 7.89
- for indexing of proper names, 16.32
- interjections in, 7.31
- for irregular adjectives, 5.87
- and language settings, 2.80
- legal, 8.82
- matter not found in, 7.4
- music, 7.70, 8.193
- for named natural phenomena, 8.77
- for names of letters, 7.68
- for non-English words and phrases, 7.53, 7.54, 11.3, 11.75
- organizing principle of, 1.123
- for personal names, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 16.71, 16.84
- for place-names, 8.44
- for plant and animal names, 8.119, 8.128, 8.129
- for plural forms, 5.13, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.9, 7.10, 7.14
- for problematic words, 5.250
- for pronounced h, 7.32
- recommended, 2.54, 2.112, 5.250, 7.1, 7.2
- running heads in, 1.13
- source citations for, 14.232–33
- for special characters, 11.76
- for spelling, generally, 7.1
- for technical abbreviations, 10.49
- for trademarks, 8.153
- for transliteration, 11.74, 11.83, 11.86, 11.91, 11.98
- for word division, 7.36, 7.37, 7.38, 7.41, 7.42
- for words derived from proper names, 8.60, 8.61
- See also reference works
- die copy, 1.69, 2.108
- Digital Library Federation, 1.114
- Digital Object Identifiers. See DOIs
- digital printing, 1.28, p. 978
- digital proofs, p. 978
- digital rights, 4.63, 4.64, 4.65
- digital rights management (DRM), 4.65, pp. 978–79
- dimensions, 3.27
- diphthongs
- capitalization, 11.70
- never divided, 7.39, 11.33, 11.42, 11.50, 11.66, 11.118
- non-English languages: Dutch, 11.70; French, 11.33; German, 11.42; Greek, 11.118; Italian, 11.50; Latin, 11.55; Old and Middle English, 11.124; Russian, 11.108; Spanish, 11.66
- Dirac bracket notation, 12.55
- direct address
- in imperative mood, 5.122
- punctuation, 6.53, 6.66
- titles and offices of people in, 8.20, 8.32, 10.16, 10.17
- See also dialogue; quotations; speech
- directional (“smart”) quotation marks and apostrophes, 2.85, 6.115, 13.7
- directions. See compass points and directions
- directives. See imperative sentences
- directors’ names, 14.203
- direct quotations. See block quotations; quotations; run-in quotations
- disabilities, people with. See accessibility
- disciplines and subjects, academic, 7.2, 8.30, 8.85, 8.86. See also academic concerns; scholarly works, generally
- discographies, 1.63, 14.262, 14.263, 15.57, fig. 14.12
- discussions. See dialogue; direct address; interviews and discussions; personal communications; speech; transcriptions
- diseases, infections, procedures, and such, 8.144, 8.145
- display (mathematical expressions). See under mathematical expressions
- display pages, 1.7, 1.11, 1.12, 1.16
- display type, p. 978
- dissertations and theses
- copyright for, 4.60
- institutional repositories, 4.60, 4.66, 4.67, 14.215
- microform editions, 14.115
- source citations for, 14.215
- titles of, in text, 8.188
- distance, 7.89 (sec. 1), 10.49. See also metric system; physical quantities; units of measurement
- distribution
- copyright owner’s right of, 4.13
- license for, 4.34
- publishing agreements on, 4.51
- source citations for, 14.141
- subsidiary rights to, 4.34, 4.64, 4.76
- distributive pronouns, 5.67
- ditto marks, 3.62, 10.42
- division of words. See word division
- division sign, 12.15
- divisions of books. See books: divisions of
- do, 5.152, 5.215, 5.231
- docket numbers, 14.276
- Doctor, Dr., 10.16
- documentation. See source citations
- document comparison software, 2.86
- document-delivery companies, 4.64
- document type definitions (DTDs), p. 979
- DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers)
- and continuous publishing model, 1.82
- on copyright page, 1.20, 1.28, 1.33, fig. 1.1, figs. 1.3–4
- defined, 1.33, 1.79, 14.8, p. 978
- for journal articles, 1.79, 1.82, 1.92, 1.103
- in metadata, 1.33, 1.79, 1.92
- resolvers for, 14.8
- resources on, 14.8n2
- in source citations: book reviews, 14.202, books, 14.100, 14.161; vs. database names, 14.11, 14.161, 14.175; electronic supplementary data, 14.187; journal articles, 14.23, 14.175, 14.178–79, 14.186, 15.9; periodicals, generally, 14.164; vs. permalinks, 14.9; publications in multiple formats, 14.16; reference entries, 14.234; short forms for, 14.10
- treatment in text, 14.17–18
- in version tracking, 1.28
- See also URLs
- dollars. See currency
- dots. See periods (punctuation)
- double comparative or superlative error, 5.87
- double genitives (double possessives), 5.21, 5.49, 7.26
- double negatives, 5.236
- double or multiple numbering, 1.57, 1.57n1, 2.28, 2.29, 3.11, 3.50, 12.25
- double possessives (double genitives), 5.21, 5.49, 7.26
- double posting, in indexes, 16.16, 16.30
- double-struck (blackboard) symbols, 12.14, 12.66
- “down style” (capitalization), 8.1. See also sentence-style capitalization
- drama
- divisions of, 8.184
- format of, 3.8, 13.46
- quotation of, 13.47, 13.57
- source citations for: classic English works, 14.253–54; frequently cited works, 13.67; reviews, 14.201, 14.203; short forms for, 14.254
- titles of, 8.183
- See also classical Greek and Latin works; dialogue; speech
- dramatic rights, 4.64
- drawings. See artwork; charts and graphs; illustrations; line art
- DRM (digital rights management), 4.65, pp. 978–79
- drop caps, 13.37, p. 979
- drop folios, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.49, p. 980
- drug names, 8.146
- DTDs (document type definitions), p. 979
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, 1.92
- dummy auxiliaries, 5.152. See also do
- “dummy” folios, 1.81
- dust jackets, 1.71, p. 979. See also covers of journals and paperback books; hardcover books: jackets
- Dutch language, 8.10, 8.45, 11.70
- DVDs. See multimedia content
- dynasties, 9.45, 11.85