References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- e, compound terms with (e.g., email), 7.89 (sec. 3)
- each, 5.33, 5.67, 5.250
- each other, one another, 5.53
- earth, 8.140
- EAs (editor’s alterations), 2.135, 2.136, 14.47, p. 979
- East, eastern, 8.46, 8.47
- e-books
- biographical notes in, 1.50
- CIP (Cataloging-in-Publication) data, 1.34
- as common publishing format, 1.2
- cross-references in, 2.35
- defined, p. 979
- front matter in, 1.122
- functional features in, 1.119
- hyperlinks in, 1.118, 1.120, 1.121
- impression numbering, 1.28
- indexes in, 1.125, 16.7, 16.13
- ISBNs for, 1.28, 1.32, fig. 1.1, fig. 1.4
- markup for, 2.83
- navigation in, 1.120, 1.123, 2.35
- parts of, 1.4
- PDF as basis of, 1.118
- percentage of work as orientation method, 1.123
- proofing and testing of, 2.139, fig. 2.8
- as reprints, 14.159
- source citations for, 14.100, 14.137, 14.159–60
- See also electronic publications; EPUB; multiple formats, publications in
- ECF (elemental chlorine-free), p. 979
- edited by
- on title page, 1.19
- when to abbreviate or spell out, 14.20–21, 14.103–4, 14.122, 15.6, 15.9, 15.15
- edited works. See compilations of previously published material; derivative works; editors; multiauthor volumes
- editing, types of, 1.116, 2.48–50. See also manuscript editing
- editions
- abbreviation of term, 10.42, 14.20–21, 14.113, 15.6
- capitalization of term, 8.176
- citations to forthcoming works in new, 14.146
- copyright issues, 4.28
- on copyright page, 1.20, 1.23, 1.25, 1.26, 14.113, fig. 1.2
- definition and preferences concerning, 1.26, p. 979
- facsimile, 1.47
- folio, 14.155, 14.225
- vs. impressions, 1.23, 1.26
- as metadata, 1.75
- microform, 4.64, 14.115
- number of, 1.19, 1.70
- permissions for, 4.101
- preface for new, 1.41
- publications in multiple formats as, 1.26
- publishing agreements on subsequent, 4.52
- source citations for, 14.113–15; classical Greek and Latin works, 14.246, 14.248, 14.251; classic English works, 14.253; copublications, 14.140; dictionaries and encyclopedias, 14.232, 14.233; folio, page citation for, 14.155, 14.225; microform, 14.115; multimedia content, 14.265; newspapers, 14.191; other than first, 14.113; publication date, 14.142, 15.40; reprint and modern, 14.54, 14.114, 14.159, 15.40; standards, 14.259
- titles, 8.176
- editorial board information, 1.84, 1.85, 2.109, 2.134
- editorial interpolations and clarifications, 13.59–63
- editorial doubt, 6.68, 14.132, 15.34, 15.44
- and errors, 13.7
- italics for emphasis, 13.62
- missing or illegible words, 13.59
- notes, 13.7, 13.58
- punctuation for: brackets, generally, 6.99, 6.103; commas, 6.18; exclamation points, to be avoided, 6.73; 2-em dashes, 6.93, 13.59
- quotation marks in, 13.63
- sic, 6.73, 7.55, 13.61
- in transcriptions of discussions or interviews (e.g., laughter), 13.48
- See also permissible changes to quoted and referenced materials
- editorials, 1.87, 1.102, 14.195. See also letters to the editor
- editorial style. See house style
- editorial we, 5.47
- editors
- and anthology permissions, 4.105
- biographical notes on, 1.66
- copyright ownership of, 4.8, 4.57, 4.58, 4.59
- forewords by, 1.40
- of journals, 1.84, 1.87, 1.89, 1.102, 2.134, 4.57
- manuscript preparation guidelines for, 2.41–42
- notes of, 1.45, 1.95, 14.51
- prefaces by, 1.41
- and publishing agreements, 4.57
- responsibility for bias-free language, 2.51, 5.254
- See also authors; editorial interpolations and clarifications; editors’ names; manuscript editors; multiauthor volumes
- editor’s alterations (EAs), 2.135, 2.136, 14.47, p. 979
- editors’ names
- abbreviation of term, 10.42, 14.20–21, 14.23, 14.68–69, 14.103–4, 15.6, 15.9, 15.15
- on covers or jackets, 1.69, 1.70
- form of, 1.19
- in multiauthor volumes, 1.64
- proofreading of, 2.109, 2.134
- in source citations, 14.23, 15.9; abbreviation of term, 14.20–21, 14.23, 14.68–69, 14.103–4, 15.6, 15.9, 15.15; vs. authors’ names, 14.104; of book reviews, 14.202; classical Greek and Latin works, 14.246, 14.249, 14.250; of journal articles, 14.183; of journal supplements, 14.179; legal-style citations, 14.305; of multivolume works, 14.117, 14.119, 14.122; omission of term in text citations, 15.7, 15.9, 15.22, 15.36; in place of author, 14.103, 15.9, 15.19, 15.36; repeated names, 14.68–69; series of works, 14.123; shortened citations, 14.32; of special issues of journals, 14.178
- special issues of journals, 1.87, 14.178
- See also authors’ names
- editor’s notes, 1.45, 1.95, 14.51
- educational use of materials, 4.64, 4.66
- e.g., 5.250, 6.51, 10.7, 10.42
- either, 5.67, 6.52
- either . . . or, 5.33, 5.143, 5.199, 5.205, 5.244
- elect, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- electronic enhancements. See supplementary data, electronic
- electronic files
- archival practices for, 1.114
- for author’s review, 2.71
- backups of, 2.4, 2.40, 2.78, 2.80, 14.5
- cleaning up, 2.39, 2.53, 2.59, 2.61, 2.63, 2.79–80, 2.85, 14.5
- conversion of, 2.7, 2.79, 2.80, 2.113, 2.137
- as copyrightable, 4.3
- date style for sorting in, 9.36
- document comparison software, 2.86
- formats for (see file formats and devices)
- illustrations and tables, preparation of: artwork, prints vs. scans, 2.27; charts, 3.43; digital artwork, 3.15; file formats, pp. 981, 982, 985, 989; identified for publisher, 3.16; notes, 2.31; numbering of, 2.28, 2.29; preparation of tables, 3.47; separate files for each component, 2.26, 2.36, 2.80, 3.1, 3.16; submission to publisher, 3.3, 3.4, 3.15–20; text references and callouts, 2.30
- indexer’s use of, 16.102, 16.105
- index submitted as, 16.131
- list of, in production checklist, 2.77
- for manuscript submission, 2.4, 2.7, 2.36–40
- MP3 audio files, 10.49
- naming of (see file names)
- numbering pages in, 2.38
- password protection of, 2.88
- prepress proofs generated from, 2.107
- updating, 2.72
- See also manuscript editing; PDF files; software; tracking changes; version control; word-processing software
- electronic mailing lists, 14.210. See also email; social media content
- electronic publications
- accessibility issues, 2.82n1, 3.28, 3.88, 7.49, 12.2n1
- aggregators, 1.105, 4.64, 4.65
- and alignment of quotation marks in poetry, 13.28
- authority and permanence of, 14.14
- common use of, 1.2
- components: biographical notes, 1.50, 14.55; cross-references, 1.120, 1.121, 2.35; front and back matter, 1.122, 1.125; hyperlinks, generally, 1.121; illustrations, 1.107, 3.8, 3.28, 3.38; indexes, 1.125, 16.1, 16.7, 16.13, 16.15, 16.102; running heads, 1.12; site map, 2.137; table of contents, 1.87, 1.122, 1.123, fig. 1.11; tables, 1.106, 3.48, 3.76
- copyright issues, 4.13, 4.47, 4.63–66, 14.14
- country of printing, 1.27
- devices required to read (see file formats and devices)
- educational use of, 4.64
- enhanced electronic rights, 4.64
- formats for, 1.77, 1.118, 14.175 (see also file formats and devices; multiple formats, publications in)
- functional features in, 1.119, 1.120, 1.121
- institutional repositories, 4.60, 4.66, 4.67, 14.215
- markup for, 2.83 (see also markup languages, formal)
- navigation as organizing principle for, 1.120
- page number markers in, 1.123n2, 1.125, 14.160, 16.13
- periodicals as, generally, 14.164–65
- prepress, 2.2
- print elements not always used in: fixed page numbers, 1.6, 1.81, 1.123, 2.35, 14.47, 14.49, 14.160; footnotes, 14.27, 14.49, 14.52; paper durability statement, 1.35; recto and verso, 1.5; running heads, 1.10, 1.83, 1.123, 14.47
- proofing and testing of, 1.92, 2.103, 2.137–40, fig. 2.8
- published before print version, 1.78, 1.81, 1.86, 1.104, 1.112–13, 14.172
- punctuation in, 6.2, 6.4, 6.8, 6.84
- reflowable formats: illustration placement in, 3.8; and indexes, 16.13; line breaks in, 6.82, 6.90, 6.113, 7.36, 7.47, 14.18; location information, 1.6, 1.123; navigation in, 1.123, 2.35, 14.22, 14.160, 14.174, 15.23; and text breaks, 1.58
- scanned versions, 14.162
- searchable nature of, 14.22, 16.2
- source citations for: access dates, 14.12, 14.176, 14.207, 14.233, 14.237, 14.257, 15.50; alternate versions, 14.16; books consulted online, 14.161–62; CD-ROMs and fixed media, 14.163; e-books, 14.137, 14.159–60; editions of older works, 14.162; examples of, 14.23, 15.9; and id. (idem), 14.279; identifiers for (see DOIs; URLs); and navigation, 14.22, 14.160, 14.174, 15.23; permanent records of changing sources, 14.15, 14.191; revision dates, 14.13, 14.207, 14.233, 15.50
- spaces and spacing, 6.11, 6.120, 9.55, 9.56
- unpublished manuscripts as, 14.216
- See also apps; databases; DOIs; e-books; hyperlinks; hyperlinks for source citations; online publications; simultaneous print/electronic publishing model; URLs; websites and web pages
- electronic rights, 4.63, 4.64, 4.65
- electronic workflow
- checklists for, 2.139
- and formal markup languages, 1.117, 2.83, 2.137
- metadata for, 1.92
- proofing and testing, 1.92, 2.137–40, fig. 2.8
- as standard, 1.2, 1.77
- See also electronic files; manuscript editing; markup for manuscript editing; markup languages, formal
- elided elements in mathematical expressions, 12.19, 12.20
- ellipses, 13.50–58
- danger of skewed meaning with, 13.51
- defined, 6.15, 13.50
- editing of, 2.61
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- non-English uses: French, 11.32; Italian, 11.49; Russian, 11.102; Spanish, 11.65
- other punctuation with: brackets, 11.32, 11.49, 11.65, 13.53, 13.58, 14.97; colons, 13.54; exclamation points, 11.102, 13.54; generally, 13.50, 13.54; periods, 13.53, 13.56–58, 14.97
- spacing of, 6.121, 11.49, 11.65, 13.50, 13.54, 13.55, 13.58
- uses, other: in deliberately incomplete sentences, 13.55; in drama, 13.57; in mathematical expressions, 12.19, 12.20; missing or illegible words, 13.59; for partial or whole paragraphs, 13.56; in poetry, 13.57; shortening very long titles, 13.58, 14.97; in table cells, 3.67, 3.68, fig. 3.15, fig. 3.18
- when not to use, 13.52
- See also ellipses, grammatical
- ellipses, grammatical
- clauses with, 5.226, 6.54
- colons with, in lists, 6.67
- commas with, 6.54
- and conjunctions beginning sentences, 5.203
- defined, 5.229
- exclamations, 5.216
- in one-word sentences, 5.97
- and relative pronouns, 5.226, 5.247
- else, 5.67, 5.201
- em, p. 979
- addresses: hyperlinks to, 1.121; line breaks in, 7.46; omitted in source citations, 14.214; punctuation with, 6.8, 6.104; treatment in text, 14.17
- as copyrightable, 4.3
- journal table of contents sent by, 1.86
- non-English materials in, 11.30
- source citations for, 14.210, 14.214
- term not hyphenated, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- embedded elements
- comments, 2.39
- fonts, 12.13
- indexes, 16.7
- URLs, 1.121
- em dashes, 6.85–92
- in British style, 6.83, 6.85
- defined, p. 979
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- keyboarding for manuscript, 2.14
- length of, 6.75
- and line breaks, 6.90
- marking manuscript for, 2.96
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- in non-English languages: with dialogue, 6.91; French, 11.28, 11.31; Italian, 11.47; for quotations, 11.11, 11.19, 13.42; Russian, 11.101, 11.103; Spanish, 11.63, 11.64
- other punctuation with, 6.87, 6.89, 6.90
- and permissible changes, 13.7
- uses: before that is, namely, for example, and such, 6.51, 6.88; dialogue, 6.91, 11.11, 11.19, 13.41–42; glossaries, 1.61; indexes, 6.92, 16.27, 16.99, 16.141; lists, 6.92; parenthetical elements in sentences, 6.48, 6.85; to set off not phrase, 6.46; between subject and pronoun, 6.86; sudden breaks, 6.87, 13.41; table cells with no data, 3.67, 3.68, 6.92; titles of works, 8.164, 8.165, 14.90
- See also dashes; en dashes; hyphens and hyphenation; 3-em dashes; 2-em dashes
- emojis and emoticons, 5.250
- emphasis
- added to original quotation, 13.62
- adjective position for, 6.79
- boldface or underlining for, 7.51
- capitals for, 7.52
- colons for, with quotations, 13.16
- commas for, 6.46
- exclamation points for, 6.71
- and hyphenation, 9.14
- italics for, 7.48, 7.50, 13.62, 14.37
- quotation marks (scare quotes) for, 7.57, 7.60, 11.47, 14.94
- and so-called, 7.59
- word order for, 5.224
- employment opportunities, 1.99
- em spaces, 2.126, 3.23, 3.54, 6.120
- en, p. 979
- enclitics (Greek), 11.114
- encyclopedias
- for geographical terminology, 8.47
- for named natural phenomena, 8.77
- organizing principle of, 1.123
- for personal names, 8.3, 16.71
- source citations for, 14.232–33
- See also reference works
- en dashes, 6.78–84
- in British style, 6.83, 6.85
- defined, p. 979
- length of, 6.75
- and line breaks, 6.82
- in manuscript, 2.14
- marking manuscript for, 2.96
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- permissible changes to, 13.7
- punctuation and spacing with, 6.79, 14.144
- slash instead of, 6.107
- uses: classical Greek and Latin works, 14.245; in compound terms, 6.80–81; in directions, 7.89 (sec. 1); with ex as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 3); in harmonic progressions, 7.73; in inclusive dates, 6.78–79, 14.117, 14.144, 14.171, 15.41; in inclusive numbers, 2.80, 6.78–79, 9.60, 16.100, 16.134; in indexes, 16.100, 16.111, 16.134; as minus sign, 6.84; in musical pitch series, 7.70; in source citations for journal articles, 14.171; for unfinished number ranges, 6.79, 15.41
- See also dashes; em dashes; hyphens and hyphenation; inclusive (continuing) numbers
- end matter. See back matter
- endnotes
- after each chapter, 1.62, 14.43, 14.46, fig. 14.3
- editing of, 2.62
- examples, figs. 14.6–7
- vs. footnotes, 1.124, 2.77, 2.80, 14.43–48, 14.57, 14.59
- footnotes used with, 14.49–51, fig. 14.4
- generic markup of, 2.81
- glossary terms in, 1.61
- index entries for, 16.111
- in journal articles, 1.108, 14.43, 14.46
- keyed to line or page numbers, 14.53, fig. 14.6
- length considerations, 14.56
- lists of abbreviations placed with, 14.60, fig. 14.3
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.22
- multiple paragraphs in, 14.40
- numbering of (see note numbers)
- overview, 14.43
- placement in book, 1.4, 1.61, 1.62, 14.46
- in previously published materials, 2.45
- pros and cons of, 14.45
- running heads for: checking proofs for, 2.114; description of, 1.15, 1.62, 14.47; example, fig. 14.2; importance of, 14.45; page numbers in, 1.15, 1.62, 2.76, 2.114, 2.136, 14.47, fig. 14.2; placement of, 1.10; preparation of, 2.76
- special needs of, 14.48
- subheads in, 1.62, 2.81, 14.46, fig. 14.2
- See also footnotes; notes; shortened citations
- endpapers, 1.72, p. 979
- English language
- abbreviation of English, 10.42
- Old and Middle, 7.35, 11.70, 11.122–24
- See also British style
- enhanced electronic rights, 4.64
- enhancements. See supplementary data, electronic
- en spaces, 6.120, 13.29
- Enter key (hard return), 2.12, 2.19, 2.80
- enunciations, mathematical, 12.25, 12.56
- environmental impact, paper standards for, 1.35, pp. 979, 984, 988
- enzyme names, 8.133
- epigraphs
- defined, 13.36
- and fair-use doctrine, 4.87
- format and placement of, 1.37, 13.36
- generic markup of, 2.80
- notes to, 1.49, 14.52
- omitted in indexing, 16.109
- pagination omitted, 1.7
- as part of chapter displays, 1.49
- placement in book, 1.4
- quotation marks omitted from, 13.36
- running heads omitted from page, 1.11
- submission of, 2.3
- epilogues, 1.4, 1.54
- epithets, 8.34, 8.35, 8.48. See also genus and species names
- eponyms, 5.6
- EPS (encapsulated PostScript), p. 979
- and accessibility, 7.49
- defined, pp. 979–80
- and impression numbering, 1.28
- and indexes, 16.13
- journals, 1.77
- and navigation, 1.120
- overview, 1.118
- page number markers in, 1.123n2, 1.125
- proofing and testing of, fig. 2.8
- Unicode standard required by, 11.2
- and XML, 1.117
- See also e-books
- equal-space mark, 2.125, fig. 2.6
- equals sign, 7.46, 10.43, 10.45–47, 14.250, fig. 3.10. See also mathematical expressions
- equations. See mathematical expressions
- eras, 9.34, 9.64, 10.38. See also periods of time
- ergative (ambitransitive) verbs, 5.99
- errata
- books, 1.68
- journals, 1.90, 1.94, 1.112
- errors in grammar and punctuation
- apostrophes, 5.49, 5.50, 5.250, 6.117, 7.9, 7.65
- colons, 6.67
- dangling gerunds, 5.116
- dangling infinitives, 5.109
- dangling participles, 5.115
- double comparative or superlative, 5.87
- misleading connectives, 5.142
- number of predicate nouns, 5.141
- overuse of compound adverbs, 5.161
- overuse of prepositions, 5.187–92
- possessive pronoun with apostrophe, 5.50
- in pronoun antecedents, 5.28
- pronoun case, 5.37
- remote clauses, 5.60
- See also errors in text
- errors in text
- checking for, 2.56, 2.108, 13.6
- correction of, 1.27, 1.28, 2.69, 2.70
- elimination of, 2.2
- errata pages, 1.68, 1.90, 1.94, 1.112
- and file conversion, 2.80, 2.113, 2.137
- indexer’s notation of, 16.125, 16.131
- in original quotation, 13.7, 13.61
- paraphrasing to avoid, 13.4
- in prepress proofs, 2.107
- regression testing for, 2.138
- responsibility assigned for (see alterations)
- silent correction, 13.7
- spelling, 2.111
- See also errata; errors in grammar and punctuation; permissible changes to quoted and referenced materials; proofreading
- Esq., 10.16
- eszett, 11.45
- et al.
- appropriate use of, 5.250, 15.53
- and indexing authors’ names, 16.115
- meaning of, 10.42
- punctuation with, 6.20, 6.123, 10.4
- roman type for, 7.55
- in source citations: author-date reference system, 15.9, 15.29; four or more authors, 14.23, 14.32, 14.76; not italicized in text citations, 15.29; shortened citations, 14.32
- etc. (et cetera), 5.250, 6.20, 10.7, 10.42
- ethnic groups, 7.10, 7.89 (sec. 2), 8.38, 8.39. See also countries; groups of people
- ethnographic field notes, 2.61, 13.49
- et seq., 10.42, 16.12
- Eucharist, 8.110
- Europe
- currency, 9.20, 9.23
- resources on European Union, 14.304
- See also British style; European style; and specific countries and languages
- European style
- all-numeral dates, 9.35
- decimal markers, 9.55
- metric units, spelling of, 8.152
- numerals with sovereigns, 9.41
- period between title and subtitle, 14.89
- space between digits, 9.55, 9.56
- twenty-four-hour system of time, 9.39, 9.40
- See also British style
- events
- historical, 8.75–76, 11.61
- natural phenomena, 8.77
- religious, 8.89, 8.108, 8.110
- speeches, 8.76
- sporting, 8.78
- ever, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- ever, as suffix, 5.65, 5.66
- every, 5.33
- ex, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- except, 5.201, 5.237, 5.250
- exclamation points, 6.71–74
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- other punctuation with: brackets, 6.73, 6.74; commas, 6.125; ellipses, 11.102, 13.54; em dashes, 6.89; parentheses, 6.74, 6.98; periods, 6.124; question marks, 6.126; quotation marks, 6.10, 6.74, 13.30, 13.69
- uses: editorial interpolation, to be avoided, 6.73; with ellipses, in Russian, 11.102; exclamatory questions, 5.213, 6.72; generally, 6.71; with introductory oh or ah, 6.35; inverted, in Spanish works, 11.19, 11.62; in mathematical expressions, 12.32; in titles of works, 6.124–26, 14.92, 14.96, 16.54
- See also exclamations; interjections; punctuation
- exclamations, 5.216, 6.35. See also exclamation points; interjections
- exclamatory questions, 5.213
- exhibitions, 8.201, 14.236
- expletives, 5.30, 5.47, 5.239–41, 6.93
- exponents
- abbreviations with, 10.66, 12.49
- dex (decimal exponent), 9.12
- rewriting fractions using, 12.49
- uncertainties in, 12.60
- See also mathematical expressions
- expressed folios, p. 980
- expression, defined in copyright, 4.5
- extra, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- extracts. See block quotations