References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- habitual actions, 5.129
- hairline rule, p. 981
- hair spaces, 6.5, 6.11, 6.120, p. 989
- half, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- half titles
- content of, 1.17
- editing of, 2.57
- pagination of, 1.4, 1.7, 1.8, 1.17
- proofreading of, 2.134
- publisher’s responsibility for, 2.3
- running heads omitted from, 1.11
- second half title, 1.4, 1.8, 1.46
- halftones, 3.3, 3.6, figs. 3.1–2, p. 981
- halftone screen, p. 981
- Handle System, 14.8
- handshapes (ASL), 11.132
- hanging (flush-and-hang) indentation
- bibliographies, 1.63, 2.11, 2.24, fig. 14.8
- defined, 2.11, pp. 980, 982
- dialogue and drama, 13.46
- glossaries, 2.23
- indexes, 16.24, 16.106, 16.131
- lists of abbreviations, 2.23
- reference lists, 1.63, 2.24
- runover lines in, 2.24, 16.137
- transcriptions of interviews or discussions, 13.48
- vertical lists, 2.11, 6.130
- See also indexes: indented style; indexes: run-in style
- Hansard Parliamentary Debates (UK), 14.301
- Hanyu Pinyin system. See Pinyin system
- hard copy, p. 981. See also manuscript editing: paper-only; manuscripts: paper-only
- hardcover books
- binding, p. 977
- clothbound covers: defined spine copy, 1.69; description of, 1.69; endpapers, 1.72; proofreading of, 2.108
- jackets (dust jackets), 1.71; artwork, 1.73, 4.100, 4.101; author’s previous publications, 1.18; biographical information, 1.66; country of printing, 1.27; defined, p. 978; DOIs, 1.33; illustration credit lines, 1.73; ISBN and bar codes, 1.32, 1.69, 1.74; metadata on, 1.75; proofreading of, 2.100, 2.103, 2.108
- paper-over-board format (lithocase), 1.71
- See also covers of journals and paperback books
- hardly, 5.230
- hard return (Enter key), 2.12, 2.19, 2.80
- hard vs. soft hyphens, 2.96
- Hausa language, 11.23–24
- have, has, had, 5.132, 5.133, 5.153
- Hawaiian language, 11.70, 11.70n1
- he, him, his, 5.47, 5.48, 5.49, 5.50, 5.252
- headings
- chronologies, fig. 1.9
- endnotes, 14.46
- indexes, 16.131
- letters and diaries, 1.52
- lists of abbreviations, 14.60
- lists of illustrations and tables, fig. 1.6
- for navigation, 14.160, 15.23
- with note numbers, 14.27
- proofreading of, 2.113, 2.134
- punctuation in, 6.14
- reference lists, 15.5, 15.10
- See also index entries; subheads
- headlines, 7.52, 14.191, 14.192, 14.195
- headline-style capitalization
- in author-date reference system, 15.6
- chapter and part titles, 2.58
- examples of, 8.160
- generally, 8.1
- hyphenated compounds in, 8.161, 11.26
- journal article titles, 8.168, 14.169
- magazine article titles, 14.188
- magazine departments, 14.190
- mottoes, 7.62
- newspapers, 14.192, 14.195
- non-English words and phrases, 11.4, 11.10, 11.27, 11.54
- and permissible changes, 8.165
- principles of, 8.159
- publishers’ names, 14.136
- series titles, 14.123
- signs and notices, 7.61
- subheads, 2.18, 2.59, 8.158
- table titles, 3.54, 3.55
- titles containing quotations, 8.162
- titles in captions, 3.21, 3.22
- titles of websites, 14.206
- titles of works, generally, 8.168, 14.87
- unpublished titles, 8.188
- website titles, 8.191
- See also sentence-style capitalization
- head margin, p. 981
- headnotes
- bibliographies with sections, 14.63, 14.64, fig. 14.9
- indexes, 16.116, 16.140, 16.141, 16.143, 16.145
- notes to tables, 3.78
- previously published materials, 2.46
- Hebrew language, 11.91–97
- capitalization and italics, 11.93
- prefixes, 11.93
- resources on, 11.91
- romanization systems, 11.91
- special characters, 11.92, table 11.2
- unromanized phrases in, 11.96
- vowels, 11.97
- word division, 11.95, 11.96
- height, 3.27, 7.89 (sec. 1), 10.66. See also units of measurement
- helping (auxiliary) verbs. See auxiliary (helping) verbs
- help menus, 1.122, 8.155
- hence, 6.57
- he or she, him or her, 5.250, 5.255
- Hepburn system, 11.86–87
- her, hers, 5.49, 5.50
- herself, 5.51
- hidden text, 2.39, 2.80, 2.113
- highways and interstates, 8.56, 9.50, 10.33, 11.26. See also addresses, mailing
- himself, 5.51
- historic, historical, 5.250, 7.33
- historical and cultural terminology
- abbreviations, 10.42
- acts, treaties, and government programs, 8.66, 8.75, 8.80–81, 14.275, 14.290
- awards, 8.31, 8.83, 8.115
- events, 8.75–78; battles and campaigns, 8.114; natural phenomena, 8.77; religious, 8.89, 8.108, 8.110; Spanish language, 11.61; speeches, 8.76; sporting, 8.78; wars and revolutions, 8.113
- movements and styles: descriptive designations, 8.72; period names, 8.73, 8.74; treatment in text, 8.60, 8.61, 8.79, 11.88
- oaths and pledges, 8.84
- periods of time: capitalization, 8.71–74; centuries, 7.8, 7.87, 7.89, 7.89 (sec. 3), 8.71, 9.32, 9.33; decades, 9.33; descriptive designations, 8.72; eras, 8.135, 9.34, 9.64, 10.38; numerical designations, 8.71; traditional names, 8.73
- See also academic concerns; legal cases; political terminology
- holidays, 8.89
- home pages, 1.84, 1.86, 1.87, 1.122. See also websites and web pages
- homonyms, 6.55, 7.38
- Honorable, Hon., 8.32, 8.33, 10.18
- honorifics
- abbreviations, 10.18
- alphabetizing, 16.67, 16.80, 16.87
- capitalization of, 8.26, 8.33
- in index entries, 16.39
- non-English, 16.76, 16.80, 16.87
- pronouns in, 5.40
- See also titles and offices of people
- honors. See awards and prizes
- horticultural terminology. See botanical terminology
- house, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- house style
- author communications, 2.68, 2.70
- editing for, 2.49, 2.55
- generally, 1.116
- for indexes, 16.103, 16.106, 16.118, 16.123, 16.129
- proofreading for, 2.113
- for source citations, 1.108–9, 2.64, 14.2–4
- for tables, 3.86
- See also style sheets (editorial)
- how, 5.202, 6.69
- however, 5.157, 5.204, 6.49, 6.57
- HTML (hypertext markup language), 1.77, 1.117, 1.118, 1.119, 2.139, p. 981. See also online publications; websites and web pages
- HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), 7.80, 14.17, p. 981. See also URLs
- HTTPS, p. 981
- humanities style. See notes and bibliography system; source citations
- hundreds, thousands, and hundred thousands, 9.3, 9.4, 9.54
- Hungarian language, 8.13, 11.70, 16.78
- hybrids, plant, 8.125
- hyper, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- hyperlinks
- added to printed work, 4.64
- cross-checking, 2.32, 2.34
- for DOIs, 1.33, 1.121
- in e-book formats, 1.118, 1.120, 1.121
- for errata, 1.68, 1.90
- generally, 1.121
- in HTML format, 1.118
- for illustrations, 1.96, 1.107, 3.8, 3.51
- in indexes, 1.125, 16.7, 16.13, 16.15, 16.102, 16.108
- in journals: for errata, 1.90; home pages, 1.86; illustrations, 1.107; to related works, 1.86; for retractions, 1.91; for source citations, 1.96, 1.106, 1.109, 14.6; tables, 1.106; tables of contents, 1.86, 1.87, 1.90, fig. 1.11
- markup for, 2.73, 2.83
- metadata for, 1.92, 1.121
- in online publications, 1.120, 1.121, 1.122
- in PDF files, 1.118, 1.121
- and tables, 1.96, 1.106, 3.51
- testing of, 2.137, 2.138
- See also DOIs; hyperlinks for source citations; URLs
- hyperlinks for source citations
- advantages of, 1.124
- annotations, 14.53
- and author-date reference system, 15.5, 15.9
- checking, 2.34
- consistency in, 2.64
- and footnotes vs. endnotes, 14.43, 14.45
- generally, 14.19, 15.5
- in journals, 1.96, 1.106, 1.109, 14.6
- and metadata, 1.92
- multiauthor volumes, 1.50
- and shortened citations vs. ibid., 1.124, 14.34
- source notes for previously published material, 14.54
- tables, 1.106
- and 3-em dashes, 1.124, 14.67, 15.17
- unnumbered notes, 14.27, 14.52
- and URLs in citations, 14.6, 14.23
- to works cited, 1.109, 14.61
- hypertext, p. 981. See also HTTP; hyperlinks
- hypertext markup language (HTML), 1.77, 1.117, 1.118, 1.119, 2.139, p. 981. See also online publications; websites and web pages
- hyphenated compounds, 7.82. See also compound terms
- hyphens and hyphenation
- capitalization issues, 8.161, 11.26
- in compound terms, 7.81–89; adverbs ending in -ly, 7.86, 7.89; before or after noun, 7.85; with compound modifiers, 5.92, 5.93, 7.8, 7.85; en dash vs. hyphen, 6.80; ethnic groups and nationalities, 7.89 (sec. 2), 8.39; guide to, 7.89; headline-style titles, 8.161, 11.26; and line breaks, 2.112; multiple hyphens, 7.87; personal names, 8.6; with prefixes or suffixes, 6.80, 7.40, 7.81, 7.87–89, 8.161; suspended hyphens, 7.88, 7.89 (sec. 1); trend toward closed, 7.83
- vs. dashes, 6.75, 6.80
- guide to, 7.89
- manuscript and editorial concerns: electronic file cleanup, 2.61, 2.80; guidelines for authors, 2.13; marking manuscript for, 2.96; marking proofs for, 2.132; proofreading, 2.105, 2.112, 2.116; soft vs. hard hyphens, 2.96; stacks of, 2.112, 2.116, 7.47; typographic considerations, 7.47
- non-English languages: Arabic, 11.79; Chinese, 11.84, 11.88; compound terms from, 7.89; French, 11.26; glossed American Sign Language, 11.128; Hebrew, 11.93; Japanese, 11.87, 11.88
- personal names with, 8.6, 8.7, 8.14, 11.88, 16.36, 16.72
- readability as key to, 7.84
- software settings for, 2.13, 2.80, 7.36, 7.38
- URLs, DOIs, and such in text, 2.13, 7.46, 14.18
- uses, other: all-numeral dates, 6.108, 9.36; double or multiple numeration, 1.57; fractions, 7.89, 9.14; gene names, 8.132; global positioning coordinates, 10.36; keyboard combinations and shortcuts, 7.78; mass, in chemical terms, 8.150; music writing, 7.71; noun plus numeral or enumerator, 7.89, 9.13; phrasal adjectives, 5.92, 5.93; separators (numbers and letters), 6.77; in source citations for journal articles, 14.171; telephone numbers, 9.57
- See also compound terms; dashes; em dashes; en dashes; punctuation; 3-em dashes; 2-em dashes