References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- saddle stitching (saddle wiring), p. 987
- saddle wiring (saddle stitching), p. 987
- Saint, St.
- alphabetizing of, 16.74, 16.93
- for names of saints, 8.93, 10.20, 16.42
- personal names with, 16.74
- place-names with, 10.30, 11.26, 16.90, 16.93
- when to spell out, 10.20
- See also saints
- saints
- as authors, 14.83
- indexing names of, 16.42
- non-English names of, 11.26
- treatment in text, 8.93, 10.20
- Sanskrit language, 11.74
- sans serif, p. 987
- scalars, 12.52
- scale, p. 987
- scaling, 3.19
- scans and scanning
- copyright issues, 4.17
- defined, p. 987
- for electronic versions of older works, 14.162
- for illustrations, 2.27, 2.47, 3.15
- OCR for, 2.43, p. 983
- scarcely, 5.230
- scare quotes, 7.57, 11.47, 14.94
- schedules. See publishing schedule
- schemas (document type definitions), p. 979
- scholarly works, generally
- abbreviations and symbols used in, 10.42–43
- anonymity of research subjects in, 13.49
- books and journals as core, 1.1–2
- and citation management software, 14.5
- conflicts of interest noted in, 1.95
- editors’ notes in, 1.45
- fair-use tradition in, 4.87
- licensing revenue as supporting, 4.66
- retaining original meaning of quotations, 13.51
- role of quotations in, 13.2
- role of source citations in, 14.1
- scientific and technical terminology
- abbreviations: astronomical and astrophysical, 9.10, 10.61–62; botanical and zoological, 8.121, 8.122, 8.123, 8.124; capitalization, 10.6, 10.49; chemical elements, 10.63; latitude and longitude, 10.36; list of, 10.49; periods omitted in, 10.4; resources on, 10.1; SI units, 10.49, 10.51–59; statistics, 10.50; units of measurement, 10.64–68
- astronomical and astrophysical, 8.137–42, 9.10, 10.60–62
- botanical and zoological (see botanical terminology; zoological terminology)
- data as plural, 5.14, 5.250
- genetic, 8.131–33
- geological, 8.134–36, 10.42
- hyphenation of, 7.89
- medical, 8.143–46
- physical and chemical, 7.89 (sec. 1, chemical terms), 8.147–52, 10.63
- resources on, 8.119, 8.128–31, 8.134, 8.137, 8.143, 8.147
- See also International System of Units; metric system; scientific and technical works; units of measurement
- scientific and technical works
- abstracts, 1.93, 1.95
- abstracts for, 1.76
- author’s warranties for, 4.73
- continuous publishing model, 1.82, 1.113
- errata, 1.68
- hyperlinks for source citations in, 14.6
- illustrations, 2.28, 3.11, 3.25, 3.27, figs. 3.6–9
- indexes for, 1.110–11, 16.6, 16.7, 16.11, 16.26
- letters to the editor, 1.101
- numbers, generally, 9.1, 9.3, 9.54
- open-access publishing models, 4.61
- percent symbol in, 9.18
- preprints, 1.113
- publication history, 1.104
- punctuation, 6.9
- sections and subsections in, 1.57
- source citations for: access dates, 14.12, 14.257; author-date reference system preferred, 14.3, 15.5; databases, 14.257; et al. in, 14.76; initials for authors’ given names, 15.12, 15.33; numbered reference system, 1.108, 14.28; titles of works, 8.168, 15.13, 15.38
- subhead levels in, 1.56
- tables in, 3.48
- titles, 8.168, 15.13, 15.38, 15.46
- twenty-four-hour system of time in, 9.39
- units of measurement in, 9.16, 10.64–68
- See also computer terminology; mathematical copy; mathematical expressions; scientific and technical terminology
- scientific notation (powers of ten), 9.9, 9.11, 9.12
- screen, p. 987
- screen margins, 1.122
- screen names, 14.208, 14.209, 15.52, 16.64
- screen numbers, in e-books, 1.123
- scriptures, 8.103, 8.104, 14.238–41. See also Bible; biblical citations; religious works
- sculpture, 8.57, 8.198, 14.235
- search engines
- feature definition documents for, 2.139
- vs. indexes, 1.110, 1.111, 16.2, 16.7
- journal-specific, 1.86
- and keywords, 1.76, 1.93, 1.111, 1.120, 2.25
- and metadata, 1.75, 1.76, 1.92
- and plurals, 7.5
- searching
- in electronic publications, 14.22, 16.2
- in manuscript files, 2.36, 2.79, 2.80
- in PDF files, 1.118, 2.111, 2.133, 16.102, 16.105
- See also search engines
- seasons, 1.80, 8.88, 14.171. See also dates
- secondary sources, 14.260, 14.291, 15.56
- section mark, 3.79, 10.43, 14.273
- section numbers, as locators
- double or multiple numeration, 1.57
- in electronic publications, 1.123, 14.160
- in indexes, 16.108
- legal and public documents, 14.273, 14.283, 14.295
- newspapers, 14.191
- sections and subsections
- abbreviations of section, 10.42, 14.150
- in bibliographies, 14.63, 14.263, fig. 14.9
- cross-references to, 2.35
- in journals, 1.83, 1.87, 1.95
- newspapers, 14.191
- openings, decorative initials for, 13.37
- in reference lists, 15.11
- in scientific and technical works, 1.57
- symbol for, 3.79, 10.43, 14.273
- use of term, 1.48
- See also section numbers, as locators; subheads
- see, 14.42. See also cross-references, in indexes
- seldom, 5.230
- selected bibliographies, 14.64, fig. 14.9
- self, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- self, as suffix, 5.48, 5.51, 5.250
- self-published materials
- checking markup for, 2.73
- copyright page, 1.20, 1.21
- design templates for, 2.82
- editing for, 2.48, 2.52
- illustrations in, 3.15
- ISBN and bar codes, 1.32
- keywords for, 1.76
- metadata for, 1.75, 1.76
- PCN (Preassigned Control Number), 1.34
- place of publication, 14.132, 14.137
- proofreading for, 2.101, 2.137
- reliability of materials, 14.14
- retail platforms for, 1.75, 1.76, 2.73, 4.63, 14.132, 14.137
- source citations for, 14.132, 14.137
- title page, 1.19
- semantic markup, 2.82n1, 7.49
- semi, as prefix, 5.250, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- semicolons, 6.56–60
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- other punctuation with: closing quotation marks, 6.10; ellipses, 13.54; parentheses, 6.98
- in source citations: classical Greek and Latin works, 14.245; copublications, 14.140; more than one subtitle, 14.90; notes with multiple citations, 14.57; and or with double titles, 14.91; text citations, 15.7, 15.22, 15.24, 15.28, 15.30
- uses: before conjunction, 6.59; before conjunctive adverbs, 6.57; before that is, namely, for example, and such, 6.51, 6.58; in complex series, 6.60; independent clauses, 6.56–59; indexes, 16.17, 16.20, 16.23, 16.25, 16.96; lists, 6.129, 6.131; in mathematical copy, 12.7, 12.18, 12.38, 12.54; in non-English languages, 11.7, 11.116; for series of elements in sentence, 6.60, 6.129; tables, 3.80; titles of works, 8.165, 8.167, 11.7, 14.90–91
- See also colons; punctuation
- sentence adverbs, 5.157
- sentence fragments. See ellipses, grammatical
- sentences
- adverbs modifying, 5.157
- beginnings of: conjunctions, 5.203, 5.204, 5.250; lowercased names, 8.4, 8.5; mathematical symbols, 12.7; numbers, 9.5; percentages, 9.18; years, 9.5, 9.29; yes or no, 6.34, 13.40
- cleft, 5.246–48
- deliberately incomplete, 13.55
- ellipses after complete, 13.53
- glossed American Sign Language, 11.133
- and list format, 6.129, 6.130
- and mathematical expressions, 12.7, 12.18
- one-word, 5.97
- parallel structure in, 5.242–45
- in parentheses, 6.13, 6.98
- parenthetical elements in, 6.48, 6.51, 6.85, 6.95
- pauses or breaks, 6.16, 6.87 (see also interjections)
- prepositions ending, 5.180
- questions within, 6.42, 6.63, 6.65, 6.69–70
- series of elements in (see series of elements in sentence)
- series of related, 6.61, 6.63
- subjects and predicates of, 5.18
- traditional structures, 5.217–20
- types of, 5.211–16; complex, 5.219, 5.225; compound, 5.218; compound-complex, 5.220; declarative (statements), 5.211, 5.246, 6.12, 6.68; elliptical (see ellipses, grammatical); exclamations, 5.216, 6.35; imperative (directives) (see imperative sentences); interrogative (see questions); simple, 5.217
- URLs within, 6.8
- See also clauses; syntax
- sentence-style capitalization
- titles of works: basic principles and examples, 8.158; classical Greek and Latin works, 11.54, 14.247; “down style,” 8.1; in journal reference lists, 8.158, 8.168, 15.13, 15.38; non-English, 11.6, 11.27, 14.98–99, 14.123, 14.194; translations, 14.99
- uses, other: captions, 3.21; chart titles, 3.44; first lines of poems, 8.182; non-English words and phrases, 11.4; subheads, 1.56, 2.18, 2.59, 8.158; tables, 3.54, 3.55, 3.56, 3.59
- See also headline-style capitalization
- September 11, 2001, 9.35
- sequels, numbers for, 8.189, 9.43
- Serbian language, 11.70
- serial (Oxford) commas, 6.19–21, 6.23, 8.165, 14.135. See also commas
- serial publications, copyright registration forms for, 4.48. See also periodicals
- serial rights, first or second, 4.64
- series, 8.176
- series of elements in sentence
- and ampersands, 6.21
- colons to introduce, 6.61, 6.67
- commas within, 6.19–21, 6.23, 8.165, 14.135
- and em dash, 6.86
- semicolons within, 6.60, 6.129
- series of lectures. See lectures and lecture series
- series of works
- ISBN and ISSN for, 1.32
- source citations for, 14.86, 14.123–26, 14.218
- titles of series: in book review and book notes sections, 1.98; capitalized but not italicized, 8.2, 8.176, 14.86, 14.123–24; on covers or jackets, 1.70; in front matter, 1.4, 1.18; proofreading of, 2.108
- unfinished date ranges for, 6.79
- working papers in, 14.218
- See also multivolume works; volumes and volume numbers
- serif, p. 987
- sewing (signatures), 8.14, p. 987
- sexual orientation, terms for, 8.41
- SGML, p. 987
- shading, 3.19, 3.43, 3.64
- shall, 5.131, 5.231, 5.250
- shan’t, 5.231
- s/he, 5.250, 5.252, 5.256
- she, her, hers, 5.49, 5.50
- sheet-fed press, p. 987
- ships and other craft, 8.2, 8.116–18
- shortened citations, 14.29–36
- vs. abbreviated titles, 14.59
- anonymous works in text citations, 15.34
- authors’ names, 14.30–32, 14.185
- basic structure, 14.30
- biblical citations, 14.239
- and bibliography, 14.61, 14.64
- blog posts and comments, 14.208
- chapters, 14.108
- classical Greek and Latin works, 14.244
- criteria for, 14.29
- cross-reference to full citation, 14.31
- databases, 14.276
- examples and variations, 14.23
- vs. ibid., 1.124, 13.66, 14.34, 14.48
- idem, op. cit., loc. cit., discouraged, 14.35–36
- journal articles, 14.23, 14.33, 14.185
- journal titles, 15.13, 15.46
- in legal style, 14.275, 14.276, 14.279
- letters in published collections, 14.111
- manuscript collections, 14.229
- multiauthor volumes, 14.32, 14.108
- multivolume works, 14.118
- newspapers, 14.196
- in notes, 14.19, 14.48
- poetry extracts, 13.72
- quotations, 13.66–67, 13.70
- same-author, same-year works in text citations, 15.29
- secondary sources, 14.291
- short forms for DOIs and URLs, 14.10
- in table source notes, 3.77
- titles as reference list entries, 15.39
- very long titles, 14.97
- should, 5.149, 5.150, 5.250
- SI. See International System of Units; metric system
- sic, 6.73, 7.55, 13.61
- sideheads, pp. 987–88
- side sewing, p. 988
- signatures (book), 1.41, 3.6, 14.154, p. 988
- signatures (name), 1.41, 10.11
- signed languages, 11.125. See also American Sign Language
- signs, quotation of, 7.61. See also symbols, general
- signs and notices, 7.61
- simple adverbs, 5.160
- simple sentences, 5.217
- simultaneous print/electronic publishing model
- books, 1.2, 14.159
- common use of, 1.2
- and formal markup languages, 1.117
- and formats, 1.77
- and illustrations, 1.107, 3.10, 3.17, 3.26
- and ISSNs, 1.79, 1.86
- and letters to the editor, 1.101
- noting differences, 1.78, 1.81, 1.87, 14.16
- page ranges noted, 1.81
- proofreading for, 2.140
- source citation considerations, 14.16
- and tables, 1.106
- and version control, 1.112
- See also multiple formats, publications in
- since, 5.201, 5.202, 5.250
- singular. See number, of nouns and pronouns
- Sir, Dame, 8.32, 16.38
- site license, 1.86
- site map, 2.137
- slang, 5.95, 7.57
- slant. See slashes
- slashes, 6.105–13
- in abbreviations, 6.109, 10.4
- alternative terms for, 6.105
- vs. backslashes, 6.105, 6.112
- in dates, 6.107, 6.108, 6.113
- dividing poetry lines, 6.111, 6.113, 13.29, 13.34
- double, dividing poetry stanzas, 13.34
- double, in URLs, 14.18
- in fractions, 6.110, 6.113, 12.45, 12.47
- in generic markup, 2.81
- and line breaks, 6.113
- in mathematical expressions, 6.110, 12.15, 12.42, 12.45, 12.47
- in publishers’ names, 14.138
- resources on, 6.105
- signifying alternatives, 6.106
- in source citations for journal articles, 14.171
- trailing, 14.17
- in two-year spans, 6.107, 6.113
- in URLs, DOIs, and such, 6.112, 14.17, 14.18
- See also punctuation
- small caps (capitals)
- for acronyms and initialisms, 10.8
- after ornamental text break, 1.58
- a.m. and p.m., 9.37, 10.41
- defined, p. 988
- for emphasis, 7.52
- for era abbreviations, 9.34
- full-size capitals compared to, 7.52
- full-size capitals preferred to, 9.34, 10.8, 10.38
- glosses in ASL, 11.128–35
- lowercase preferred to, 10.41
- marking proofs for, 2.131
- and permissible changes, 13.8
- proofreading for, 2.113
- See also capital letters
- “smart” (directional) quotation marks and apostrophes, 2.85, 6.115, 13.7
- Smyth sewing, p. 988
- so, 5.88, 5.202–3, 6.22
- so-called, 7.59
- social media content
- defined, 14.205
- electronic mailing lists, 14.210
- and personal communications, 14.205, 14.209, 14.214, 15.52
- source citations for, generally, 14.209, 15.52
- titles for, 8.191, 14.206
- URLs for, 14.10, 14.209
- See also blogs and blog posts
- social titles, 10.16, 10.17
- socioeconomic terminology. See groups of people
- soft vs. hard hyphens, 2.96
- software
- conversion errors, 2.80, 2.113, 2.137
- names of apps, 8.155
- small caps in, 10.8
- sorting functions, 14.65, 14.67, 15.17, 16.5, 16.57, 16.104, 16.123
- and special characters, 2.16, 11.45, 11.72
- specific types: artwork, 3.4, 3.15; citation management, 14.5, 14.12; document comparison, 2.86; indexing, 16.5, 16.57, 16.104, 16.117, 16.123; manuscript editing, 2.79, 2.80; manuscript preparation, 2.4, 2.7, 2.77; mathematical copy, 12.2, 12.2n1, 12.9, table 12.1; page layout, 6.121, 7.36; PDF proofreading tools, 2.133
- See also computer terminology; databases; file formats and devices; tracking changes; Unicode standard; word-processing software
- solid (closed) compounds, 7.82, 7.83, 7.88. See also compound terms
- solidus. See slashes
- some, 5.7
- songs, 8.194. See also musical works
- sort, sorts, 5.52
- so that, 5.201
- sound recordings
- contributions to, as work made for hire, 4.10
- discographies, 1.63, 14.262, 14.263, 15.57, fig. 14.12
- source citations for, 14.263, 14.264, 15.57
- titles of, 8.197
- See also multimedia content
- source citations, 14.1–5
- author queries about, 2.62, 2.63, 2.64, 2.69
- basic elements, 14.100
- basic systems, 1.108, 13.64, 14.2–3
- citation management software, 14.5, 14.12
- editing of, 2.62–64
- flexibility and consistency, 2.64, 14.4
- house style for, 1.108–9, 2.64, 14.4
- hyperlinks for (see hyperlinks for source citations)
- pop-up boxes in, 15.17
- purpose of, 14.1
- remedies for excessive annotation: abbreviations, 14.59–60, fig. 14.7; avoiding overlong notes, 14.56; combining notes, 14.57; footnotes vs. endnotes, 14.45, 14.59; text citations, 14.34, 14.58
- and secondary sources, 14.260, 15.56
- shortened citations (see shortened citations)
- style manuals for, 2.54, 14.3
- See also author-date reference system; bibliographies; illustration credits and credit lines; notes; notes and bibliography system; reference lists; source notes; and specific types of sources (e.g., books) and specific elements (e.g., authors’ names)
- source notes
- previously published materials, 1.50, 2.46, 4.78, 14.54
- tables, 2.31, 2.61, 3.76–77, 3.81
- See also attribution; illustration credits and credit lines; source citations; text citations
- South, southern, 8.46, 8.47
- South Asian languages, 11.109, 16.79, table 11.2
- sovereigns and other rulers
- Arabic rulers of older times, 8.14
- as authors, 14.83
- indexing of, 16.37, 16.66, 16.98
- and legal and public documents, 14.298, 14.302
- numerals for, 9.41, 16.66
- titles of, 8.23
- See also nobility
- Soviet Union, former, 10.31
- sp., spp., 8.122, 8.123
- Space bar, 2.12
- spacecraft, 8.117, 9.44. See also vehicles and vessels
- spaces and spacing, 6.119–21
- and abbreviations, 9.16, 9.55–56, 10.5, 10.10, 10.12, 10.49, 10.58, 10.66
- in biblical citations, 9.26
- in captions, 3.23
- characters in different fonts, 6.5
- decimals, 9.55
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- in electronic publications, 6.11, 6.120, 9.55, 9.56
- em spaces, 2.126, 3.23, 3.54, 6.120
- en spaces, 6.120, 13.29
- with ff., 14.149
- hair spaces, 6.5, 6.11, 6.120, p. 988
- indexes, 16.28, 16.59, 16.111, 16.131
- initials, 6.121, 7.66, 8.4, 10.12, 14.74, 15.33
- and justification, 2.125, 6.120, 6.121
- marking manuscript for, 2.98
- marking proofs for, 2.125
- in mathematical expressions, 12.16–17, 12.19, 12.21–22, 12.42
- medium, 12.23
- with multiplication sign, for plant hybrids, 8.125
- names with particles, 8.5
- nonbreaking (see nonbreaking spaces)
- non-English materials and quotations: French, 11.28–29, 11.31–32; Italian, 11.47, 11.48; permissible changes, 11.7, 11.11, 11.19; Spanish, 11.63, 11.65
- numbers, 6.62, 6.121, 9.55–58
- with percent symbol, 9.18
- with punctuation: ampersands, 10.10; colons, 2.9, 6.62, 14.89, 14.116, 14.151, 14.152, 14.177, 15.48; ellipses, 6.121, 11.49, 11.65, 13.50, 13.54, 13.55, 13.58; en dashes, 6.79, 14.144; generally, 2.9, 6.7, 6.12, 6.62, 14.116; parentheses, back to back, 6.98; slashes, 6.106, 6.111, 13.29, 13.34, 14.138; 2-em dashes, 6.93
- between sentences, 2.9, 2.80
- with suspended hyphens, 7.88, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- in table titles, 3.54
- thick, 12.23
- thin: defined, p. 988; in French materials, 11.28–29, 11.31–32; in mathematical expressions, 12.17, 12.42; for overlapping characters, 6.5; in poetry quotations, 13.29; between single and double quotation marks, 6.11, 6.120
- with units of measurement, 6.119, 6.121, 7.44, 9.16
- vertical lists, 6.130
- width of, 6.120
- within paragraphs, 2.12
- See also leading; lines (text); line spacing; margins
- Spanish language, 11.60–69
- abbreviation of Spanish, 10.42
- capitalization, 8.11, 11.61
- dialogue, 11.64
- names, 8.11, 16.83, 16.84
- punctuation: ellipses, 11.65; em dashes, 11.63, 11.64; guillemets and quotation marks, 11.63, 11.64; question marks and exclamation points, inverted, 11.19, 11.62
- resources on, 11.60, 11.67
- special characters, 11.69
- word division, 11.66–68
- spanner heads (decked heads), 3.53, 3.57, fig. 3.13, fig. 3.16
- speakers’ names (dialogue and drama), 13.8, 13.39, 13.46, 13.48. See also dialogue; drama; lectures and lecture series; speech
- spec (specification), p. 988
- special characters
- and alphabetizing, 16.67
- in archaic fonts, 13.7
- author’s list of, 2.3, 2.16, 11.21, 11.122, 12.13
- bitmapped images for, 2.137
- breathing marks, 2.80, 11.110, 11.112
- conversion errors in, 2.80, 2.137
- described in angle brackets, 2.16
- eszett (ß) vs. Greek beta, 11.45
- generic markup of, 2.81
- in indexes, 16.29
- listed, tables 11.1–5
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.3, 2.16, 11.21, 11.122, 12.13
- in mathematical expressions, 12.10, 12.12–13, 12.52, 12.68, tables 12.3–4
- non-English languages: African languages, 11.24; Arabic, 11.76, 11.77, 11.81, 11.92, table 11.2; Azeri, 11.70; Czech, 11.70; Finnish, 11.70; French, 11.37; generally, 11.2, 11.21, 11.70, 11.72–73, table 11.1–5; German, 11.45; Greek, 11.110–15, 11.117, table 11.4; Hawaiian, 11.70, 11.70n1; Hebrew, 11.92, table 11.2; Hungarian, 11.70; Icelandic, 11.70; Italian, 11.53; Japanese, 11.87, table 11.2; Latin, 11.59; Moldavian, 11.70; Montenegrin, 11.70; Old and Middle English, 11.70, 11.122–24; Portuguese, 11.70; resources on, 11.45, 11.82, 16.67; Romanian, 11.70; Russian, 11.98, table 11.3; Serbian, 11.70; South Asian languages, 11.109, table 11.2; Spanish, 11.69; specialized fonts for, 11.21, 11.72, 11.90, 11.110; Turkish, 11.70; Unicode for, generally, 11.2; Uzbek, 11.70
- proofreading, 2.132
- resources on, 11.76, 16.67
- style sheet for, 2.55
- and transliteration, 2.80, 11.2, 11.72, 11.74, 11.90
- See also diphthongs; ligatures; mathematical expressions; symbols, specific; Unicode standard
- special issues, journal, 1.84, 1.87, 1.89, 1.102, 4.59, 14.178
- species. See genus and species names
- speech
- colloquial (see colloquial speech)
- direct discourse, 13.39, 13.44
- discussions and interviews, 13.48
- drama, 13.46–47
- grammatical ellipses in, 5.229, 13.41
- indirect discourse, 13.45
- interjections in, 5.207
- numerals in direct discourse, 13.44
- paused, interrupted, or faltering, 6.87, 6.89, 13.41, 13.50, 13.58
- punctuation: colons, 6.63, 6.65, 13.16; commas, 13.14; ellipses, 13.41; em dashes, 13.41; quotation marks, 13.32, 13.39–45
- questions in, 5.213
- single-word speech, 13.40
- unspoken discourse, 13.43
- See also dialogue; direct address; quotations
- speeches
- presidential, 8.76, 14.289
- source citations for, 14.217, 14.267, 14.289, 15.57
- treatment of names and titles, 8.70, 8.76, 8.188
- See also lectures and lecture series
- spelling
- of alphabet letters, 7.68
- author queries about, 2.69
- British-style, 7.3, 16.29
- checking, 2.89
- common errors of, 2.111
- consistency, 2.65, 2.89, 8.3
- contractions, 7.30
- discipline-specific, 7.2
- editor’s note on, 1.45
- in indexes, 16.29, 16.33, 16.71, 16.133
- interjections, 7.31
- with ligatures, 7.34, 7.35
- metric units, 8.152
- non-US, 7.3
- orthographic reforms, 11.38, 11.43, 11.45, 11.67, 11.70
- permissible changes to, 13.7
- personal names, 6.106, 8.3, 11.78, 14.74, 16.33, 16.71
- proofreading of, 2.111
- resources on, 7.1
- retaining original in quotations, 7.3
- and sic, 13.61
- of spelled-out abbreviations or numbers, 2.129
- See also plurals; possessives; word division; and specific languages
- spell-out mark, 2.129
- spine and spine copy, 1.69, 1.70, 1.71, 1.84, 2.108, 2.109, p. 988
- spiritual leaders. See clerical titles; religions and religious concerns
- split infinitives, 5.108, 5.171. See also infinitives
- sports, 8.68, 8.70, 8.78, 9.19
- spread, p. 988
- square brackets. See brackets
- Sr. (“Senior”), 6.43, 7.42, 10.19, 16.41
- stable URLs (permalinks), 14.9, 14.15
- stacked style (indexes). See indexes: indented style
- stage directions, 13.46
- stage names, 16.34
- stamping, p. 988
- standard deviations, notation of, 10.50, 12.59, fig. 3.8, table 12.3
- standards, source citations for, 14.259
- statements (declarative sentences), 5.211, 5.246, 6.12, 6.68
- states (US)
- abbreviations and postal codes, 10.4, 10.8, 10.27, 14.130
- in addresses, punctuation, 6.39, 10.27, 10.29
- capitalization, 8.51
- constitutions, 14.280
- judicial bodies, 14.279
- laws, 14.288
- in newspaper titles, 14.193
- in place of publication, 14.130
- statistics
- abbreviations in, 10.50, table 12.3
- mathematical expressions of, 12.58–60, table 12.3
- means and standard deviations, 10.50, 12.59, fig. 3.8, table 12.3
- resources on, 12.57
- See also mathematical copy; mathematical expressions
- status. See honorifics; titles and offices of people
- statutes. See legislation
- step, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- stereotypes. See bias-free language
- stet, 2.130
- sticky notes, 2.92
- stochastic theory, 12.59
- stock agencies, material from, 3.36, 4.99, 4.101
- stratigraphy, 8.136. See also geological terminology
- streaming formats, 4.64, 8.189, 14.263
- stream of consciousness, 13.43
- streets, avenues, and such, 8.56, 9.51, 10.33–34, 11.26, 11.61. See also addresses, mailing; roads and thoroughfares
- strike-through, 2.84
- strong (irregular) verbs, 5.100
- stub column, 3.59–64
- abbreviations in, 3.62
- and alignment, 3.70
- defined, 3.52, p. 988
- heads for, 3.56, 3.59, fig. 3.15
- leaders with, 3.64, fig. 3.16
- for matrixes, 3.68, figs. 3.17–18
- omission of, fig. 3.19
- runover lines in, 3.61, fig. 3.12
- subheads in, 3.60, fig. 3.13
- See also tables
- style
- defined, 2.49
- mechanical editing for, 1.116, 2.48, 2.49
- style, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- style manuals, 2.54, 5.250, 14.3
- styles (word processing), 2.18, 2.21, 2.82, 2.83, 2.84, fig. 2.4
- style sheets (editorial)
- defined, p. 988
- manuscript editing, 2.55, 2.83, 2.111, fig. 2.3
- proofreader’s use of, 2.111, 2.112
- style sheets (electronic), pp. 988, 990
- sub, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- subentries. See index entries: subentries
- subheads, 1.55–57
- as alternative to page numbers, 14.160, 14.174
- capitalization, 1.56, 2.18, 2.59, 8.158
- cross-checking of, 2.32, 2.59
- defined, p. 988
- editing of, 2.59
- generic markup of, 2.59, 2.80, 2.81
- levels, placement, and typographic style, 1.56, 2.59
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.18
- no punctuation following, 6.14
- and note reference numbers, 14.27
- numbers with or instead of, 1.57
- period at end omitted, 2.18
- proofreading of, 2.113, 2.134
- run-in, 1.56, 2.18, 2.59, 6.14
- sideheads, 1.56, p. 987
- single, 1.56
- specific uses: appendix, 1.59; bibliographies, 14.63, 14.263; endnotes, 1.62, 2.81, 14.46, fig. 14.2; journal articles, 1.97; list of illustrations, fig. 1.6; running heads, 1.12, 1.13; table of contents, 1.38, 1.87, 2.32, 2.57, 2.59; tables, 3.58, 3.60, 3.61, figs. 3.13–14
- text following, 1.55, 2.59
- See also sections and subsections
- subject headings, 1.75, 1.92, 1.93. See also keywords
- subjective case. See nominative (subjective) case
- subjective complements, 5.101
- subjects and disciplines, academic, 7.2, 8.30, 8.85, 8.86
- subject-verb agreement, 5.138, 5.139, 5.141, 5.143, 5.205, 5.250
- subject-verb-object (SVO) pattern, 5.221, 5.222
- subjunctive mood, 5.123–27
- subordinate clauses. See dependent (subordinate) clauses
- subordinating conjunctions, 5.175, 5.200–201, 5.225, 6.24, 6.26
- subordination, 5.225. See also dependent (subordinate) clauses
- subscriptions to journals, 1.84, 1.86, 2.109, 2.134. See also access rights
- subscripts
- in chemical symbols, 8.149
- defined, p. 988
- in glossed American Sign Language, 11.134
- marking manuscript for, 2.94
- mathematical expressions, 12.36–38; alignment, 12.38, 12.67; complex, 12.37; and fractions, 12.47; italics for, 12.63; limits, 12.17; marking, 12.67; simple, 12.36; spacing, 12.16; uncertainties expressed as, 12.60; vector and tensor notation, 12.53, 12.54
- musical octaves, 7.72
- See also superscripts
- subsidiary rights, 4.64–69
- author’s electronic use of own works, 4.66
- author’s retention of, 4.18
- vs. basic rights, 4.17
- categories of, 4.64
- distribution outside the US, 4.34, 4.64, 4.76
- economic considerations, 4.65, 4.66, 4.69
- electronic rights, 4.63, 4.64, 4.65
- granting permissions for, 4.70, 4.71
- moral, 4.15
- non-US publications, 4.29–30
- and public-access policies, 4.68
- translation, 4.34, 4.64
- university licenses, 4.67
- See also copyright; intellectual property rights; permissions
- substantive editing, 2.48, 2.50, 2.51
- substantive notes, 14.37–39, 14.49, 16.110
- subtitles
- capitalization, 8.158, 8.159, 8.161, 8.164, 14.87, 14.89, 14.90, 14.91
- cross-checking of, 2.32, 2.58
- editing of, 2.58
- indexing principle on, 16.54
- as metadata, 1.75
- omission of, 8.168, 16.54
- or connecting, 8.167, 14.91
- permissible changes to, 8.165, 11.7
- placement of, 1.17, 1.19, 1.49, 1.69, 1.70
- punctuation: colons, 1.19, 8.164–65, 14.89–91, 14.96, 14.169; semicolons, 8.167, 14.90
- in running heads, 1.12, 2.76
- with sequel numbers, 9.43
- source citations for, 14.87–91, 14.165
- two or more, 8.167, 14.90
- subtrahends (back counters), 9.66
- sub verbo (s.v.), 1.123, 10.42, 14.232
- sub voce (s.v.), 10.42
- such as, 5.250, 6.50
- such that, 5.201
- suffixes
- adjectives with: comparative forms, 5.85, 5.87–88; double comparative or superlative error, 5.87; overview, 5.68; phrasal, 7.85; superlative forms, 5.86
- and adverbs, 5.158–59, 5.163–64
- and bias-free language, 5.257
- compound terms with, 7.89
- division of words with, 7.40
- and hyphenation, 7.81
- negating, 5.230
- pronouns: personal (-self), 5.48, 5.51, 5.250; relative (-ever), 5.65, 5.66
- for words derived from proper names, 8.60
- See also compound terms
- summation sign, 12.39
- sun, 8.141
- super, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- superlative adjectives, 5.86, 5.87, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- superlative adverbs, 5.164, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- superscripts
- celestial coordinates, 10.61
- classical Greek and Latin works, 14.248
- defined, p. 988
- marking manuscript for, 2.94
- mass, in chemical terms, 8.150
- mathematical expressions, 12.36–38; alignment, 12.38, 12.67; complex, 12.37; and fractions, 12.47, 12.49; italics for, 12.63; marking, 12.67; powers of ten, 9.9; simple, 12.36; spacing, 12.16; uncertainties expressed as, 12.60; vector and tensor multiplication, 12.53
- musical octaves, 7.72
- in non-English words and phrases, 11.27
- note reference numbers, 14.19, 14.24
- in notes to tables, 3.79, fig. 3.24
- not used for ordinal numbers, 9.6
- See also subscripts
- supplementary data, electronic
- books, 1.59, 14.112
- hyperlinks to, 1.96
- illustrations, 3.9, 3.26
- journals, 1.78, 1.87, 1.96, 1.114, 14.187
- noted in print version, 1.78
- source citations for, 14.112, 14.187
- in table of contents, 1.78, 1.87
- supplements
- journals, 14.179
- newspapers, 14.197
- supporting information. See supplementary data, electronic
- supra, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- suspension points, 13.50. See also ellipses
- s.v. (sub verbo, sub voce), 1.123, 10.42, 14.232
- SVO (subject-verb-object) pattern, 5.221, 5.222
- Swahili language, 11.23–24
- Swedish language, 11.70
- syllabary, 11.85
- symbols, general
- a or an with, 7.33
- in illustrations or captions, 3.7, 3.25, 3.45, fig. 3.4, fig. 3.6, figs. 3.8–9
- as labels, 3.7, 3.45
- as note references, 3.79, 14.24, 14.25, 14.49, 14.51, 16.112, fig. 14.4
- for page numbers to be supplied later, 2.35
- SI abbreviations referred to as, 10.2
- in tables, 3.62, 3.82–84, figs. 3.12–13, fig. 3.22
- in vertical lists, 2.11
- See also manuscript editing: paper-only; mathematical expressions; proofreader’s marks; special characters
- symbols, specific
- alignment, vertical and horizontal, 2.127
- celestial coordinates, 10.61
- chemical, 7.89 (sec. 1), 8.149, 10.63
- copyediting (see manuscript editing: paper-only)
- currency, 9.20–25
- for large numbers, 9.10, 9.24
- mathematical (see mathematical expressions: signs and symbols)
- musical, 7.71–75
- ornamental text breaks, 1.58
- on proofs (see proofreader’s marks)
- scholarly, 10.43
- SI units, 10.52, 10.54–55, 10.56–58
- technical, 10.49
- units of measurement, 3.56, 9.16–17, 10.52, 10.54–58, fig. 3.12
- symposia. See conferences; lectures and lecture series; proceedings of conferences and symposia; speeches; unpublished and informally published materials; working papers
- syntax, 5.210–48
- for avoiding gender bias, 5.255
- captions, 3.21
- clauses overview, 5.225–28
- cleft sentences, 5.246–48
- defined, 5.210
- expletives, 5.239–41
- in indexes, 16.10, 16.68, 16.129
- negation, 5.230–38
- parallel structure, 5.242–45
- and quotations, 13.11, 13.18–20
- sentence types, 5.211–16
- in tables, 3.54, 3.59
- table stub entries, 3.59
- and text citations, 15.28
- traditional sentence structures, 5.217–20
- word order, 5.216, 5.221–24
- See also ellipses, grammatical
- synthetic comparatives, 5.85, 5.163
- synthetic superlatives, 5.86, 5.164
- synthetic vs. analytic languages, 5.221
- Système international d’unités (SI). See International System of Units