References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- galleries
- callouts not needed for, 3.8
- defined, p. 981
- in list of illustrations, 3.39
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.28
- numbering illustrations in, 2.28, 3.14
- placement of, 3.6
- plates in, 3.5
- in table of contents, 1.38, 1.39, 3.39, fig. 1.5, fig. 1.7
- unpaginated, 1.6, 3.6, fig. 1.7
- galley proofs, 2.104, p. 981
- games, 8.190. See also video games
- gatefolds (French flaps), 1.70
- gay, lesbian, 8.41
- gender
- avoiding bias, 5.47, 5.48, 5.250, 5.252, 5.255–59
- capitalization for terms, 8.41
- for named natural phenomena, 8.77
- necessary gender-specific language, 5.258
- and non-English personal names, 8.11, 8.12
- in nouns, 5.11
- and personal identification, 5.256
- pronouns, 5.43, 5.47, 5.57
- See also bias-free language
- gender identity or expression, 5.256, 8.41
- genealogical charts, 3.46, fig. 3.10. See also charts and graphs
- general, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- generic markup. See markup for manuscript editing
- genetics, 8.131–33
- genitive case
- definition and uses, 5.9, 5.20–22
- form of, 5.41
- joint (group), 5.22
- of-genitive, 5.21, 5.191
- possessives, 5.20, 7.25
- pronoun and gender in, 5.43
- reciprocal pronouns, 5.53
- See also possessives
- genus and species names, 8.120–25
- abbreviation of genus name, 8.121
- and author names, 8.124
- divisions higher than genus, 8.126
- English derivatives from, 8.127
- italics for, 8.2, 8.120, 8.122, 8.123, 8.173
- plant hybrids, 8.125
- resources on, 8.119
- in sentence- and headline-style capitalization, 8.158, 8.159
- subspecies and varieties, 8.122
- unspecified species and varieties, 8.123
- geographical terminology
- abbreviation of geography, 10.42
- abbreviations: Canadian provinces and territories, 10.28; city plus state, comma with, 10.29; compass points, 10.34, 10.35; country names, 10.31, 10.32, 14.290; latitude and longitude, 10.36; place-names with Fort, Saint, and such, 10.30, 11.26, 16.90, 16.93; postal vs. standard abbreviations, 10.33; US states and territories, 10.4, 10.27, 14.130; US vs. United States, 10.32
- capitalization: continents, countries, cities, oceans, and such, 8.45; topographical divisions, 8.53–55
- compass points and directions, 7.89 (sec. 1), 8.46–47, 10.34–36
- generic terms for, 8.53, 8.54, 8.55, 8.56, 8.57, 10.30, 11.26
- non-English terms for, 8.55, 11.26, 11.99, 16.93
- real vs. metaphorical names, 8.50
- regions, 8.47, 8.54
- resources on, 8.47, 16.32
- urban areas, 8.49
- See also place-names
- geological terminology, 8.134–36, 10.42
- German language, 11.38–45
- articles (parts of speech), 16.52
- billion, 5.250
- capitalization, 7.54, 8.8, 11.39
- names, 8.8
- nouns, 7.54, 11.39
- orthographic reform, 11.38, 11.43, 11.45
- punctuation, 11.40–41
- resources on, 11.38
- special characters, 11.45
- titles of works, indexing of, 16.48, 16.52
- word division, 11.42–44
- Germany
- currency, 9.23
- formerly GDR (German Democratic Republic) and FRG (Federal Republic of Germany), 10.31
- See also German language
- gerunds
- in compound terms, hyphenation of, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- dangling, 5.116
- defined, 5.112
- vs. participles, 5.113
- possessives with, 7.28
- word division, 7.41
- See also participles
- ghostwritten books, source citations for, 14.105
- GIF files, p. 981
- global changes
- in manuscript editing, 2.69, 2.79, 2.80, 2.85
- in proofreading, 2.111, 2.113, 2.122
- global positioning coordinates, 10.36
- glossaries
- boldface for terms appearing in, 7.56
- format and alphabetizing, 1.61, 2.23
- format of term, 8.179
- hyperlinks to, 1.121
- and indexing, 1.61, 16.109
- placement in book, 1.4
- punctuation, 1.61, 2.23
- submission of, 2.3
- glosses
- ASL signs, 11.128–35
- in index entries: abbreviated organization names, 16.46; authors’ names after titles, 16.50, 16.97; newspaper titles, 16.48; parentheses for, generally, 16.98 (see also personal names in indexes below)
- parentheses for, generally, 6.96, 16.98
- personal names in indexes: clerical titles, 16.39; entities with same name, 16.45, 16.62; married women, 16.36; people with same name, 16.35; persons with unknown full names, 16.43; pseudonyms, 16.34; saints, 16.42; sovereigns and other rulers, 16.37, 16.97; titled persons, 16.38
- single quotation marks for, 11.63
- translations of non-English terms, 6.96, 6.100, 11.5
- See also editorial interpolations and clarifications; translations and translated works
- GMT (Greenwich mean time), 10.41
- “gold” open access, 4.61
- Google Books, 14.10, 14.162
- Google Play Books, 14.159. See also file formats and devices
- Gothic (Fraktur) type, 11.45, 12.65, 12.66, 12.68
- governmental entities
- abbreviations, 10.26, 14.281
- acts and treaties of, 8.66, 8.80, 8.81, 14.275, 14.290
- administrative, 8.63
- capitalization of, 8.52, 8.62–65
- courts, 14.276–79; basic elements in source citations, 14.276; Canadian, 14.294; international, 14.304; names and terms, treatment in text, 8.64; United Kingdom, 14.298; US federal, 14.278; US state and local, 14.279; US Supreme Court, 4.93, 14.277
- forms published by, 8.187
- legislative and deliberative, 8.62, 14.281–88
- loose-leaf services of, 14.220
- numbered divisions, 9.46
- numbers for successive governing bodies, 9.45
- programs of, 8.66, 8.75, 8.80
- public-domain works produced by, 4.21, 4.44, 4.68, 4.75
- titles and offices of people, 8.19, 8.22
- See also cities and towns; civil and civic concerns; countries; institutions; legal and public documents; legal cases; legislation; presidential documents; states (US); unpublished and informally published materials
- grades, scholastic, 7.65
- graduate student publications. See dissertations and theses
- grammar
- correction of, in previously published materials, 2.44
- defined, 5.1
- parts of speech, 5.3, 10.42
- preventive, 5.57
- schools of thought, 5.2, 5.218
- vs. usage, 5.249
- See also adjectives; adverbs; conjunctions; errors in grammar and punctuation; exclamations; interjections; nouns; prepositions; pronouns; syntax; verbs; word usage
- grants and subventions, 1.20, 1.31
- graphs. See charts and graphs
- great, great-grand, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- Great Britain. See British style; United Kingdom
- Greek alphabet
- beta (β) vs. eszett (ß), 11.45
- for mathematical copy, 12.12, 12.13, 12.68, table 12.3
- numbers in, 11.117, table 11.5
- transliteration, 11.110–15, table 11.4
- typesetting, 11.111
- See also Greek language
- Greek language, 11.110–21
- abbreviation of Greek, 10.42
- possessives in, 7.19
- punctuation, 11.116
- resources on, 11.110
- unaccented words, 11.114
- word division, 11.118–21
- See also classical Greek and Latin works; Greek alphabet
- “green” open access, 4.61
- Greenwich mean time (GMT), 10.41
- group (joint) genitive, 5.22
- groups of people, 8.38–43
- colors designating, 8.38
- compound nationalities, 8.39
- ethnic and national groups, 7.10, 7.89 (sec. 2), 8.38, 8.39
- generations, 8.42
- kinship terms, 8.36
- physical characteristics, 8.43
- socioeconomic classes, 8.40
- See also bias-free language; names, personal; titles and offices of people
- guillemets
- permissible changes to, 11.7, 11.11, 11.19, 13.7
- spacing with, 11.28–29, 11.47
- uses: French, 11.28–32; German, 11.41; Italian, 11.47; Russian, 11.101; Spanish, 11.63, 11.64
- gutter, p. 981