References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- I (pronoun)
- antecedent absent, 5.30
- appropriate use of, 5.250
- capitalization of, 5.40
- misuse of, 5.37
- with personally, 5.250
- than with, 5.183
- ibid.
- meaning of, 10.42
- roman type for, 7.55, 10.7
- uses: notes, 1.124, 14.34, 14.48; text citations, 13.66, 14.58
- Ibn, Abu, Abd, 16.75
- iBooks, 14.159. See also file formats and devices
- ice age, 8.74, 8.135
- Icelandic language, 11.70
- id. (idem), 10.42, 14.35, 14.275, 14.279
- idioms
- earth in, 8.140
- and editorial discretion, 2.51
- and ergative verbs, 5.99
- and fused participles, 5.114
- and genitive case, 5.20
- and grammatical ellipses, 5.229
- negative, 5.211
- only in, 5.186
- prepositional, 5.193–95
- and problematic words and phrases, 5.250
- and transitive and intransitive verbs, 5.98
- zero article in, 5.77
- See also colloquial speech; dialect; slang
- i.e., 5.250, 6.51, 10.7, 10.42
- if, 5.124, 5.201, 6.24, 6.40. See also conjunctions
- if, whether, 5.250
- if . . . then, 5.199, 5.244
- illustration credits and credit lines, 3.29–37
- contents of, 3.29, 4.102
- editing of, 2.65
- format of, 4.102
- importance of, 4.75, 13.3
- placement of, 3.30; in back matter, 1.4, 3.30; on copyright page, 1.30, 1.73, 3.30, 4.78; on cover or jacket, 1.73; list of illustrations and tables, 3.38
- proofreading of, 2.108
- types of material: adapted material, 3.37; author’s own work, 3.31, 4.78; commercial agency material, 3.36; commissioned material, 3.33; cover or jacket artwork, 1.30, 1.73; interior book design, 1.30; maps, 3.33, 8.199; obtained free of charge, 3.34; public-domain work, 3.35; requiring permission, 3.32; translations of quoted materials, 11.14
- See also permissions; source notes
- illustrations, 3.3–46
- accessibility issues, 3.28
- acquisition of: adapted material, 3.37; commercial agency material, 3.36, 4.99, 4.101; commissioned material, 3.33; material obtained free of charge, 3.34; previously published material, 2.47; public-domain material, 3.35; published work needing permission, 2.2, 2.3, 3.32; works made for hire, 3.33, 4.10, 4.75
- blind page numbers for, 1.7, 1.39
- credits for (see illustration credits and credit lines)
- defined, 3.1
- electronic files, preparation of: artwork, prints vs. scans, 2.27; charts, 3.43; digital artwork, 3.15; file formats, pp. 981, 982, 985, 989; identified for publisher, 3.16; numbering of, 2.28; separate files for each component, 2.26, 2.36, 2.80, 3.16; submission to publisher, 3.3, 3.4, 3.15–20; text references and callouts, 2.30
- as electronic supplementary data, 3.9, 3.26
- examples of, figs. 3.1–10
- fair use of, 3.32, 4.90
- frontispieces, 1.18, 1.39, 3.22
- galleries: callouts not needed for, 3.8; in list of illustrations, 3.39; manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.28; numbering illustrations in, 2.28, 3.14; placement of, 3.6; plates in, 3.5; in table of contents, 1.38, 1.39, fig. 1.5, fig. 1.7; unpaginated, 1.6, 3.6, fig. 1.7
- hyperlinks to, 1.96, 1.107, 3.8, 3.51
- indexing of, 16.116, 16.140, 16.141
- on journal cover, 1.84
- keys to (legends), 3.7, 3.12, 3.19–21, 3.24, fig. 3.4, fig. 3.6
- in letters to the editor, 1.101
- manuscript and editorial concerns: cross-checking, 2.32; editing of, 2.65; electronic file cleanup, 2.80; guidelines for authors (see manuscript preparation guidelines for authors: illustrations and tables); inventory of artwork, 3.17–18; placement, 2.62, 3.8; proofreading, 2.107, 2.115, 2.137
- numbering, 3.9–14; arabic numerals for, 3.12; continuous vs. separate, 3.10; conventions of, 2.28; double or multiple numeration, 1.57, 2.28, 3.11; in galleries, 2.28, 3.14; in index locators, 16.116; separating captions from, 3.23; text references to, 3.9, 3.50, 8.180; working (temporary) numbers, 2.28, 3.13
- original dimensions noted for, 3.27
- pagination of, 1.8, 1.39, 2.115
- parts, identification of, 3.12, 3.24, figs. 3.6–7
- permissions for, 2.2, 2.3, 3.18, 3.29, 3.30, 3.32, 4.95, 4.98–101
- photo releases for, 4.77
- plates: defined, 3.5, p. 985; indexing of, 16.116; lists of, 1.39, fig. 1.7; numbering of, 2.28; text references to, 3.9; use of term, 3.23
- reproduction of: cropping, scaling, and shading, 3.19; halftones, 3.3, 3.6, figs. 3.1–2, p. 981; previously published material, 2.47; publisher’s redrawing of, 3.20; scans, 2.27, 2.47, 3.15
- and running heads, 1.8, 1.16, 2.115
- source citations for, 14.158
- submission to publisher, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.27, 3.3, 3.4, 3.15–20
- symbols or patterns used in, 3.7, 3.25, 3.45, fig. 3.4, fig. 3.6, figs. 3.8–9
- vs. tables, 3.2
- text references and callouts (see callouts; text references to illustrations and tables)
- thumbnails, 1.96, 1.107, 3.8, 3.51, 4.90, p. 989
- types: color, 1.6, 2.37, 3.3, 3.15, 3.19, 3.43; continuous-tone, 3.3, p. 978; line art, 3.4, 3.19–20, 3.41, figs. 3.3–4, fig. 3.6; musical examples, 3.4, fig. 3.5; text figures and plates as, 3.5
- unnumbered, 3.13, fig. 3.3
- as works made for hire, 3.33, 4.10, 4.75
- See also artwork; captions; charts and graphs; lists of illustrations and tables; tables
- image agencies, 3.36, 4.99, 4.101
- images. See artwork; illustrations
- imperative mood, 5.122, 5.155, 5.160, 5.214, 5.255. See also imperative sentences
- imperative sentences (directives)
- as in, 5.250
- conjunctions in, 6.22
- conjunctive adverbs in, 6.57
- defined, 5.214
- exceptional, 5.215
- for gender neutrality, 5.255
- indirect questions as, 6.69
- infinitives in, 5.109
- negative, 5.152, 5.235
- periods with, 6.12
- question marks with, 6.68
- understood you in, 5.51, 5.122, 6.22
- imperfect (progressive, continuous) tenses, 5.119, 5.128, 5.135
- implicit (zero) articles, 5.77
- imposition, pp. 981–82
- impressions
- defined, 1.26, p. 982
- vs. editions, 1.23, 1.26
- impression lines, 1.20, 1.28, figs. 1.1–4
- and publication date, 14.143
- See also reprints
- imprints, 14.138–39, p. 982. See also publishers’ names
- in, after chapter titles in source citations, 14.106, 15.9
- inasmuch as, 5.201, 5.250
- Inc., 6.44, 10.23, 10.24, 14.134
- including, 6.50, 10.42
- inclusive (continuing) numbers, 9.60–64
- abbreviating and condensing, 9.61, 9.62, 9.64, 16.14
- with abbreviations and symbols, 9.17
- commas with, 9.63
- dates, 6.78–79, 9.34, 9.60, 9.64, 14.117, 14.144, 14.171
- en dashes in, 2.80, 6.78–79, 9.60, 16.100, 16.134
- full style for, 9.62, 9.64
- in index entries, 16.12, 16.14, 16.29, 16.100, 16.103, 16.113, 16.121
- with percent, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- and repeated quantities, 9.17
- roman numerals, 9.61, 16.14
- in tables, 3.83
- unfinished ranges of, 6.79, 15.41
- words between, 9.60
- See also numbers; page ranges
- inclusive language. See bias-free language
- indeed, 6.49, 6.57
- indefinite articles. See articles (definite and indefinite)
- indefinite pronouns, 5.47, 5.67, 5.139, 5.256
- indentation
- bibliographies, 1.63, 2.11, 2.24, 14.64, fig. 14.8
- definitions, 2.11, pp. 980, 982
- dialogue and drama, 13.8, 13.46
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- glossary entries, 2.23
- indexes, 16.24, 16.106, 16.131, 16.137
- marking manuscript for, 2.98
- paragraphs, 2.11, 2.12
- proofreading of, 2.113, 2.126
- quotations: block quotations, 2.11, 2.19; drama excerpts, 13.8, 13.47; interviews and discussions, 13.48; paragraphs within, 2.19, 13.22; poetry extracts, 2.11, 2.20, 13.25–27
- runover lines (see runover lines)
- in tables, 3.60, 3.61, 3.63, 3.73, 3.74, fig. 3.13, fig. 3.21
- text following block quotations, 2.21, 13.24
- types of, 2.11
- vertical lists, 2.11, 2.21, 6.130
- word-processing function, 2.11, 2.12, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 2.24, 2.80, 16.131
- See also block quotations; indexes: indented style; margins; quotations
- indented style (indexes). See under indexes
- independent (absolute) possessive pronouns, 5.49
- independent clauses
- adverbs modifying, 5.156
- antecedents in, 5.57, 5.59
- colons with, 6.61
- commas with, 6.22–23, 6.32
- in complex sentences, 5.219
- in compound-complex sentences, 5.220
- in compound sentences, 5.218
- conjunctions with, 6.22, 6.32, 6.59
- defined, 5.225
- introducing quotations, 13.16
- passive voice in, 5.115
- quotations of, 6.40, 8.162
- semicolons with, 6.56–59
- and sentence types, 5.217–20
- in simple sentences, 5.217
- See also dependent (subordinate) clauses
- independent possessives, 5.49
- independent professionals
- book designers, 2.73
- editors, 2.48, 2.73
- indexers, 2.70, 16.3, 16.4
- for obtaining permissions, 4.76n1
- proofreaders, 2.101
- index cards, 16.107
- index entries
- cross-references (see cross-references, in indexes)
- double posting, 16.16, 16.30
- examples, 16.141–45
- inclusive (continuing) numbers in, 16.12, 16.14, 16.29, 16.100, 16.103, 16.113, 16.121
- locators: appropriate use of, 16.12; chapter numbers with, 16.111; checking, 16.133; ff. and et sec. not appropriate with, 16.12; italics and boldface for, 16.116, 16.140, 16.141, 16.143; long strings of, 16.120, 16.128, 16.133; with main headings, 16.9; across multiple volumes, 1.9; for notes, 14.157, 16.111–13, 16.117; number per entry, 16.10, 16.120, 16.128, 16.133; number per page, 16.118; page ranges, 16.12, 16.14, 16.100, 16.113, 16.121; pagination final for, 2.104–6, 2.113, 2.118, 16.108; paragraph numbers as, 1.125, 2.106, 16.12, 16.13, 16.108; punctuation with, 16.25, 16.94, 16.100; for scattered entries, 16.12; for subentries, 16.10; undifferentiated, after main headings with subentries, 16.129
- main headings: alphabetizing, 16.56 (see also alphabetizing); checking of, 16.133; cross-references following, 16.17, 16.26; definition and use, 16.9; headings beginning with numerals, 16.65; initial lowercase letters, 16.11; inversion in, 16.9, 16.56, 16.94; noun or noun phrase for, 16.9; refining terms for, 16.126; vs. subentries, 16.127; typing and modifying, 16.122; undifferentiated locators after, 16.129
- punctuation, 16.94–100; and alphabetizing, 16.59; checking, 16.133; colons, 16.19, 16.20, 16.25, 16.95; cross-references, 16.17–20, 16.26, 16.95–97; em dashes, 6.92, 16.27, 16.99, 16.141; en dashes, 16.100, 16.111, 16.134; in indented style, 16.26, 16.28, 16.95; inversions, 9.42, 16.94; with locators, 16.94, 16.100; in run-in style, 16.25, 16.27, 16.95, 16.96; subentries, 6.92, 16.95–96; sub-subentries, 16.27, 16.28, 16.99, 16.142
- subentries: alphabetizing, 16.68–70 (see also alphabetizing); articles in, 16.51, 16.52, 16.68, 16.129; checking of, 16.133; chronological order, 16.70, 16.133; cross-references in, 16.10, 16.18, 16.20, 16.26; cross-references to, 16.19, 16.20; definition and use, 16.10; excessive number of, 16.133; indentation, 16.137; initial lowercase letters in, 16.11; vs. main entries, 16.127; marking proofs for, 16.120; numerical order, 16.69; punctuation, 6.92, 16.95–96; run-in vs. indented-style, 16.25–26, 16.68, 16.103, 16.141–43; syntax for, 16.10, 16.68, 16.129; typing and modifying, 16.122; when to use, 16.120, 16.128, 16.133
- sub-subentries: avoiding, 16.27, 16.133; and continued lines, 16.139; indented style for, 16.143; punctuation, 16.27, 16.28, 16.99, 16.142; run-in style for, 16.27, 16.142; syntax for, 16.129
- sub-sub-subentries, 16.28, 16.143
- vanity entries, 16.31
- See also alphabetizing; indexes; indexing
- indexes
- automatic “generation” not possible, 16.105
- continued lines, 16.139
- editing of, 2.67, 16.132–34
- electronic publications, 1.125, 16.1, 16.7, 16.13, 16.15, 16.102
- examples, 16.141–45
- format of term, 8.179
- hanging (flush-and-hang) indentation, 16.24, 16.106, 16.131
- headnotes for, 16.116, 16.140, 16.141, 16.143, 16.145
- indented style: continued lines, 16.139; cross-references, 16.20, 16.26, 16.28; description, 16.26; examples, 16.26, 16.28, 16.142–43; hanging (flush-and-hang) indentation, 16.24, 16.106, 16.131; punctuation in, 16.26, 16.28, 16.95; runover lines, 16.26, 16.28, 16.137; subentries in, 16.26, 16.68, 16.142–43; sub-subentries in, 16.28, 16.143
- length of, 16.103, 16.118, 16.133
- order of multiple indexes, 1.65
- placement in book, 1.4, 1.65
- proofreading of, 2.2, 2.105
- publisher’s preferences, 16.103, 16.106, 16.118, 16.123, 16.129
- quality of, 16.132
- repagination issues, 2.118
- run-in style: chronological order for subentries in, 16.70; continued lines, 16.139; cross-references, 16.20, 16.25, 16.96; description, 16.25; examples, 16.141; hanging (flush-and-hang) indentation, 16.24, 16.106; indentation guidelines, 16.137; punctuation in, 16.25, 16.27, 16.95, 16.96; for sub-subentries, 16.28, 16.142; sub-subentries in, 16.27, 16.28, 16.141
- running heads for, 1.14, 16.6
- vs. searching, 1.110, 1.111, 16.2, 16.7
- single vs. multiple indexes, 16.6, 16.115, 16.131
- submission format of, 16.131
- in table of contents, 1.38, fig. 1.5
- titles for, 16.131
- types: author-and-title, for anthologies, 16.6; authors’ names, 16.6, 16.115, 16.145; embedded, 16.7; first lines, 16.6, 16.144, 16.145; hyperlinked, 1.125, 16.7, 16.13, 16.15, 16.102, 16.108; journals (see journals: indexes); multivolume works, 1.9; online, 1.96, 1.109, 1.125; past contributors, 1.100; single vs. multiple, 16.6, 16.115, 16.131
- typographic considerations: bad breaks, 16.138; continued lines, 16.139; distinguishing types of entries and locators, 16.116, 16.140, 16.141, 16.143; justification, 16.131, 16.136; multiple indexes, 16.6; running heads, 1.14, 16.6; separate vs. consecutive pagination in multivolume works, 1.9; titles of works, 16.47; typesetting instructions, 16.134; type size and column width, 1.65, 16.135
- value of, 16.2
- as works made for hire, 4.10
- See also alphabetizing; index entries; indexing
- indexing, 16.56–93
- author’s role in: list of terms for indexer, 16.30, 16.108; manuscript preparation, 16.24; vs. professional indexers, 16.3, 16.4; responsibility for, 2.2, 2.70; and software, 16.104
- from first proofs, 2.104, 2.106, 2.118
- glossaries, 1.61, 16.109
- mechanics: alphabetizing (see alphabetizing); checking cross-references, 16.130; editing and refining entries, 16.124, 16.126–30; editing someone else’s index, 16.132–33; index-card method, 16.107; marking proofs, 16.117–21, fig. 16.1; noting errors in text, 16.125, 16.131; pagination final for, 2.104–6, 2.113, 2.118, 16.108; parts of work to index, 16.109–16; preliminary work, 16.108; preparation, 16.101–7; and publisher’s preferences, 16.103, 16.106, 16.118, 16.123, 16.129; software, 16.5, 16.57, 16.104, 16.117, 16.123; submitting index, 16.131; typesetting instructions, 16.134; typing entries, 16.122, 16.123, 16.131
- for multiauthor volumes, 2.42
- names, non-English personal, 16.75–87; Arabic, 16.75; Asian, other, 16.87; Burmese, 16.76; Chinese, 16.77; Hungarian, 8.13, 16.78; Indian, 16.79; Indonesian, 16.80; Japanese, 16.81; Korean, 16.82; Portuguese, 16.83; Spanish, 16.83, 16.84; Thai, 16.85; Vietnamese, 16.86
- names, personal: academic titles and offices in, 16.40; basic rules, 16.71–75; clerical titles with, 16.39; compound, 16.72; as corporate names, 16.89; familiar forms of, 16.33, 16.71; full name unknown, 16.43; hyphens in, 16.72; with initials, 8.13, 16.63, 16.78; Jr., Sr., III, and such with, 6.43, 16.41; Mac, Mc, or O’ with, 16.73; as main entry, 16.9; married women’s, 16.36, 16.84; non-English (see names, non-English personal above); with numbers, 16.37, 16.41, 16.66; with particles, 16.71, 16.84; people with same name, 16.35; pseudonyms, 16.34; saints, 16.42; Saint with, 16.74; sovereigns and other rulers, 16.37, 16.66; titled persons, 16.38
- names, proper: abbreviations as, 16.46, 16.64; cross-references for (see cross-references, in indexes); entities with same name, 16.35, 16.45, 16.62; incomplete or unknown, 16.44; organizations, 16.46, 16.64, 16.88–89; passing mentions of, 16.31; person, place, and thing with same name, 16.62; resources on, 16.32, 16.71; variants of, 16.32 (see also names, personal above and place-names below)
- notes, 14.157, 16.110–13, 16.117
- place-names, 16.90–93; definite article with, 16.91, 16.92; entities with same name, 16.62; with Fort, Mount, Saint, and such, 16.90, 16.93; old vs. present forms, 16.29; from short form in text, 16.44; two places with same name, 16.45
- professional indexers, 2.70, 16.3, 16.4
- publication process and schedules, 2.2, 2.67, 2.70, 16.4, 16.101
- resources on, 16.8, 16.13, 16.58, 16.84, 16.104, 16.107
- term choices: editing of, 16.124, 16.126–27, 16.129; marking proofs for, 16.117–20, fig. 16.1; noun or noun phrase, 16.9; passing mentions omitted, 16.31; reflective of text, 16.29–30; and type of material, 16.118
- titles of works, 16.47–55; article at beginning of, 16.48–49, 16.51–52, 16.56; authors, first lines, and titles, 16.145; with authors’ names in parentheses, 16.50, 16.97; double-posted under authors’ names, 16.50; non-English, 16.48, 16.49, 16.52, 16.53; periodicals, 16.48–49; preposition at beginning of, 16.53; question mark or exclamation at end of, 16.54; separate index of titles, 16.6; subtitles omitted, 16.54; typographic treatment of, 16.47; works entries, 16.50 (see also alphabetizing: articles disregarded in)
- See also alphabetizing; index entries; indexes
- India, names in, 16.79
- indicative mood, 5.121, 5.122, 5.124, 5.129, 5.130
- indirect questions, 5.201, 6.42, 6.69
- Indonesian language, names, 8.18, 16.80
- infinitives, 5.106–9
- dangling, 5.109
- defined, 5.106
- gerunds as substitute for, 5.112
- with have, 5.153
- personal pronoun as subject of, 5.44
- split, 5.108, 5.171
- uses of, 5.107
- infinity symbol, circled (paper durability), 1.35
- inflected genitives, 5.20
- informal speech. See colloquial speech; slang
- infra, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- initialisms
- ampersands in, 10.10
- articles with, 5.250, 7.33, 10.9
- capitalization, 10.6, 10.25, 10.26
- company names, 8.189, 10.24, 10.25
- country names, 10.31, 10.32
- definition and use, 10.2
- disease and medical terms, 8.144
- indexing of, 16.49, 16.64
- journal titles, 14.170, 16.49
- possessives of, 7.17, 8.189
- small vs. full-size capitals for, 10.8
- space omitted in, 10.5, 10.10
- versions and sections of Bible, 10.48
- See also abbreviations, general; abbreviations, specific; acronyms
- initials
- decorative, in text, 13.37
- in and as names: alphabetizing of, 8.13, 16.63, 16.78; in author’s preface, 1.41; for authors with same last name, 15.22, 16.35; for hyphenated given name, 8.7; and indexes of authors’ names, 16.115; punctuation of, 7.66, 10.4, 10.12; in source citations, 14.73–74, 15.12, 15.33, 15.53; spacing of, 8.4; vs. spelled-out names, 16.63, 16.115; and word division, 7.42
- spacing of, 6.121, 7.66, 8.4, 10.12, 14.74, 15.33
- See also initialisms
- in-law, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- in order that, 5.201
- in press, 1.78, 1.86, 1.113, 8.188, 14.146. See also forthcoming
- inscriptions, collections of, 14.249
- insertions. See additions and insertions
- Instagram, 8.191. See also social media content
- institutions
- churches as, 8.98
- names: academic, 6.81, 8.68; as authors, 14.70; capitalization, 8.68, 8.85; in non-English languages, 11.26, 11.61, 11.88; place-names within, 6.39, 6.81; possessives of, 7.20; in source citations for dissertations, theses, lectures, and such, 14.215, 14.217; unusual capitalization in, 8.69
- titles and offices in, 8.25, 8.27, 8.28
- See also academic concerns; business and commerce; governmental entities; organization names; universities
- integral sign, 12.41
- intellectual property rights
- basic vs. subsidiary, 4.17–18
- derivative works and performance, 4.14
- originality, 4.3, 4.5, 4.72
- public display, 4.13, 4.14, 4.34
- reproduction and distribution, 4.13, 4.34, 4.51, 4.64, 4.76
- subdivision of, 4.34
- trademark protection, 4.16
- See also copyright; subsidiary rights
- intensifiers, 5.156
- intensive and reflexive pronouns, 5.41, 5.51, 5.53
- inter, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- interactive books, 14.268. See also multimedia content
- intercaps (midcaps), 8.69, 8.154
- interior (internal) discourse, 13.43
- interior monologues, 4.87, 13.43. See also dialogue; speech
- interjections, 5.206–9
- abbreviation of interjection, 10.42
- capitalization, 7.31
- as colloquial, 5.207
- defined, 5.206
- exclamations as, 5.216, 6.35
- functional variation in, 5.208
- punctuation with, 5.206, 6.35
- spelling of, 7.31
- words used exclusively as, 5.209
- See also exclamation points
- internal (interior) discourse, 4.87, 13.43
- International Digital Publishing Forum, 1.28
- International ISBN Agency, 1.32, 1.74
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- archival practices, 1.114
- country name abbreviations, 10.31
- currency codes, 9.21, 9.23
- ISBNs, 1.32
- standard date format, 6.108, 9.35, 9.36
- International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), 11.22
- International Standard Book Number. See ISBN
- International Standard Serial Number. See ISSN
- International System of Units (Système international d’unités, SI), 10.51–59
- base quantities and units, 10.52, 10.54
- binary systems, 9.11
- decimal points, 9.55, 9.56
- derived units, 10.57, 10.60
- form for, 10.52
- grams, 10.55
- mega-, giga-, tera-, and such, 9.10, 9.11, 10.49, 10.55, 10.56
- non-SI units, 10.59
- overview, 10.51
- resources on, 9.56, 10.51
- SI units referred to as abbreviations, 10.2
- technical abbreviations, list of, 10.49
- internet
- abbreviations of related terms, 10.49
- defined, p. 982
- images from, 3.15
- protocols, 14.17
- treatment of term, 7.80
- See also addresses, email; blogs and blog posts; electronic publications; hyperlinks; online publications; URLs; websites and web pages
- interpolations and clarifications. See editorial interpolations and clarifications
- interrogative pronouns, 5.54–55, 5.58
- interrogative sentences. See questions
- interviews and discussions
- editing of, 2.61
- releases for, 4.77
- source citations for, 14.211–13, 15.53
- transcription of, 13.48
- See also dialogue; direct address; personal communications; speech; transcriptions
- in-text citations. See text citations
- intra, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- intransitive verbs, 5.35, 5.98, 5.169, 5.170
- introductions
- abstracts for, 1.76
- copyright of, 4.75
- format of term, 8.179, 14.110
- indexing of, 16.109
- to journal special issues, 1.102
- location and format of, 1.43, 1.46, 1.47, 1.48
- to parts of text, 1.38, 1.48
- placement in book, 1.4, fig. 1.5
- for previously published materials, 2.46
- source citations for, 14.105, 14.110
- submission of, 2.3
- introductory words and phrases
- and alphabetizing, 16.68
- colons with, 6.63–65, 13.16
- commas with, 6.30–31, 6.33–35, 13.14
- em dashes with, 6.86
- italics for, in legal-style citations, 14.272
- no punctuation with, 13.15
- inversion of names
- bibliographies and reference lists: first author’s name only, 4.21, 14.23, 14.66, 14.76, 14.101, 15.9; single author, 14.75, 15.6; titles of manuscript collections, 14.229
- personal names in indexes (see indexing: names, personal)
- inverted word order
- adverbial phrases with, 6.31
- in exclamations, 5.216
- indexes, 16.9, 16.56, 16.68, 16.90, 16.94
- quotations with, 13.14
- as syntax variation, 5.224
- of titles beginning with articles, 16.48–49, 16.51–52, 16.56
- See also inversion of names
- Ireland, 1.34
- irregular (strong) verbs, 5.100, 5.130, 5.144. See also auxiliary (helping) verbs
- irregular adjectives, 5.87
- irregular adverbs, 5.165
- irregular nouns, 5.20, 7.5, 7.16, 7.27
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
- on copyright page, 1.20, 1.32, fig. 1.1
- on covers and jackets, 1.74
- defined, p. 982
- for e-books, 1.28, 1.32, fig. 1.1, fig. 1.4
- hyphenation of, 6.77
- as metadata, 1.75
- proofreading of, 2.108
- for publications in multiple formats, 1.20, 1.32, 4.64, fig. 1.1, fig. 1.4
- resources on, 1.32
- ISBN Agency for the United States, 1.32, 1.74
- ISO. See International Organization for Standardization
- ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), 1.20, 1.32, 1.79, 1.84, 1.86, 1.92, 1.103, p. 982
- ISSN International Centre, 1.32
- issue numbers
- in copyright line, 1.103
- on journal cover, 1.84, 2.109
- as metadata, 1.92
- numerals for, 9.27, 14.171
- omission of, 15.48
- overview, 1.80
- proofreading of, 2.134
- and retractions, 1.91
- in source citations, 14.23, 14.165, 14.171, 14.177, 14.185, 15.9, 15.47
- in table of contents, 1.87
- issues (of periodicals), p. 982. See also issue numbers
- it, 5.47, 5.115, 5.239, 5.240, 5.246, 8.77, 8.118
- Italian language, 11.46–53
- abbreviation of Italian, 10.42
- capitalization, 8.9, 11.46
- punctuation, 11.47, 11.48, 11.49, 11.52–53
- quotations and dialogue, 11.47
- resources on, 11.46
- special characters, 11.53
- word division, 11.50–52
- italics
- defined, p. 982
- within italicized titles, reversed, 8.173, 14.95
- marking manuscript for, 2.73, 2.97, 12.63
- marking proofs for, 2.131
- plurals of words in, 7.12
- possessives in, 7.29
- proofreading of, 2.113, 2.131
- and punctuation, 6.2, 14.89
- and semantic markup, 2.82n1, 7.49
- for titles of works (see under titles of works)
- vs. underlining, 2.15, 2.80
- uses: abbreviations, 2.23, 10.7, 10.50, 14.60; added to original quotation, 13.62; computer terminology, 7.79; in cross-references in source citations, 14.81; emphasis, 7.48, 7.50, 13.62, 14.37; enzyme names, 8.133; epigraphs, 13.36; gene names, 8.132; genus and species, 8.2, 8.120, 8.122, 8.123, 8.173; glossary terms, 2.23; glossed American Sign Language, 11.133; highlighting key terms, 7.56; index cross-references, 16.15, 16.20, 16.22, 16.23; index references to illustrations, 16.116, 16.140, 16.141; legal-style citations, 14.272; for letters as letters (e.g., a), 7.64; locators (e.g., above, left) in captions, 3.24; mathematical copy, 12.10, 12.11, 12.56, 12.63, 12.65; music dynamics, 7.75; N, n, in tables, 3.85, fig. 3.20; non-English terms in English context, 7.53, 7.54, 11.3, 11.5, 11.75, 11.88, 11.94, 14.272; notes keyed to text by page numbers, 14.53, fig. 14.6; notes to tables, 3.77, 3.78; numbers and letters in lists, 6.129; rhyme schemes, 7.69; run-in subheads, 2.18; SI base quantities, 10.54; sic, 6.73, 7.55, 13.61; significance (probability) levels (p), 3.80; stage directions, 13.46; totals in tables, 3.63, fig. 3.15; transcriptions of discussions or interviews, 13.48; words and phrases used as words, 6.2, 7.63
- word-processing styles for, 2.82
- See also non-English materials; non-English words and phrases; typographic considerations
- Italy, 9.23. See also Italian language
- it is I, it is me, 5.250
- its, it’s, 2.111, 5.50, 5.250