References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- l. (line) and ll. (lines), 14.156
- labels
- vs. captions, 3.21
- in charts, 3.44–45
- in illustrations and keys, 3.7, 3.12, 3.24, fig. 3.3, fig. 3.4, fig. 3.6
- marked on line art to be redrawn, 3.20
- scaling of, 3.19
- on submitted artwork, 2.27
- of x and y axes, 3.43, fig. 3.8
- See also keys to illustrations
- labor unions, 8.70, 9.49
- landscape, p. 983
- “last modified” dates, 14.13
- LaTeX, 12.2, 12.9, 12.68, fig. 12.3, table 12.1
- Latin alphabet
- IPA notation, 11.22
- languages using, generally, 11.18–20, 11.70
- special characters, 11.2, 11.21, 11.22, table 11.1 (see also special characters)
- See also transliteration and transliterated text; and specific languages
- Latin language, 11.54–59
- abbreviations in, 7.55, 10.7, 10.42 (see also et al., ibid.)
- capitalization, 11.54
- ligatures for, 7.34
- prepositions in, 8.159
- for provisional chemical elements, 10.63
- roman type for terms in, 7.55, 10.7, 10.42, 13.66
- special characters, 11.59
- titles of works in, 11.54
- word division, 11.55–58
- See also classical Greek and Latin works; genus and species names; scientific and technical terminology
- latitude, 10.36. See also compass points and directions
- laws and statutes. See legislation
- laws and theories
- mathematical, 12.56
- schools of thought, 8.79
- scientific, 8.148
- See also philosophical terms and movements; scientific and technical terminology
- layout, p. 983
- le, 8.7
- leaders (several spaced periods), 3.64, fig. 3.16. See also ellipses
- leading, 2.125, p. 983. See also line spacing
- leaf numbers. See folios
- least, 5.86, 5.87, 5.88, 5.163, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- leaves, book, 1.5. See also folios; page numbers
- lectures and lecture series, 8.87, 14.217, 14.264, 14.267. See also speeches
- left or right indent, 2.11
- legal and public documents
- acts and treaties, 8.66, 8.80, 8.81, 14.275, 14.290
- constitutions, 8.80, 9.28, 14.272, 14.280
- numbered divisions in, 9.28
- presidential, 8.66, 8.75–76, 8.80–81, 14.275, 14.289–90
- quotations in, 13.18, 13.21
- resources and stylebooks on, 14.3, 14.269, 14.270, 14.287, 14.289, 14.290, 14.292, 14.297
- shall in, 5.250
- See also legal and public documents, source citations for
- legal and public documents, source citations for, 14.269–305
- abbreviations in: cases and court decisions, 14.276–77, 14.279, 14.294, 14.298; congressional debates and hearings, 14.285–87; constitutions, 14.280; generally, 14.274; international entities, 14.304; legislation, 14.295; legislative debates, 14.301; legislative documents, 14.281, 14.299; UK command papers, 14.302
- acts and treaties, 14.275, 14.290
- arabic vs. roman numerals in, 14.147
- author-date reference system, 14.271, 15.58–59
- bills and resolutions, 14.283
- Canada, 14.269, 14.293–96
- cases and court decisions, 8.82, 14.272, 14.275–79, 14.294, 14.298, 15.59
- Chicago- vs. legal-style, 14.291
- constitutions, 14.272, 14.280
- courts, 14.276–79, 14.294, 14.298, 14.304
- id. in, 14.35, 14.275, 14.279
- international entities, 14.304–5
- loose-leaf services, 14.220
- municipal ordinances, 14.288, 14.300
- note form, 14.271
- online documents, 14.270, 14.276, 14.298, 14.300, 14.305
- page numbers and other locators, 14.273, 14.276, 14.284, 14.290, 14.294, 14.303, 14.305
- private (e.g., wills), 14.219
- resources and stylebooks on, 14.3, 14.269, 14.270
- secondary sources, 14.291
- shortened citations, 14.275, 14.276, 14.279
- typefaces, 14.272
- United Kingdom, 14.297–303; command papers, 14.302; legal cases, 14.298; parliamentary debates, 14.301; parliamentary publications, 14.299; resources on, 14.297, 14.300; statutes, 14.300; unpublished, 14.303
- United States: bills and resolutions, 14.283; congressional reports and documents, 14.285; debates before 1873, 14.287; debates since 1873, 14.286; hearings, 14.284; legal cases, 14.277–79; legislation, 14.282, 14.288; municipal ordinances and state laws, 14.288; presidential documents, 14.289; secondary sources on, 14.291; unpublished, 14.292
- unpublished, 14.292, 14.296, 14.303
- legal blacklining (redlining), p. 986. See also tracking changes
- legal cases
- source citations for: basic elements, 14.276; Canadian cases, 14.294; italics for, 14.272, 14.276; notes and text citations, 8.82, 15.59; short forms, 14.275; UK courts, 14.298; US courts, 14.277–79
- treatment in text, 8.82
- v. in, 8.82, 14.276
- legal-style citations, 14.269–75
- abbreviations in, generally, 14.274
- vs. Chicago-style, 14.291
- note form, 14.271
- page numbers and other locators, 14.273, 14.276, 14.284, 14.290, 14.294, 14.303, 14.305
- resources on, 14.3, 14.269, 14.270
- shortened citations, 14.275, 14.276, 14.279
- typefaces, 14.272
- See also courts; legal and public documents
- legends, 3.7, 3.12, 3.19–21, 3.24, fig. 3.4, fig. 3.6. See also captions
- legislation
- abbreviations, 14.281, 14.299
- bills and resolutions compared, 14.283
- Canadian, 14.295
- debates on, 14.286–87, 14.301
- formal and generic names for, 8.80, 8.81
- hearings on, 14.284
- published text of, 14.282
- secondary sources on, 14.291
- short forms for names, 14.275
- state, 14.288
- United Kingdom, 14.300
- US federal, 14.282
- US state and municipal, 14.288
- See also acts and treaties; copyright; legal and public documents
- legislative and deliberative bodies
- abbreviations, 14.281, 14.283
- hearings of, 14.284
- names and terms for, 8.62
- See also legal and public documents
- length (measurement). See International System of Units; metric system; units of measurement
- length (parts of text)
- books, 14.153
- indexes, 16.103, 16.118, 16.133
- manuscripts, 2.4, 2.52, p. 977
- notes, 14.40, 14.56
- quotations, 13.10, 13.25
- table titles and column heads, 3.54
- lesbian, gay, 8.41
- less, 5.7, 5.85, 5.87, 5.88, 5.163, 6.47, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- less, fewer, 5.250
- let, 5.215
- letter-by-letter alphabetizing
- basics of, 16.59
- for bibliographies, 14.65
- for indexes of first lines, 16.144, 16.145
- preferred for indexes, 16.58
- vs. word-by-word, 16.57, 16.58, 16.61, 16.123
- letters (alphabet)
- archaic, 13.7
- hyphens to separate, 6.77
- as letters, 7.15, 7.64
- marking spacing changes between, 2.125
- names of (spelled-out pronunciations), 7.68
- ordinal, superscript, 11.27
- plurals of, 7.15, 7.64, 7.65
- spellings for, 7.68
- uses: in common expressions, 7.64; generations, 8.42; as identifiers in classical Greek and Latin works, 14.243, 14.245, 14.248; illustration parts, 3.7, 3.12, 3.24, fig. 3.4, fig. 3.6; lists and outlines, 2.21, 6.127, 6.129, 6.132, 7.45; multiple appendixes, 1.59; musical symbols, 7.71–75; notes to parts of tables, 3.79, figs. 3.14–15; parts of book, 8.180; rhyme schemes, 7.69; same-author, same-year works in reference lists, 15.20; scholastic grades, 7.65; shapes (e.g., S curve), 7.67; standing for proper names, 7.66; vessel names, 8.116
- See also alphabetizing; alphabets; capital letters; initialisms; initials; special characters
- letters (correspondence)
- chronological order, 1.52
- copyright issues, 4.19
- multiple paragraphs quoted, 13.35
- permissible changes, 13.8
- punctuation in, 6.14, 6.53, 6.66
- quotations from, 13.10, 13.61
- source citations for: examples, 14.229; in manuscript collections, 14.228; private collections, 14.231; published collections, 14.111, 15.43; shortened citations, 14.111
- See also letters to the editor; manuscript collections; personal communications; unpublished and informally published materials
- letters to the editor, 1.94, 1.101, 14.196. See also editorials
- lexicalized signs (ASL), 11.131
- libel, 4.73
- libraries. See archival practices; databases; library catalogs; manuscript collections
- Library and Archives Canada, 1.34
- library catalogs
- alphabetization in, 16.58
- Chinese romanization in, 11.82
- non-English bibliographic terms in, 14.102
- for non-English titles, 14.98
- for personal names, 8.3, 16.71
- for publishers’ names, 14.133, 14.138
- Library of Congress, 1.32, 1.34, 4.47, 11.82, 11.84. See also Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP) data; library catalogs
- licenses for copyrighted works
- Copyright Clearance Center, 1.79, 1.103, 4.97
- Creative Commons, 4.62
- electronic works, 4.64, 4.65, 4.66
- exclusive vs. nonexclusive, 4.35
- goals of parties to, 4.36
- handling requests for, 4.70
- journals, 1.103
- and open-access publishing models, 4.61
- payment for, 4.37
- rights database as record of, 4.70
- and subsidiary rights, 4.17, 4.34
- termination of, 4.38
- universities’ claim to, 4.67
- See also copyright; intellectual property rights; permissions; publishing agreements; subsidiary rights
- “life plus seventy” rule, 4.23, 4.25, 4.26
- ligatures, 7.34, 7.35, 11.37, 11.122, p. 983
- like, as, 5.185, 5.250
- like, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- limp (flexi-) binding, p. 980
- line art
- charts and graphs as, 3.4, 3.41
- color in, 3.19
- defined, p. 983
- examples of, figs. 3.3–4, fig. 3.6
- publisher’s redrawing of, 3.20
- scaling of, 3.19
- See also illustrations
- line breaks
- and em dashes, 6.90
- and en dashes, 6.82
- mathematical expressions, 12.23, 12.50
- and nonbreaking spaces, 6.11, 6.119, 6.121, 7.42, 7.44, 7.45, 11.28
- and numbers, 7.42, 7.43, 7.44
- and proper names, 7.42
- in reflowable electronic formats, 6.82, 6.90, 6.113, 7.36, 7.47, 14.18
- run-in lists, 7.45
- and slashes, 6.113
- and URLs, 2.13, 6.113, 7.46, 14.18
- See also word division
- line editing. See manuscript editing
- line numbers
- avoiding use of l., ll., 14.156
- footnotes keyed to, 14.53, fig. 14.5
- format of, 14.156
- punctuation of, 9.54
- in text citations, 13.67
- lines (rules)
- above continued footnotes, 14.41, fig. 14.1
- avoided in illustrations, 3.19
- to be filled in, 6.93
- in tables, 3.53, 3.57, 3.58, 3.74, 3.86, figs. 3.13–14, fig. 3.16
- lines (text)
- blank, 1.58, 2.8, 2.98
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- indentation, symbol for, 2.98, 2.126
- marking manuscript for, 2.98
- proofreading of, 2.116, 2.117
- as text break, 1.58, 2.8
- widows and orphans, 2.116, 2.117, pp. 984, 990
- See also justification; leading; line spacing
- line spacing
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- for manuscript editing, 2.91
- for manuscript submission, 2.6, 2.8, 2.19–20, 2.22–24
- between paragraphs or stanzas in quotations, 13.22, 13.24, 13.25
- word-processing styles for, 2.82
- linking (copula or connecting) verbs, 5.45, 5.82, 5.93, 5.101, 5.154, 5.170, 6.30. See also be-verbs
- links. See hyperlinks
- lists in text, 6.127–32
- elided, in mathematical expressions, 12.19
- outlines, 2.21, 2.36, 6.127, 6.132
- run-in, 6.128, 6.129, 6.131, 7.45
- vertical: abbreviations in, 10.29; as alternative to tables, 3.51; as block quotations, 13.10; manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.21; in mathematical expressions, 12.16, 12.18; placement of, 2.62; punctuation and format, 2.11, 2.21, 6.92, 6.129–31, 6.132; vs. run-in, 6.128, 6.129, 6.131
- See also outlines
- lists of abbreviations
- alphabetizing, 1.44, fig. 1.8
- cross-checking, 2.32
- format and placement, 1.4, 1.44, 2.23, 14.60, fig. 1.8
- for frequently cited works, 13.67, 14.60, fig. 14.7
- when to create, 10.3
- lists of donors, 8.20
- lists of illustrations and tables, 3.38–40
- alterations in, 2.136
- appropriate use of, 1.39, 3.38
- artwork inventory linked to, 3.17
- captions shortened for, 1.39, 3.40, fig. 1.7
- cross-checking, 2.32
- editing of, 2.57
- format and placement, 1.39, 3.30, 3.38, figs. 1.6–7
- for galleries, 3.39
- and indexing, 16.109
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.26
- as navigation aid, 3.38
- placement in book, 1.4, 2.26
- proofreading of, 2.115
- submission of, 2.3
- See also illustration credits and credit lines
- lists of special characters, 2.3, 2.16, 11.21, 11.122, 12.13
- literary agents, 4.18
- literary works
- characters in, 5.129, 8.35
- cultural terms for (e.g., deconstruction), 8.79
- dramatic rights, 4.64
- fair use of, 4.86, 4.87
- frequent reference to single, 13.67
- personification in, 8.37
- rhyme schemes, 7.69
- sound recordings of, 14.264
- titles, 9.43, 16.50
- and trademark protection, 4.16
- See also classical Greek and Latin works; plays; poetry; quotations; titles of works
- literature cited. See source citations
- lithocase (paper-over-board format), 1.71
- little, 5.90, 5.230
- live-stage rights, 4.64
- location numbers, in e-books, 1.123, 14.160
- locators
- in captions, for parts of illustrations (e.g., above, left), 3.24
- in classical Greek and Latin works (see classical Greek and Latin works: source citations)
- in electronic publications: alternatives, 1.123, 2.35, 14.22, 14.160, 14.174, 15.23; database accession numbers, 2.34, 14.215, 14.257, 14.270 (see also hyperlinks)
- ff., 10.42, 14.148–49, 16.12
- in index entries (see index entries: locators)
- in legal-style citations, 14.273
- paragraph numbers as, 1.125, 2.106, 14.148, 16.12, 16.13, 16.108
- See also locators in source citations; page numbers; volumes and volume numbers
- locators in source citations
- chapter numbers, 14.106, 14.153
- folio editions, 14.155
- generally, 14.22, 15.8, 15.23
- illustration and table numbers, 14.158
- line numbers, 14.53, 14.156, fig. 14.5
- numbered notes, 14.157
- signed signatures, 14.154
- loc. cit. (loco citato), 10.42, 14.36
- logo, publisher’s, 1.19, 1.69, 1.70
- longitude, 10.36. See also compass points and directions
- loose-leaf services, 14.220
- Lord, Lady, 8.32, 16.38
- lowercase letters
- abbreviations ending with, 10.4
- defined, p. 983
- “down style,” 8.1
- in index entries, 16.11
- marking manuscript for, 2.97
- marking proofs for, 2.131
- personal names beginning with, 8.4, 8.5
- proper names beginning with, 8.69, 8.154
- See also capitalization; sentence-style capitalization
- Ltd., 6.44, 10.23, 14.134
- -ly, words ending in
- adjectives, 5.158
- adverbs, 5.93, 5.158, 5.160, 5.163, 5.164, 7.85, 7.86
- hyphenation not needed with, 7.85, 7.86, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- lyrics, 4.87, 13.3. See also musical works