References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- v., 8.82, 10.42, 14.276
- var., 8.122, 8.123
- variables, in tables, 3.52
- vector graphic, pp. 989–90
- vectors, 12.52, 12.53
- Vedas, 14.241
- vehicles and vessels, 8.2, 8.116–18, 9.44
- verbal nouns, 5.107. See also infinitives
- verb phrases, 5.104, 5.171, 5.239, 5.245, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- verbs, 5.97–155
- adjectives as, 5.95
- auxiliary (helping) (see auxiliary (helping) verbs)
- conjugation: past participles, 5.100, 5.110, 5.119 (see also participles); present participles, 5.110, 5.118, 7.41 (see also participles)
- definitions: auxiliary verbs, 5.103, 5.144; contractions, 5.105; ergative, 5.99; generally, 5.97; linking (copula or connecting), 5.101; phrasal, 5.102; principal and auxiliary (modal), 5.103, 5.144; regular and irregular, 5.100; tenses, 5.128; transitive and intransitive, 5.98
- -ed vs. -t for past tense and past participle, 5.100
- finite, 5.35, 5.138
- gerunds, 5.112–13, 5.116, 7.28, 7.41, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- and indefinite pronouns, 5.67
- infinitives, 5.44, 5.106–9, 5.112, 5.153, 5.171
- as interjections, 5.208
- linking (copula or connecting), 5.45, 5.82, 5.93, 5.101, 5.154, 5.170, 6.30
- with mass nouns, 5.7
- misleading connectives with, 5.142
- mood: defined, 5.120; imperative, 5.122, 5.155, 5.160, 5.214, 5.255; indicative, 5.121, 5.122, 5.124, 5.129, 5.130; and modal auxiliary verbs, 5.144; subjunctive, 5.123–27
- nouns as, 5.25, 5.250
- nouns formed from (nominalizations), 5.189
- with nouns in objective case, 5.19
- objects of, 5.35, 5.37, 5.44, 5.225, 5.239, 6.67
- participles (see participles)
- and personal pronouns, 5.44, 5.45
- phrasal, 5.102, 5.181
- phrasal adjectives following, 5.93
- properties, 5.117–43; agreement of subject with, 5.138, 5.139, 5.141, 5.143, 5.205, 5.250; mood (see above); number, 5.137, 5.138, 5.139, 5.140, 5.141, 5.142, 5.205; overview, 5.117; person, 5.136, 5.138, 5.143; and predicate nominative, 5.141; tenses (see below); voice (see active voice; passive voice)
- in references to works, 5.129, 8.166
- tenses: and assimilation of quoted material into text, 13.12; of be-verbs, 5.155; defined, 5.128; future, 5.131; future perfect, 5.134; past, 5.100, 5.125, 5.126, 5.130, 5.133; past indicative, 5.130; past perfect (pluperfect), 5.126, 5.127, 5.133; present, 5.125, 5.129; present indicative, 5.129; present perfect, 5.132; progressive (imperfect, continuous), 5.119, 5.128, 5.135
- verb phrases, 5.104, 5.171, 5.239, 5.245, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- verb stem (present indicative), 5.129
- See also adverbs; be-verbs
- vernacular names, 8.128–30
- version control
- and archival practices, 1.114
- document comparison software for, 2.86
- journal articles, 1.112
- in manuscript editing, 2.5, 2.78, 2.79
- multiauthor volumes, 2.41
- and preprints, 1.113
- in proofreading, 2.103, 2.105, 2.110
- version numbers, 1.28
- verso pages
- abbreviation, 14.154–55
- always even-numbered, 1.5
- blank after half-title, 1.4, 1.18
- defined, p. 990
- in folio editions, 14.155
- last page of journal, 1.81
- page after second half title, 1.46
- parts of book starting on, 1.4, 1.18
- proofreading for correct use of, 2.114–15
- running heads, 1.11–15
- in signed signatures, 14.154
- specified on final manuscript for production, 2.75–76
- See also page numbers; pagination; recto pages
- vertical bars
- in mathematical expressions, 12.26, 12.28, 12.33–34, 12.51
- in notes to tables, 3.79
- vertical lists
- abbreviations in, 10.29
- as alternative to tables, 3.51
- as block quotations, 13.10
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.21
- in mathematical expressions, 12.16, 12.18
- placement of, 2.62
- punctuation and format, 2.11, 2.21, 6.92, 6.129–31, 6.132
- vs. run-in, 6.128, 6.129, 6.131
- very, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- very, much, 5.90, 5.250
- vice, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- video blogs, 8.192
- video games, 8.190, 14.86, 14.268. See also multimedia content
- video recordings
- clips and files, 1.107, 1.114, 2.4
- numbering of, 3.10
- source citations for, 14.265
- See also multimedia content
- Vietnamese names, 16.86
- virgule. See slashes
- viz. (videlicet), 10.42
- voice
- active, 5.19, 5.115, 5.118, 5.119, 5.135, 5.192
- passive: and dangling participles, 5.115; defined, 5.118; infinitives in, 5.106; linking verbs in, 5.101; long (with by), 5.192; with past participle, 5.119, 5.135, 5.154
- volume editor. See editors; editors’ names; manuscript preparation guidelines for authors; multiauthor volumes
- volumes and volume numbers
- abbreviation of volume: in bibliographies and reference lists, generally, 14.21, 15.6, 15.15; generally, 10.42, 14.150; multivolume works, 8.175, 14.116; in notes, generally, 14.20; omission of, 14.152; plural of, 7.15; series of works, 14.123; in text citations, generally, 15.23
- defined, p. 990
- front matter in series of works, 1.18
- journals: arabic numerals for, 9.27; in copyright line, 1.103; on cover, 1.84, 2.109, 2.134; current, on home page, 1.86; defined, 1.80; issue numbering within, 1.80; issues identified by, 1.79; as metadata, 1.92; omission of, 1.80; proofreading of, 2.134; and retractions, 1.91; in source citations, 14.23, 14.171, 14.177, 15.9; in table of contents, 1.87, fig. 1.11
- pagination within, 1.81, fig. 1.11
- punctuation with, 6.62, 14.23
- in source citations: arabic numerals for, 14.147, 14.171; generally, 14.165, 15.23; journals, 14.23, 14.171, 14.177, 15.9; legal and public documents, 14.276, 14.287, 14.294, 14.301, 14.303; multivolume works, 14.116, 14.118–19, 15.41; page numbers with, 14.23, 14.116, 14.152, 14.177, 15.23, 15.48; text citations, 15.23; when to omit vol., 14.152
- treatment of term volume, 8.175 (see also abbreviation of volume above)
- See also multivolume works; series of works
- von, van, van den, 8.8, 8.10
- vs., v., 10.42