References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- ca. (circa), 7.55, 10.42
- calendar designations. See dates; time designations
- calendar year, 1.80. See also publication date
- calibers, firearm, 9.19
- call letters (broadcasting), 10.25
- callouts (illustrations and tables)
- cross-checking of, 2.32, 2.65, 2.66
- definition and format, 2.26, 2.30, 3.8
- figure, table spelled out in, 8.180
- markup of, 2.87
- and placement of feature, 3.8, 3.51
- vs. text references, 2.30, 3.8, 3.51
- working numbers in, 3.13
- calls for papers, 1.89, 1.99
- campaigns, military, 8.114
- campus locations, 6.81
- can, could, 5.146, 5.250
- can, may, 5.250
- can, not, 5.231
- Canada
- CIP (Cataloging-in-Publication) data, 1.34
- currency, 9.21
- First Peoples, 8.38
- legal and public documents, 14.269, 14.293–96
- numbers, 5.250, 9.55
- provinces and territories, 10.28, 14.130, 14.193
- capitalization
- abbreviations, 10.6, 10.25–26, 10.49, 10.52, 10.63
- academic degrees and affiliations, 8.29, 10.21, 10.22
- academic subjects and courses of study, 8.85–86
- brand names and trademarks, 8.69, 8.146, 8.153–54, 10.6
- calendar and time designations, 8.88–90
- with colons, 6.63
- and common nouns, 5.5
- company names, 8.68, 8.69
- computer terminology, 7.77, 7.79, 7.80, 8.155
- consistency in text and illustrations, 2.65
- dialogue, 7.52, 13.43
- editor’s note on, 1.45
- and ellipses, 13.53
- for emphasis, 7.52
- generic terms for parts of books, 8.179, 8.180
- in glossaries, 2.23
- groups of people: ethnic and national groups, 8.38; generations, 8.42; physical characteristics, 8.43; sexual orientation and gender identity, 8.41; socioeconomic classes, 8.40
- historical and cultural terminology, 8.71–79; acts, treaties, and government programs, 8.66, 8.75, 8.80–81; awards, 8.31, 8.83, 8.115; cultural movements and styles, 8.60, 8.61, 8.79; events, 8.75–78, 8.89, 8.108, 8.113–14; oaths and pledges, 8.84; periods, 8.71–74
- I (pronoun), 5.40
- in illustration labels and keys, 3.20
- in indexes: checking, 16.133; cross-references, 16.17, 16.18, 16.20; main heading and subentries, 16.11
- initial the in periodical titles, 8.170
- intercaps (midcaps), 8.154
- interjections, 7.31
- lectures and lecture series, 8.87
- letters as shapes, 7.67
- in lists, 2.23, 6.130, 6.131
- marking manuscript for, 2.97
- marking proofs for, 2.131
- military terminology, 8.112–15
- names, personal (see names, personal, capitalization of)
- non-English languages: African languages, 11.23; Arabic, 8.14, 11.80; Asian, other, 8.18; Azeri, 11.70; Chinese, 8.15, 11.88, 11.89; Danish, 11.70; Dutch, 8.10, 11.70; in English context, 11.3, 11.4; English language compared, 11.18; English translations, 11.9–10, 11.18, 14.99; French, 8.7, 11.26, 11.27; German, 7.54, 8.8, 11.39; Hebrew, 11.93; Hungarian, 8.13; Indonesian, 8.18, 16.80; Italian, 8.9, 11.46; Japanese, 8.16, 11.88, 11.89; Korean, 8.17; Latin, 11.54; Norwegian, 11.70; Polish, 11.70; Portuguese, 8.8, 11.70; Russian, 8.12, 11.99, 11.100; Spanish, 8.11, 11.61; Swedish, 11.70; titles of works (see under titles of works: capitalization); Turkish, 11.70
- organization names, 8.62–70; abbreviations, 10.6, 10.26; associations, 8.70; companies, 8.68; governmental entities, 8.52, 8.62–65; institutions, 8.68, 8.85; political and economic organizations and movements, 8.66–67, 8.70
- part and chapter titles, 2.58
- permissible changes to, 8.165, 13.7, 13.18, 13.19, 14.88
- personifications, 8.37
- physical characteristics, 8.43
- place-names: cities and towns, 5.69, 8.45, 8.53; compass points and directions, 8.46, 8.47; continents, countries, oceans, 8.45, 11.61; political divisions, 8.51, 8.52; popular names and epithets, 8.48; public places and structures, 8.56–58; real vs. metaphorical names, 8.50; regions, 8.47, 8.54; topographical divisions, 8.53–55; urban areas, 8.49
- pronouns, 5.40
- proper nouns, generally, 5.6, 8.1
- questions within sentence, 6.42
- quotations, 8.162, 13.18–21, 13.53
- religious terms, 8.91–111; deities, 8.91, 8.92; events and concepts, 8.89, 8.94, 8.99, 8.108–10; groups, 8.96–102; names and titles, 8.19, 8.26, 8.33, 8.36; objects, 8.111; places of worship, 8.101; religious figures, 8.93, 8.95; religious works, 8.103–7
- scientific and technical terminology: abbreviations, 10.6, 10.49; astronomical and astrophysical, 8.138, 8.140–42; botanical and zoological, 8.120, 8.126, 8.127, 8.128, 8.158; genetic, 8.132; geological, 8.135, 8.136; medical, 8.144, 8.145, 8.146; physical and chemical, 8.148, 8.149; titles of works, 8.168, 15.13, 15.38
- seasons as issue numbers, 1.80
- in source citations: and other stories and such, 14.92; author-date reference system, 15.6, 15.9, 15.13, 15.38; blog comments, 14.208; classical Greek and Latin works, 14.247; examples and variations, 14.23; legal-style citations, 14.272, 14.274, 14.280, 14.284, 14.290; magazine departments, 14.190; newspaper headlines, 14.192, 14.195; news services, 14.200; publishers’ names, 14.136; titles of works (see under titles of works in source citations)
- sparing use of (“down style”), 8.1
- spelled-out forms of abbreviations, 10.6, 10.21, 10.52
- subheads, 1.56, 2.18, 2.59, 8.158
- tables, 3.54, 3.55, 3.56, 3.59
- text references to illustrations and tables, 3.50
- titles and offices (see under titles and offices of people)
- titles of works (see under titles of works)
- unusual, 8.4, 8.69, 8.154
- URLs, DOIs, and such in text, 14.17
- vessels and vehicles, 8.116–17
- words derived from proper names, 8.1, 8.60–62, 8.96–97
- words for Platonic ideas (e.g., Truth), 8.94
- See also all caps; capital letters; headline-style capitalization; historical and cultural terminology; lowercase letters; names, personal; names, proper; sentence-style capitalization
- capital letters
- for compass points in addresses, 10.34
- drop caps, 13.37, p. 979
- full-size: for emphasis, 7.52; preferred to small caps, 9.34, 10.8, 10.38; small caps compared to, 7.52
- for generations, 8.42
- initial, decorative, 13.37
- for keyboard combinations and shortcuts, 7.78
- for musical elements, 7.72–74
- plurals of, 7.15, 7.65
- for scholastic letter grades, 7.65
- standing for names, 7.66
- used as words, 7.15
- See also caps and small caps format; letters (alphabet); small caps
- caps, p. 976. See also capital letters
- caps and small caps format
- in indexes, 16.140, 16.145
- in legal-style citations, 14.272
- for mathematical copy, 12.56
- for speakers’ names in drama, 13.46
- captions, 3.21–28
- accessibility issues, 3.28
- capitalization, 3.21, 3.22
- for charts, 3.44, fig. 3.9
- credit lines in (see illustration credits and credit lines)
- defined, 3.7, 3.21
- electronic supplementary data noted in, 3.26
- examples of, 3.21–27, fig. 3.1, figs. 3.4–9
- for illustrations with parts, 3.12, fig. 3.4, figs. 3.6–7
- journal cover, inside, 1.84
- in lists of illustrations, 1.39, 3.40, fig. 1.7
- locators for parts of illustration in (e.g., above, left), 3.24
- manuscript and editorial concerns: cross-checking, 2.32; editing, 2.65; guidelines for authors, 2.3, 2.26, 2.37; proofreading, 2.115; separate file for, 2.26, 2.37, 3.18; submission of, 2.3; working numbers, 2.28, 3.13
- for maps, 8.199
- for musical examples, fig. 3.5
- omission of, fig. 3.3
- original dimensions noted in, 3.27
- proofreading of, 2.113
- punctuation in, 3.21, 3.23, 3.24, 6.14
- separating illustration number from, 3.23, 6.120
- syntax of, 3.21
- titles of works in, 3.21, 3.22
- carets, 2.94, 2.125, 2.132
- cartoons, 8.200
- cascading style sheets (CSS), p. 978
- case binding, pp. 976–77
- case fractions (text-sized with horizontal bar), 12.45
- case of nouns and pronouns, 5.17–22
- and conjunctions, 5.196
- defined, 5.9, 5.17
- errors in, 5.37
- genitive, overview, 5.20
- joint and separate genitives, 5.22
- nominative (subjective), overview, 5.18
- nouns, generally, 5.9
- objective (accusative), overview, 5.19
- of-genitive, 5.21, 5.191
- personal pronouns, 5.44–46
- pronouns, generally, 5.35
- pronouns, rules for, 5.41
- pronouns in apposition, 5.36
- relative pronouns, 5.57
- word order in place of, 5.221
- See also genitive case; nominative (subjective) case; objective (accusative) case
- case studies, 13.49
- castoff, p. 977
- catachresis, 5.249
- Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP) data, 1.20, 1.34, 1.75, fig. 1.1
- catalogs
- archival (UK), 14.297, 14.303
- astronomical, 8.139
- exhibitions, 8.201, 14.236
- musical, 8.196
- See also library catalogs
- cc, 10.69
- CCC (Copyright Clearance Center), 1.79, 1.103, 4.97
- CD-ROMs, source citations for, 14.163
- CE, BCE, AD, and such, 9.34, 9.64, 10.38
- celestial bodies, 8.138–42, 10.61
- cells. See tables
- centuries
- first vs. later decades of, 9.33
- hyphenation of, 7.87, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- numerical designations for, 8.71
- plurals for, 7.8
- spelled out and lowercased, 7.89 (sec. 3), 9.32
- See also historical and cultural terminology
- cf. (“compare”), 10.42, 14.42
- changes from earlier practice. See departures from earlier practice
- chapter display, 1.8, 1.12, 1.16, 1.37, 1.46, 1.49–50, 2.32, 13.37
- chapter numbers
- as alternative to page numbers in electronic publications, 14.160, 14.161
- arabic numerals for, 8.180, 9.26, 14.147
- in chapter display, 1.49
- chap. with, 14.150
- for conclusions, 1.53
- consecutive, across parts of book, 1.48
- cross-references to, 2.35
- in double and multiple numeration, 1.57, 2.28, 3.11, 3.50
- in endnote subheads, 1.62, 14.46
- generic markup of, 2.81
- in index locators for endnotes, 16.111
- proofreading of, 2.113
- in running heads, 1.12, 1.15, 14.47
- in source citations, 14.106, 14.153
- chapters
- abbreviation of term, 10.42, 14.150
- abstracts for, 1.76, 2.25
- appendixes at end of, 1.59
- bibliographies or reference lists for each, 1.63, 14.62, 15.10
- books offered as individual, 1.59, 1.62, 1.63, 14.62
- conclusions as, 1.53
- cross-references to, 2.35, 8.180
- decorative initials for first word, 13.37
- division into, 1.49
- endnotes after each, 1.62, 14.43, 14.46, fig. 14.3
- multiple authors of, 1.50
- openers of (chapter display), 1.8, 1.12, 1.16, 1.37, 1.46, 1.49–50, 2.32, 13.37
- pagination of, 1.8, 1.46, 1.49
- publishing agreements for, 4.58, fig. 4.2
- running heads for, 1.12, 1.15, 14.47
- source citations for: chapter in multivolume work, 14.120; chapter in single-author book, 14.106; chapters in multiauthor volumes, 14.107–8, 15.42; DOIs for, 14.161; examples of, 14.23, 15.9; note referring to entire, 1.49, 2.22, 14.27; previously published, 14.54, 14.181; shortened citations, 14.108; titles, 14.23, 14.86, 14.106–7, 14.272, 15.9
- unnumbered source notes for, 1.49, 1.50, 14.27, 14.54
- as works made for hire, 4.58
- See also chapter numbers; chapter titles
- chapter titles
- conclusions, 1.53
- editing of, 2.58
- in endnote subheads, 1.62, 14.46
- generic markup of, 2.80, 2.81
- introductions, 1.47
- in legal-style citations, 14.272
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.17
- no punctuation following, 6.14
- and note reference numbers, 1.49, 2.22, 14.27
- proofreading of, 2.134
- quotation marks for, 8.163, 14.23, 14.86, 14.106–7, 15.9
- in running heads, 1.12, 2.76
- in table of contents, 1.38, 2.17, 2.32, 2.58, fig. 1.5
- wording, 1.49, 1.55
- character count, p. 977
- character encoding, p. 977
- character-level formatting, 2.73, 2.81, 2.82, 2.82n1, 7.49
- character references, p. 977
- characters, p. 977
- characters, fictional, 5.129, 8.35. See also dialogue; literary works
- characters, special. See special characters
- character sets. See fonts and typefaces; special characters
- charts and graphs, 3.41–46
- as alternative to tables, 3.48
- appropriate use and definition of, 3.41
- axes and curves in, 3.43, 3.52, fig. 3.8
- consistency in, 2.65, 3.42
- credit line for commissioned, 3.33
- electronic files, preparation of, 3.43
- examples of, figs. 3.8–10
- fair use of, 4.91
- genealogical and pedigree, 3.46, fig. 3.10
- indexing of, 16.116
- labels on, 3.44, 3.45
- as line art, 3.4, 3.41
- symbols or patterns used in, 3.25, figs. 3.8–9
- titles of, 3.44
- See also illustrations; tables
- chemical terminology, 8.147–52
- abbreviations, 10.63
- laws and theories, 8.148
- mass number, 8.150
- metric units, 8.152
- names and symbols, 7.89 (sec. 1), 8.149, 10.63
- resources on, 8.147, 10.63
- Chinese language, 11.82–85, 11.88–90
- characters for, 11.90
- names, 8.15, 11.83, 11.85, 11.88, 16.77
- romanization systems (Pinyin, Wade-Giles), 11.82–85, 16.77
- titles of works, 11.89
- chronological order
- for bibliographies and reference lists, 2.63, 14.71, 15.18, 15.19
- for index subentries, 16.70, 16.133
- for letters and diaries, 1.52
- chronologies, 1.4, 1.60, fig. 1.9
- chronology systems, 9.34, 9.64, 10.38
- Church, church, 8.98, 8.101. See also religions and religious concerns
- CIP (Cataloging-in-Publication) data, 1.20, 1.34, 1.75, fig. 1.1
- circa, ca, 7.55, 10.42
- circling
- editorial marking, 2.93, 2.95
- proofreader’s marking, 2.121, 2.124, 2.127, 2.128, 2.129, 2.131
- cis, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- citation. See source citations
- citation management software, 14.5, 14.12
- cited-by statistics, 1.120
- cities and towns
- administrative agencies and departments, 8.63
- judicial bodies, 8.64
- laws and ordinances, 14.288, 14.300
- legislative bodies, 8.62
- names: in addresses, punctuation of, 6.39, 10.27, 10.29; alphabetizing, 16.90–93; areas within, 8.49; capitalization, 5.69, 8.45, 8.53; English forms of non-English cities, 14.131; with Fort, Mount, Saint, and such, 10.30, 11.26, 16.90, 16.93; as locations of manuscript collections, 14.227; in newspaper titles, 14.193, 14.194, 16.48; in place of publication, 14.129; on title page, 1.19
- numbered divisions of, 9.46
- See also civil and civic concerns; governmental entities; place of publication
- civil and civic concerns
- awards and honors, 8.31, 8.83
- committee minutes and such, 14.229
- holidays, 8.89
- titles and offices, 8.19, 8.22, 10.13, 10.14, 14.284
- See also cities and towns; governmental entities; public places and structures
- class, socioeconomic, 8.40. See also groups of people
- classical Greek and Latin works, 14.242–51
- artworks, 8.198
- capitalization, 11.54, 14.247
- resources on, 14.244
- source citations, 14.242–52; abbreviations, 14.244–47, 14.250; authors’ names, 14.244, 14.245; collections of inscriptions, 14.249; editions, 14.246, 14.248, 14.251; editors’ names, 14.260, 14.263–65; fragments of texts, 14.250; identifying numbers or letters, 14.243, 14.245, 14.249; punctuation in, 14.245, 14.250; superscripts in, 14.248; text citations, 14.242; titles, 14.245, 14.247, 14.248; translators’ names, 14.246
- See also Greek language; Latin language
- classic English works, 1.47, 14.162, 14.253–54, 14.267–68
- clauses, 5.225–28
- adjectival, 5.219, 5.225
- adverbial, 5.225
- appositive, 5.227
- case of, 5.66
- conditional (protases), 5.228
- contact, 5.226
- coordinate, 5.218, 5.220
- defined, 5.225
- dependent (subordinate) (see dependent [subordinate] clauses)
- elliptical (see ellipses, grammatical)
- independent (see independent clauses)
- parallel structure in, 5.242
- personal pronoun as subject of, 5.44
- punctuation with, 5.23, 6.22–27, 6.56–59, 6.89
- relative, 3.54, 5.56, 5.59, 5.60, 5.225, 5.226, 5.227, 6.27
- restrictive and nonrestrictive, 5.23, 6.27, 6.28
- See also conjunctions; phrases
- cleft sentences, 5.246–48
- clerical titles, 8.26, 8.33, 10.18, 16.39. See also religions and religious concerns
- climate, named events of, 8.77
- closed (solid) compounds, 7.82, 7.83, 7.88. See also compound terms
- close-up mark, 2.125, 11.130, fig. 2.6
- clothbound, p. 977
- CMYK mode, 3.3, p. 977
- co, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- Code of Federal Regulations, 14.289
- codes and coding. See markup for manuscript editing; markup languages, formal
- coinage of words, 7.14. See also words derived from proper names
- collected works. See compilations of previously published material; derivative works; multiauthor volumes
- collected works of author, 8.178
- collections. See legal and public documents; manuscript collections; unpublished and informally published materials
- collections of classical inscriptions, 14.249
- collective nouns, 5.5, 5.7, 5.15, 5.138
- collective works, 4.8, 4.10, 4.58, fig. 4.2. See also multiauthor volumes
- colloquial speech
- adverb suffixes in, 5.158
- conjunctions in, 5.196
- contractions in, 7.30
- flat adverbs in, 5.160
- vs. grammar, 5.249
- grammatical ellipses in, 5.229
- interjections as, 5.207
- like in, 5.185, 5.250
- singular they in, 5.48
- they without antecedent in, 5.30
- See also common expressions; dialect; figures of speech; maxims; slang
- colons, 6.61–67
- and capitalization, 6.63
- common misuses of, 6.67
- em dashes instead of, 6.85
- marking manuscript for, 2.93
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- other punctuation with: ellipses, 13.54; parentheses, 6.98; quotation marks, 6.10, 6.65
- spacing with, 2.9, 6.62, 14.116, 14.152, 14.177
- uses: captions, 3.24; with dates in titles of works, 14.93; direct address, 6.53, 6.66; double or multiple numeration, 1.57; glossaries, 1.61; indexes, 16.19, 16.20, 16.25, 16.95; introducing lists, 6.129, 6.130; non-English languages, 11.116; overview, 6.61; with page numbers for journal articles, 15.9; pathnames, 6.112; with publication details, 14.127, 14.177; with quotations or speech, 6.10, 6.63, 6.65, 13.16; ratios, 6.62, 9.58; scriptural citations, 9.26, 14.239, 14.241; tables, 3.60, 3.78; table source notes, 2.31, 3.77; between titles and subtitles, 1.19, 8.164–65, 14.89–91, 14.96, 14.151, 14.169; transcriptions of discussions or interviews, 13.48; twenty-four-hour system of time, 9.39, 9.40; between volume and page numbers, 14.23, 14.116, 14.152, 14.177, 15.23, 15.48
- See also punctuation; semicolons
- colophons (logos), 1.19, 1.69, 1.70, p. 977
- colophons (production details), 1.67, p. 977
- color
- in charts and graphs, 3.43
- continuous tone vs. halftone images, 3.3, 3.6, p. 978
- in editing paper-only manuscripts, 2.91, 12.65
- in electronic journals, 1.107
- in electronic supplementary data, 1.78
- for ethnic groups, 8.38
- hyphenation of, 7.89
- in illustrations, 1.6, 2.37, 3.3, 3.15, 3.19, 3.43
- for journal covers, 1.84
- in line art, 3.19
- names for, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- process printing, 8.11
- for proofreading marks, 2.123
- and punctuation, 6.3
- for tracking changes, 2.84
- color proofs, p. 977. See also prepress
- color separation, pp. 977–78
- columns
- avoiding multiple, 2.23
- in indexes, 1.65, 16.24, 16.135, 16.138
- in vertical lists, 6.130
- See also magazines; newspapers; tables; tabular material
- combining forms, 7.82, 7.89 (secs. 2, 4)
- command papers (UK), 14.302
- commands, 5.214. See also imperative sentences
- commas, 6.16–55
- with abbreviations: academic and professional designations, 10.21, 10.22; addresses, mailing, 10.27, 10.29; e.g. and i.e., 5.250; etc. and et al., 6.20; Inc., Ltd., and such, 6.44; Jr., Sr., and such, 6.43; old series and new series, 14.126, 14.184
- with clauses: in compound predicates, 6.23; dependent, 6.24–27; independent, 6.22–23, 6.32; relative, 6.27; restrictive and nonrestrictive, 5.23, 6.27, 6.28
- em dashes instead of, 6.85
- in indexes: and alphabetizing, 16.59–61; cross-references, 16.19–20; generally, 16.94; inverted names (see indexing: names, personal); locators, 16.25, 16.94; titles ending with question mark or exclamation point, 16.54
- marking manuscript for, 2.93, 2.94
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- other punctuation with: apostrophes, 6.118; brackets, 6.18; ellipses, 13.54; exclamation points, 6.125; parentheses, 6.18, 6.98; question marks, 6.42, 6.125; quotation marks, 2.80, 6.9, 6.40
- pairs of, 6.17, 6.26, 6.32
- vs. parentheses, 6.95
- serial (Oxford), 6.19–21, 6.23, 8.165, 14.135
- in source citations: with access dates, 14.176; and other stories and such, 14.92; between authors’ names, 14.76; classical Greek and Latin works, 14.245; interviews and personal communications, 15.53; legal-style citations, 14.273; magazine article page numbers, 14.188; nonconsecutive locators, 14.148; notes, 14.19, 14.20; or with double titles, 14.91; page and issue numbers, 14.177, 15.47; periodical citations, 14.167, 14.171, 14.176; with publication details, 14.127–28; publishers’ names, 14.134–35; text citations, 15.7, 15.9, 15.23, 15.29, 15.30, 15.44, 15.45; titles of works, 14.91, 14.93, 14.229; with volume numbers, 14.152
- uses, other: addresses, 6.39, 10.27, 10.29; adverbial phrases, 6.31, 6.32; appositives, 5.23, 6.28, 6.41; with but, 5.250; captions, 3.24; compound predicates, 6.23; conjunctive adverbs, 6.49, 6.57; and consecutive conjunctions, 6.26; coordinate adjectives, 5.91, 6.36; with coordinating conjunctions, 6.22, 6.32; dates, 5.83, 6.17, 6.38, 9.54; direct address, 6.53; editorial interpolations, 6.18; global positioning coordinates, 10.36; glossed American Sign Language, 11.133; grammatical ellipses, 6.54; homonyms, 6.55; with including, 6.50; interjections, 5.206, 6.35; introductory phrases, 6.30–31, 6.33–35, 13.14; with Jr., Sr., and such, 6.43, 16.41; lists, 6.129, 6.131, 12.19; mathematical expressions, 12.16, 12.18, 12.19, 12.28, 12.36, 12.38; with not phrases, 6.45, 6.46; numbers, 9.54–56, 9.63; parenthetical elements in sentences, 6.48, 6.51; participial phrases, 6.30, 6.32; place-names, 5.69, 6.39; preceding main clause, 6.24; questions, 6.42; quotations, 6.40, 13.14; quoted titles or expressions, 6.41; repeated adjectives, 6.37; such as, 6.50; suspended hyphens, 7.88; that is, namely, for example, and such, 6.51; the more, the less, and such, 6.47; titles of works, 6.17, 8.165, 8.167, 16.48, 16.49; with too and either, 6.52; twenty-four-hour system of time, 9.40; and which vs. that, 6.27
- when to omit, 6.125
- See also punctuation
- commercial terms and abbreviations, 10.69
- common expressions, 7.60, 7.64. See also colloquial speech; figures of speech; maxims
- common-law copyright, 4.2, 4.15, 4.19, 4.23
- common nouns (concrete, abstract, and collective), 5.5
- communications. See interviews and discussions; personal communications
- comp (comprehensive layout; compositor), p. 978
- companies. See business and commerce; company names
- company names
- abbreviations, 8.189, 10.23–25, 14.133, 14.136
- alphabetizing of, 16.89
- ampersands in, 6.21, 10.24, 14.135
- articles in, 8.68, 14.134, 16.88
- capitalization, 8.68, 8.69
- corporate features in, 14.134, 14.136
- Inc., Ltd., and such with, 6.44, 6.123, 10.23, 10.24
- indexing of, 16.89
- non-English names, 10.23, 14.135, 14.136
- omissible parts of, 14.134
- possessives of, 7.17
- spelled out in running text, 10.24
- with unusual capitalization (e.g., eBay), 8.69
- comparative adjectives, 5.85, 5.87–88, 5.201
- comparative adverbs, 5.163, 5.201
- comparison or degree, 5.201. See also degrees under adjectives and adverbs
- compass points and directions
- abbreviations, 10.34, 10.35
- capitalization, 8.46, 8.47
- hyphenation of, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- latitude and longitude, 10.36
- competing publications, 4.52
- compilations of previously published material, 2.43–47
- and copyright, 2.46, 4.5
- illustrations in, 2.47
- notes in, 2.45
- permissible changes to, 2.44, 2.61
- permissions for, 4.105
- source notes in, 1.50, 2.46, 14.54
- as work made for hire, 4.10
- See also anthologies; compilers; derivative works; previously published materials
- compilers
- abbreviation of term in source citations, 10.42, 14.103–4, 15.36
- in addition to author, 14.104
- as authors of forewords, 1.40
- biographical notes on, 1.66
- and copyright, 4.8
- notes on changes, 2.44
- permissions as responsibility of, 4.105
- in place of author, 14.103, 15.36
- See also compilations of previously published material; editors
- complex (phrasal) prepositions, 5.174
- complex sentences, 5.219, 5.225
- composition sign, 12.15
- compositors and composition. See typesetters and typesetting; typographic considerations
- compound adverbs, 5.161, 7.86, 7.89
- compound-complex sentences, 5.220
- compound predicates, 6.23
- compound sentences, 5.218
- compound terms
- abbreviated, 6.80
- adjectives as, 6.80
- adverbs as, 5.161, 7.86, 7.89
- alphabetizing of, 16.58, 16.60, 16.72, 16.84
- in ASL, 11.129
- and bias-free language, 5.257
- closed compounds, trend toward, 7.83
- conjunctions as, 5.197
- defined, 7.82
- en dashes in, 6.80–81
- genitives of, 5.20
- hyphenation, 7.81–89; adverbs ending in -ly, 7.86, 7.89; with compound modifiers, 5.92, 5.93, 7.8, 7.85; en dash vs. hyphen, 6.80; ethnic groups and nationalities, 7.89 (sec. 2), 8.39; guide to, 7.89; headline-style titles, 8.161, 11.26; and line breaks, 2.112; personal names, 8.6; with prefixes or suffixes, 6.80, 7.40, 7.81, 8.161
- names, personal, 8.6, 16.72
- names, proper, 5.6, 7.85, 7.89
- non-English languages: French, 11.26; German, 11.44; Greek, 11.121; Latin, 11.58; Spanish, 11.68
- open, generally, 6.106, 7.82, 16.58
- permanent, 7.82
- person pronouns (-self forms), 5.48, 5.51, 5.250
- in phrasal adjectives, 5.79, 5.92, 5.93, 7.85, 7.89 (secs. 2, 3)
- plurals of, 7.7
- possessives of, 7.24
- prepositional phrases with, 5.179
- prepositions as, 5.173
- pronoun case errors in, 5.37
- pronouns, relative, 5.65
- readability of, 7.84
- slashes with, 6.106
- suspended (second part omitted), 7.88, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- temporary, 7.82
- types of, 7.82, 7.83
- and word division, 2.112, 7.40, 7.42, 11.44
- See also hyphens and hyphenation; prefixes; suffixes; word division
- computer software. See software
- computer terminology, 7.76–80
- abbreviations in, 7.77, 7.80, 9.11, 10.39, 10.40, 10.49
- application-specific variations in, 7.76
- apps, devices, and operating systems, 7.78, 8.155
- binary systems, 9.11
- capitalization, 7.77, 7.79, 7.80, 8.155
- fonts for, 7.79
- resources for, 7.76
- computer-to-plate (CTP) technology, p. 978
- concert reviews, 14.201, 14.203
- conclusions, 1.4, 1.48, 1.53, 1.76
- concordances, 16.5
- concrete nouns, 5.5, 5.7
- conditional clauses (protases), 5.228
- conferences
- announcements of, 1.86, 1.89, 1.99
- names of, 8.70
- papers and posters presented at, 14.217
- proceedings of, 1.18, 1.39, 4.8, 4.59, 14.217
- See also speeches; unpublished and informally published materials; working papers
- conflicts of interest, 1.95
- Congress, US. See US Congress
- Congressional Globe, 14.287
- Congressional Record, 14.286
- conjugation. See verbs
- conjunctions, 5.196–205
- adverbial, 5.202
- as and as if, 5.185
- beginning a sentence with, 5.203, 5.204, 5.250
- compound predicates joined by, 6.23
- consecutive, 6.26
- defined, 5.196
- in imperative sentences, 6.22
- independent clauses with, 6.22, 6.32, 6.59
- in index subentries, 16.68
- as interjections, 5.208
- vs. prepositions, 5.184
- punctuation with, 6.19, 6.22, 6.23, 6.26, 6.32, 6.59
- and quotations in text, 6.40
- than as, 5.183
- types: coordinating, 5.198, 5.230, 6.22, 6.26, 6.32, 8.159; correlative, 5.198, 5.199, 5.230, 5.244, 5.250; simple vs. compound, 5.197; subordinating, 5.175, 5.200–201, 5.225, 6.24, 6.26
- and verb number, 5.205
- in vertical lists, 6.131
- See also and; but; or
- conjunctive adverbs (however, therefore, and such), 5.204, 6.49, 6.57
- connecting (linking) verbs, 5.45, 5.82, 5.93, 5.101, 5.154, 5.170, 6.30
- connectives, misleading, 5.142
- constitutions and amendments, 8.80, 9.28, 14.272, 14.280
- contact clauses, 5.226
- content proof, 2.140
- continents, 8.45, 8.53
- continued lines
- in indexes, 16.139
- in tables, 3.86–87, fig. 3.25
- continuous (imperfect, progressive) tenses, 5.119, 5.128, 5.135
- continuous publishing model, 1.82, 1.113, 14.174
- continuous-tone artwork, 3.3, p. 978
- contractions
- apostrophes in, 5.50, 6.116, 7.30
- defined, 5.105, 10.2
- in non-English languages, 11.40, 11.48
- non-US-style, 10.4, 10.23
- with not, 5.231
- vs. possessives, 5.50
- in verb phrases, 5.104
- contract proof, p. 978
- contracts, private, 14.219
- contracts, publication. See publishing agreements
- contributed volumes. See collective works; multiauthor volumes
- contributors to multiauthor volumes and journals
- biographical notes, 1.100, 14.55
- communications with, 2.68
- lists of: vs. biographical notes, 14.55; cross-checking, 2.32; format and placement of, 1.4, 1.50, 1.64, 1.100, fig. 1.10; volume editor’s responsibility for, 2.41
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.36
- other (ghostwriters, authors of forewords, etc.), 14.105
- publishing agreements for, 2.42, 4.55–57, 4.58, 4.59, fig. 4.1
- See also authors; authors’ names; journal articles; manuscript preparation guidelines for authors; multiauthor volumes
- controlled vocabularies, 1.93
- conversation. See dialogue; direct address; speech
- coordinate adjectives, 5.91, 6.36
- coordinate clauses, 5.218, 5.220
- coordinated universal time (UTC), 10.41
- coordinate nouns, 5.75
- coordinating conjunctions, 5.198, 5.230, 6.22, 6.26, 6.32, 8.159
- coordination, 5.242
- copula (linking) verbs, 5.45, 5.82, 5.93, 5.101, 5.154, 5.170, 6.30
- copy, types of, 2.110
- copyediting. See manuscript editing; manuscript editors
- copyright, 4.1–38
- accuracy and candor in process, 4.49
- alternatives to, 4.62
- assignment or licensing of, 4.34–38
- authorship rights, 4.6, 4.13–18
- authorship varieties, 4.7–12; collective works, 4.8; individual and joint authors, 4.7, 4.12; “life plus seventy” rule, 4.23, 4.25, 4.26; original owner, 1.22, 1.24, 4.6, 4.11, 4.42; works made for hire, 4.9–12, 4.24, 4.38
- benefits of registering, 4.50
- changes in, 1.24
- date of, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 14.142
- deposit requirements, 4.47
- and derivative works, 4.14, 4.31, 4.45
- of dissertations and theses, 4.60
- dual system of, 4.2, 4.19, 4.23
- duration: jointly authored works, 4.23; lengthened in 1978, 4.20; overview, table 4.1; for works created after 1977, 4.23–25, 4.98; for works created before 1978, 4.19, 4.26–30, 4.98
- electronic publications, 4.13, 4.47, 4.63–66, 14.14
- extensive paraphrasing under, 4.89
- importance of, 4.1
- law relevant to, 4.2, 4.10, 4.19, 4.26
- material covered by, 4.3, 4.5
- of material derived from public-domain works, 4.22
- for new editions, 4.28
- of non-US publications, 4.29–30, 4.47
- of online publications, 4.13, 4.47, 14.14, 14.267
- and open-access publishing models, 4.61
- and photocopying, 4.17, 4.35, 4.55, 4.64, 4.66
- preregistration, 4.50
- of previously published materials, 2.46, 4.5
- and public display, 4.13, 4.14, 4.34
- publisher’s responsibilities for, 4.32
- “reasonable effort” to correct mistakes, 4.45
- registration of, 4.4, 4.19, 4.46, 4.48–50
- renewal of, 1.24, 4.19, 4.27, 4.31–33, 4.41, 14.143
- subdivision of, 4.34
- subsidiary rights, 4.64–69; author’s electronic use of own works, 4.66; author’s retention of, 4.18; vs. basic rights, 4.17; categories of, 4.64; distribution outside the US, 4.34, 4.64, 4.76; economic considerations, 4.65, 4.66, 4.69; electronic rights, 4.63, 4.64, 4.65; granting permissions for, 4.70, 4.71; moral, 4.15; non-US publications, 4.29–30; and public-access policies, 4.68; translation rights, 4.34, 4.64; university licenses, 4.67
- symbol for, 1.22, 4.41, 10.43
- termination of transfers under, 4.38
- word forms for, 5.250
- works ineligible for, 4.11
- See also copyright notice; copyright page, contents of; fair-use doctrine; illustration credits and credit lines; intellectual property rights; licenses for copyrighted works; permissions; publishing agreements
- Copyright Act (1976) (and amendments), 1.20, 4.2, 4.20, 4.84
- Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 1.79, 1.103, 4.97
- copyright lines, journals, 1.79, 1.84, 1.86, 1.95, 1.103, 2.134
- copyright management information, 4.15
- copyright notice, 4.39–46
- components, 1.22, 4.41–46, figs. 1.1–2
- as copyright management information, 4.15
- different regimes of, 4.2, 4.40
- mistakes in, 4.39, 4.46
- necessity for, 4.27
- in notes, unnumbered, 14.54
- old rules removed, 4.4, 4.39
- placement of, 1.20, 1.22, 4.43, figs. 1.1–4
- renewal, 1.24
- types of material: derivative works, 4.45; electronic publications, 1.122; government-produced works, 4.44; journals, 1.79, 1.84, 1.86, 1.95, 1.103, 2.109, 2.134, 4.43
- copyright page, contents of
- acknowledgments, 1.20, 1.30, 1.31, figs. 1.3–4
- author’s previous publications, 1.18
- changes and renewals, 1.24
- CIP data, 1.20, 1.34, fig. 1.1
- copyright notice, 1.20, 1.22, 4.43, figs. 1.1–4
- country of printing, 1.20, 1.27
- DOIs, 1.20, 1.28, 1.33, fig. 1.1, figs. 1.3–4
- editions, 1.20, 1.23, 1.25, 1.26, 14.113, fig. 1.2
- examples, figs. 1.1–4
- grant information, 1.31
- illustration credits, 1.30, 1.73, 3.30, 4.78
- impression line, 1.20, 1.28, figs. 1.1–4
- ISBN, 1.20, 1.32, fig. 1.1
- pagination omitted from, 1.7
- paper durability statement, 1.20, 1.35, fig. 1.1
- permissions, 1.20, 1.30, 4.78, fig. 1.4
- place of publication, 14.129
- proofreading of, 2.134
- publication date, 1.22, 1.25, 14.142
- publisher’s address, 1.20, 1.21
- publisher’s responsibility for, 2.3, 2.57
- publishing history, 1.25
- running heads omitted from, 1.11
- translation information, 1.29, fig. 1.3
- See also copyright notice
- corporations. See business and commerce; organization names
- correlative conjunctions, 5.198–99, 5.230, 5.244, 5.250. See also either . . . or; neither . . . nor; not only . . . but also
- correspondence. See letters
- could, can, 5.146, 5.250
- counter, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- counties, judicial bodies of, 8.64
- countries
- adjectives from names, 5.69, 8.45
- capitalization, 11.61
- in newspaper titles, 14.193
- in place of publication, 14.130
- regions of, 8.47, 8.54
- when to abbreviate names, 10.31, 10.32, 14.290
- See also cities and towns; governmental entities; states (US); and specific countries
- courses of study, 8.86
- courtesy, in illustration credit lines, 3.34, 4.102
- courts, 14.276–79
- basic elements in source citations, 14.276
- Canadian, 14.294
- international, 14.304
- names and terms, treatment in text, 8.64
- United Kingdom, 14.298
- US federal, 14.278
- US state and local, 14.279
- US Supreme Court, 4.93, 14.277
- See also legal and public documents; legal-style citations
- cover image, 1.75, 1.84
- covers of journals and paperback books
- artwork, 1.30, 1.73, 4.77, 4.90, 4.100, 4.101
- author’s previous publications, 1.18
- biographical notes, 1.66, 1.70, 1.71
- colophons (logos), 1.69, 1.70
- country of printing, 1.27
- defined, p. 978
- design of, 1.115
- DOIs, 1.33
- endpapers, 1.72
- and front matter, 1.85
- gatefolds (French flaps), 1.70
- as historical context, 1.105
- illustration credit lines, 1.73
- image of, 1.75, 1.84
- ISBNs and bar codes, 1.32, 1.69, 1.74, 1.75, 1.84
- metadata on, 1.75
- promotional copy on, 1.70
- proofreading of, 2.103, 2.108, 2.109, 2.134
- table of contents, 1.87, 2.109
- See also hardcover books: jackets
- Creative Commons (CC) licenses, 3.32, 3.34, 4.52, 4.60, 4.62
- credits and credit lines. See illustration credits and credit lines
- criminal cases. See legal cases
- Croatian language, 11.70
- cropping, 3.19, p. 978
- cross, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- CrossMark, 1.112
- Crossref (DOI registration agency), 1.33, 1.79, 1.112, 14.8
- cross-references, in indexes, 16.15–23
- accuracy, 16.130
- alphabetizing in, 16.17, 16.20
- and used with generic, 16.23
- blind, 16.16
- capitalization of, 16.17, 16.18, 16.20
- checking and editing, 16.126, 16.130, 16.133
- correspondence with entry wording, 16.21
- dedicated indexing software for, 16.104
- vs. double posting, 16.16
- following subentries, 16.10, 16.18, 16.20, 16.26
- generally, 16.15
- generic, 16.23
- in indented style, 16.20, 16.26, 16.28
- italics in, 16.15, 16.20, 16.22, 16.23
- for organization names, 16.46, 16.89
- overuse of, 16.15
- for personal names: Arabic names, 16.75; Chinese names, 16.77; as corporate names, 16.89; married women’s, 16.36; with numbers, 9.42; with particles, 16.71; Portuguese and Spanish names, 16.83, 16.84; saints, 16.42; titled persons, 16.38; Vietnamese, 16.86
- placement and punctuation, 16.17–20, 16.23, 16.26, 16.95–97
- for place-names, 16.93
- in run-in style, 16.20, 16.25, 16.96
- “see also” and “see also under,” 16.20, 16.26, 16.96
- “see” and “see under,” 16.16–19, 16.96
- shortened, 16.21
- to subentries, 16.19, 16.20
- and term choice, 16.29, 16.30, 16.126
- typing and modifying, 16.122
- cross-references, in source citations
- alternative real names, 14.82
- authors preferring initials, 14.74
- legal-style citations, 14.272
- newspapers, 14.196
- pseudonyms, 14.81
- several chapters from same book, 15.42
- in text citations, 15.30
- cross-references, in text
- alterations in, 2.136
- cf. and see, 14.42
- checking and editing, 2.32, 2.35, 2.60
- electronic publications, 1.120, 1.121, 2.35
- for illustrations, 2.28
- mathematical copy, 12.24, 12.25
- mathematical enunciations, 12.56
- notes and citations, 14.28, 14.31
- in previously published materials, 2.44
- proofreading, 2.134
- specific page numbers, 2.35, 2.60
- to whole chapters, 2.35, 8.180
- See also hyperlinks
- CSS (cascading style sheets), p. 978
- cultivated varieties (cultivars), 8.130
- cultural movements and styles
- descriptive designations, 8.72
- period names, 8.73, 8.74
- treatment in text, 8.60, 8.61, 8.79, 11.88
- See also historical and cultural terminology
- curly braces in mathematical expressions. See delimiters
- currency, 9.20–25
- dates with, 9.25
- K abbreviation in, 9.24
- large amounts of, 9.24
- non-US, 9.21–23, 9.25
- resources on, 9.21
- words vs. symbols and numerals for, 9.20
- curves, in graphs, 3.43
- cut-in heads (tables), 3.53, 3.58, fig. 3.14
- cyan, p. 978
- cyber, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- Cyrillic alphabet
- and capitalization, 11.99
- languages using, 11.70
- titles of works, 11.100
- transliteration, 11.98, table 11.3
- and word division, 11.104–8
- See also Russian language
- Czech language, 11.70