References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- O, oh, 6.35, 7.31. See also interjections
- O’, 16.73
- oaths, 8.84
- objective (accusative) case
- and gender, 5.43
- and like, 5.185
- nouns, 5.9, 5.19
- in prepositional phrases, 5.44, 5.172, 5.183
- pronoun as object of infinitive, 5.44
- pronoun as object of verb or preposition, 5.35, 5.37, 5.44
- pronouns, overview, 5.41
- relative pronouns, 5.57, 5.66
- oblique objects, 5.172
- oceans, 8.45, 8.53
- o’clock, 9.37, 9.38, 10.41
- OCR (optical character recognition), 2.43, 10.49, p. 984
- odd, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- of
- in genitive case, 5.20, 5.21, 5.191
- limiting use of, 5.250
- and possessive, 7.20, 7.25, 7.26, 7.29
- offprints, p. 984
- offset printing, 3.3, figs. 3.1–2, p. 984
- of-genitive, 5.21, 5.191
- of whom, of which, 5.63, 5.64
- oh, O, 6.35, 7.31. See also interjections
- ohm symbol, 10.49, 10.56
- ‘okina, 11.70, 11.70n1
- old, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- Old and Middle English, 7.35, 11.70, 11.122–24
- old series (o.s.), 14.126
- old-style numbers, 3.86, 12.9
- Old Testament, 8.106, 10.45. See also Bible
- on, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- once, 5.201
- one, 5.62, 5.255
- one another, each other, 5.53
- one of, 5.140
- ONIX, 1.75
- online publications
- copyright of, 4.13, 4.47, 14.14, 14.267
- formal markup for, 2.83
- front and back matter in, 1.122
- functional features in, 1.119
- hyperlinks in, 1.120, 1.121, 1.122
- indexes in, 1.96, 1.109, 1.125
- navigation in, 1.120, 1.123
- PDF format for, 1.118
- proofing and testing of, 2.137–40
- reference works, 1.118, 1.120, 1.121, 14.233
- screen margins, 1.122
- site maps in, 2.137
- source citations for: books, 14.161–62; dictionaries and encyclopedias, 14.233; legal and public documents, 14.270, 14.276, 14.298, 14.300, 14.305; magazine articles, 14.189; multimedia, 14.267 (see also websites and web pages: source citations for)
- wikis, 14.13, p. 990
- See also electronic publications; HTML; multiple formats, publications in; supplementary data, electronic; websites and web pages
- only, 5.186
- op., opp. (musical works), 8.196
- opacity, p. 984
- op. cit., 10.42, 14.36
- open-access publishing models, 4.52, 4.60, 4.61, 4.66
- open compounds, 6.106, 7.82, 16.58. See also compound terms
- open-source model, 4.61, 7.80. See also open-access publishing models
- operas, 8.194. See also musical works
- operating systems, 7.78, 8.155. See also file formats and devices
- optical character recognition (OCR), 2.43, 10.49, p. 983
- option clauses, 4.53
- or
- in dates, 7.8
- in double titles of works, 8.167, 14.91
- in lists, 6.131
- pronoun and antecedent with, 5.33, 5.34
- punctuation with, 6.22, 6.51
- slash instead of, 6.106
- as subordinating conjunction, 5.201
- and verb agreement, 5.138, 5.143, 5.205, 5.250
- See also conjunctions; coordinating conjunctions
- ordinal numbers
- day of the month as, 9.31
- format of, 9.6
- hyphenation, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- in legal-style citations, 14.274, 14.300
- military units, 9.47
- nd, th, and rd in (e.g., 122nd), 9.6
- in non-English languages, 11.27
- numbered streets, 9.51
- permissible changes to, 14.88
- personal names with, 6.43, 9.42, 10.19
- successive governments and dynasties, 9.45
- organization names
- abbreviations, 10.23–26, 14.274, 15.37, 16.46, 16.64
- alphabetizing of, 16.46, 16.64, 16.88–89
- articles in, 8.68, 8.70, 14.134, 16.88, 16.89
- associations, 8.70, 10.26
- as authors, 14.70, 14.84, 15.37
- capitalization (see under capitalization)
- companies (see company names)
- in non-English languages, 11.26, 11.61
- numbered branches of, 9.49
- periodical titles in, 8.172
- place-names within, 6.39, 6.81
- possessives of, 7.20, 7.27
- in source citations, 14.84, 14.259, 14.305, 15.37
- treatment in text, 8.62–70
- See also business and commerce; governmental entities; institutions
- original expression and originality, 4.3, 4.5, 4.72. See also intellectual property rights
- ornaments for text break, 1.58, 2.8
- orphans (lines), 2.116, p. 984
- “orphan works” problem, 4.82
- orthographic reforms, 11.38, 11.43, 11.45, 11.67, 11.70
- o.s. (old series), 14.126
- otherwise, 5.201
- ought, should, 5.149, 5.250
- out, in compound terms, 7.89 (sec. 2)
- outlines, 2.21, 2.36, 6.127, 6.132. See also lists in text
- out-of-print publications, 4.52
- over, as prefix, 7.89 (sec. 4)
- overlapping characters, 6.5
- Oxford (serial) commas, 6.19–21, 6.23, 8.165, 14.135. See also commas