References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table, figure (fig.), or page number (p.). Page numbers in the online edition link directly to terms in the glossary.
- fables, 8.185
- Facebook, 8.191. See also social media content
- facing pages
- alignment of, 2.117
- tables on (broadside), 2.115, 3.51, 3.86, 3.87, fig. 3.16, fig. 3.25
- facsimile editions, 1.47
- fact-checking, 2.56, 13.5
- facts of publication. See publication details
- fair-use doctrine, 4.84–94
- and attribution, 4.75, 4.84, 4.92
- Chicago’s guidelines for, 4.94
- and Creative Commons licenses, 4.62
- and dissertations and theses, 4.60
- general rules, 4.86
- legal overview, 4.84
- and photocopying, 1.103
- “rules of thumb,” 4.85
- and specific materials: charts, tables, and graphs, 4.91; data in tables, 3.77; epigraphs, 4.87; illustrations, 3.32; interior monologues, 4.87; interviews, 4.77; paraphrasing, 4.89; pictorial and graphic, 4.90; unpublished works, 4.88
- statements on, 1.84
- and unnecessary permissions, 4.93
- See also acknowledgments; illustration credits and credit lines; permissible changes to quoted and referenced materials; source notes
- fairy tales, 8.185
- F&Gs (folded-and-gathered sheets), 2.107, p. 980
- fan diagrams, 3.46. See also charts and graphs
- feature definition documents, 2.139
- federal court decisions. See legal and public documents; legal cases; legal-style citations
- Federal Register, 14.289
- female and male, 5.259
- few, 5.230
- fewer, less, 5.250
- ff., 10.42, 14.148–49, 16.12
- fiction. See dialogue; literary works
- field notes, 2.61, 13.49
- figures
- abbreviation of term, 3.9, 10.42, 14.150, 14.158, 16.116
- defined, p. 980
- source citations for, 14.158
- text references to, 3.9
- use of term, 3.1, 3.5, 3.9, 3.23
- See also artwork; captions; illustrations
- figures of speech, 2.51, 7.60, 7.62
- file extensions, 2.37, 7.77
- file formats and devices
- for e-books, 14.100, 14.137, 14.159
- for electronic supplementary data, 14.112, 14.187
- functional features in, 1.119
- and hyperlinks, 1.121
- and illustration quality, 1.107
- for illustrations, pp. 981, 982, 985, 989
- for journal articles, 14.175
- for magazine articles, 14.189
- in metadata, 1.75
- for multimedia content, 2.4, 14.187, 14.261, 14.267, 14.268
- names of, 8.155
- for publications in multiple formats, 1.77, 14.16
- terminology and punctuation specific to, 7.76, 7.78
- testing of, 2.138, 2.139, 2.140
- for unpublished documents, 14.225
- See also apps; electronic publications; software; and specific formats
- file-hosting services, for version control, 2.78
- file names
- for artwork, 3.16
- extensions, 2.37, 7.77
- format for, 7.79
- in production checklist, 2.77
- for proofreading, 2.103
- slashes in, 6.112
- typographic considerations, 7.79
- for version control, 2.78
- files, p. 980. See also electronic files
- file transfer protocol (FTP), p. 980. See also URLs
- film. See movies and film; multimedia content
- financial terminology, 10.69. See also business and commerce; currency
- fingerspelling, 6.77, 11.130
- finite verbs, 5.35, 5.138
- Finnish language, 11.70
- firearm calibers, 9.19
- first-line indentation. See paragraph (first-line) indentation
- first lines
- indexes of, 16.6, 16.144, 16.145
- references to, 8.182
- fiscal year (FY), 9.64
- fl. (floruit), 10.42
- fl (flush left), 2.127
- flat (bare) adverbs, 5.160, 5.250
- flexibinding (limp binding), p. 980
- flush, p. 980
- flush-and-hang style. See hanging (flush-and-hang) indentation
- flush left (ragged right) justification, 2.10, 3.73, 7.47, 16.136, fig. 3.19, p. 986. See also justification
- flyleaf, 1.72
- fold, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- folded-and-gathered sheets (F&Gs), 2.107, p. 980
- folios
- defined, 1.5, p. 980
- folio editions, 14.155, 14.225
- manuscript collections, 14.225
- See also page numbers
- folktales, 8.185
- fonts and typefaces
- archaic, 13.7
- for computer terminology, 7.79
- defined, pp. 980, 989
- for digital artwork, 3.15
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.80
- embedded, 12.13
- Gothic (Fraktur), 11.45, 12.65, 12.66, 12.68
- for letters as shapes, 7.67
- for mathematical copy, 12.11–13, 12.66
- for old-style numbers, 3.86
- permissible changes to, 13.8
- proofreading of, 2.113, 2.131, 10.8
- and punctuation, 6.4–6, 6.129
- sans serif, p. 987
- serif, p. 987
- specialized, for non-English materials, 11.21, 11.72, 11.90, 11.110
- See also boldface; italics; roman (type); typographic considerations; Unicode standard
- foot folios, p. 980
- footnotes
- continued across pages, 14.41, 16.113, fig. 14.1
- editing of, 2.62
- vs. endnotes, 1.124, 2.77, 2.80, 14.43–48, 14.57, 14.59
- endnotes used with, 14.49–51, fig. 14.4
- examples, fig. 14.1, figs. 14.4–5
- index entries for, 16.112
- in journals, 1.108
- keyed to line or page numbers, 14.53, fig. 14.5
- length considerations, 14.40, 14.56
- manuscript preparation guidelines, 2.22
- not always used in electronic publications, 14.27, 14.49, 14.52
- numbering of (see note numbers)
- overview, 14.43
- in previously published materials, 2.45
- proofreading, 2.134
- pros and cons of, 14.44
- for tables (see tables: notes to)
- unnumbered, 1.50, 2.46, 14.52, 14.54
- See also endnotes; notes; shortened citations
- for, 5.201
- foreign-language materials. See non-English materials
- foreign names. See non-English names
- foreign rights. See rights to distribution outside the US
- foreign words and phrases. See non-English words and phrases
- forewords
- format of, 1.40
- format of term, 8.179, 14.110
- indexing of, 16.109
- material appropriate for, 1.43
- mentioned on covers or jackets, 1.70
- pagination, 1.7
- placement in book, 1.4
- vs. prefaces, 5.250
- source citations for, 14.105, 14.110
- as work made for hire, 4.10
- for example, 6.51, 6.58, 6.64, 6.88
- format information. See file formats and devices
- formatting manuscript for submission. See manuscript preparation guidelines for authors
- forms, titles of, 8.187
- forms of address, 6.66, 8.33, 10.16, 10.17. See also dialogue; direct address; speech
- for . . . sake expressions, 7.21
- Fort, 10.30, 11.26, 16.90
- forthcoming
- generally, 8.188, 14.146
- for journal articles, 1.78, 1.104, 1.113, 14.172
- in reference lists, 15.18, 15.45
- forums, electronic, 14.210
- forward slash. See slashes
- foster, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- foul (dead) copy or proofs, 2.105, 2.110
- fr (flush right), 2.127
- fractions
- case (text-sized with horizontal bar), 12.45
- hyphenation, 7.89, 9.14
- and line breaks, 6.113
- in mathematical copy, 12.45–49; in display, 12.46, 12.47; multiple and multilevel, 12.48; rewritten with exponents, 12.49; and subscripts and superscripts, 12.47, 12.49; in text, 12.45, 12.47
- simple, 9.14
- slashes in, 6.110, 6.113, 12.45, 12.47
- spelled out, hyphenation of, 7.89 (sec. 1)
- symbols for, 6.110, 9.15
- whole numbers with, 9.15
- See also decimal points
- Fraktur (Gothic) type, 11.45, 12.65, 12.66, 12.68
- France, currency, 9.23. See also French language
- fraud. See data falsification; plagiarism
- free, compound terms with, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- French flaps (gatefolds), 1.70
- French language, 11.25–37
- abbreviation of French, 10.42
- abbreviations, 10.17
- capitalization, 8.7, 11.26, 11.27
- decimal markers, 9.55
- dialogue, 11.31
- ligatures, 7.34, 7.35
- proper names, 8.7, 11.26, 16.93
- punctuation: ellipses, 11.32; em dashes, 11.28, 11.31; guillemets, 11.28–32; periods omitted from contractions, 10.4; quotation marks, 11.30; spacing with, 11.28–29, 11.31–32
- resources on, 11.25, 11.27
- Saint in place-names, 11.26, 16.93
- social titles, 10.17
- special characters, 11.37
- titles of works, 11.27, 16.48, 16.52
- word division, 11.33–36
- from, 6.78, 9.60
- frontispieces, 1.18, 1.39, 3.22
- front matter, 1.17–45
- acknowledgments, 1.4, 1.41, 1.42, 1.89
- author’s signature, 1.41
- biographical notes, 1.18, 1.66
- chronologies, 1.4, 1.60
- copyright information (see copyright notice; copyright page, contents of)
- dedication, 1.4, 1.7, 1.11, 1.36, 2.3, 16.109
- editing of, 2.57
- editorials, 1.102
- in electronic publications, 1.122
- epigraph and epigraph source, 1.4, 1.37
- examples, figs. 1.1–4
- forewords, 1.40
- frontispieces, 1.18, 1.39, 3.22
- half-title page, 1.17, 2.3
- as historical context, 1.105
- indexing of, 16.109
- information for contributors, 1.88
- introduction appropriate to, 1.43
- journals, 1.84–85, 1.87–91, 2.102, 2.105, 2.134
- list of contributors, 1.64
- lists of abbreviations, 1.44, fig. 1.8
- lists of illustrations and tables, 1.39, 3.38, figs. 1.6–7
- online publications, 1.122
- overview, 1.3
- pagination of, 1.4, 1.7, 1.9, 1.18, 2.38, 2.57
- prefaces, 1.41
- in production checklist, 2.77
- publisher’s, translator’s, and editor’s notes, 1.45, 1.95, 14.51
- recto vs. verso for elements, 1.4
- running heads, 1.11, 1.16
- series title, 1.4, 1.18
- special issue noted, 1.84, 1.87, 1.89
- submission of, 2.3
- table of contents, 1.38, 1.87, fig. 1.5
- title page, 1.17–19
- See also many of the above elements under their own headings
- FTP (file transfer protocol), p. 981. See also URLs
- full, ful, as suffixes, 7.89 (sec. 3)
- full bibliographies, 14.64. See also bibliographies
- full measure, p. 983
- full-size caps (capitals)
- for emphasis, 7.52
- preferred to small caps, 9.34, 10.8, 10.38
- small caps compared to, 7.52
- full stops. See periods (punctuation)
- funding sources, 1.92
- fused participles, 5.114
- future perfect tense, 5.134
- future tense, 5.131
- FY (fiscal year), 9.64