References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table or figure (fig.).
- N, n, in tables, 3.56, 3.73, 3.76, 3.86, fig. 3.21
- n., nn. (note, notes), 7.15, 13.117, 14.49, 14.56, 15.34–35
- n/a (not applicable), 3.68, 6.116, 10.4
- namely, 6.54, 6.62, 6.68, 6.94
- names, personal. See personal names
- narrators of audiobooks, 14.58
- national identities, 7.10, 7.96 (sec. 2), 8.1, 8.39–40, 10.25. See also countries
- National Information Standards Organization (NISO), 1.39. See also International Organization for Standardization
- National Library of Australia, 1.38
- nationality, terms for, 8.39–40. See also countries; groups of people
- nations. See countries; governmental entities; nationality, terms for
- Native Americans. See Indigenous languages; Indigenous peoples
- NATO phonetic alphabet, 7.74
- natural phenomena, named events, 8.78
- Navajo language (Diné Bizaad), 11.51
- navigation. See hyperlinks
- n.b., NB (nota bene), 10.48
- n.d. (no data), 3.68
- n.d. (no date), 10.48, 13.114, 14.44, 14.104, 14.128, 14.157, 14.163
- near, compound terms with, 7.96 (sec. 3)
- negation, 5.237–45
- any- and some- words with, 5.245
- and auxiliary verbs, 5.152
- but and except for, 5.244
- and comparisons, 5.92
- defined, 5.237
- double negatives, 5.243
- in idioms, 5.218
- of interrogative and imperative statements, 5.157, 5.242
- neither–nor for, 5.237, 5.241
- no for, 5.239
- not for, 5.238, 6.48
- pronouns and adverbs for, 5.237, 5.240
- in verb phrases, 5.108
- negative questions, 5.108, 5.242
- neither, 5.71, 5.254
- neither . . . nor, 5.36, 5.148, 5.205, 5.237, 5.241, 5.251, 5.254
- neo, as prefix, 7.96 (sec. 4)
- neopronouns, 5.52
- networks, broadcast, 8.191, 10.30. See also television
- neutral citations, for Canadian and UK legal cases, 14.195, 14.200
- New Testament, 8.107, 10.53. See also Bible
- New Zealand, currency in, 9.23
- news releases (press releases), 14.98
- news services, 14.98
- news sites. See newspapers and news sites
- newspapers and news sites
- and copyright issues, 4.8, 4.10
- headlines in, 7.54, 14.89–90, 14.93
- and serial rights, 4.112
- source citations for, 14.89–98; basic information in, 14.64, 14.89; editorials, 14.93; headlines in, 14.89–90, 14.93; letters to the editor, 14.94; news services and news releases, 14.98; newspaper titles in, 14.91–92; readers’ comments, 14.94; regular columns, 14.93; in text vs. bibliographies, 14.96; time stamps in, 14.89; unsigned articles, 14.87, 14.97; weekend supplements, magazines, and such, 14.95
- titles of: in building or award names, 8.174; city names in, 14.91–92, 15.56; indexing, 15.56; initial The in, 8.172, 14.91–92; italics for, 8.194, 13.88, 14.91; non-English, 11.30, 14.92; plurals of, 7.12
- nicknames, 8.35–36, 8.49
- 9/11 (September 11, 2001), 9.37
- NISO (National Information Standards Organization), 1.39, 1.101, 1.121. See also International Organization for Standardization
- no, 5.36, 5.237, 5.239, 5.254, 6.37
- no., nos.
- for issue numbers, 14.25, 14.70
- for musical works, 8.197–98
- no data (n.d.), 3.68
- no date (n.d.), 10.48, 13.114, 14.44, 14.104, 14.128, 14.157, 14.163
- “no derivatives” clause, 4.74
- no place, no publisher, no page (n.p.), 10.48
- nobility, 8.33, 15.46. See also sovereigns and other rulers
- nominalizations (zombie nouns), 5.195
- nominative (subjective) case
- absolute constructions in, 5.38
- and gender, 5.46
- misuse of, 5.40
- nouns in, 5.11, 5.20
- pronouns in, 5.44; intensive, 5.55; after linking verbs, 5.48; relative, 5.62, 5.65; as subjects of clauses, 5.47
- non, as prefix, 7.96 (sec. 4)
- nonbinary people, 5.46, 5.52, 5.264, 5.266
- nonbreaking spaces, 6.127–29
- in abbreviations, 10.63
- with ellipses, 6.129, 12.59, 12.63, 12.67–68
- with Jr., Sr., and such, 7.42
- in non-English language materials, 11.31–32
- in numbers, 6.129, 7.44, 9.57–58
- in run-in lists, 7.46
- between single and double quotation marks, 6.11
- Unicode for, 6.129, 10.63
- with units of measurement, 6.129, 7.44
- noncomparable adjectives, 5.93
- noncomparable adverbs, 5.171
- noncount (mass) nouns, 5.6, 5.9, 5.16, 5.18
- none, 5.71, 5.254
- non-English materials
- and capitalization: African languages, 11.25; Arabic, 8.15, 11.87; Azeri, 11.77; Chinese, 11.90, 11.97–98, 15.85; Danish, 11.77; Dutch, 8.11, 11.77; in English context, 11.3, 11.5; vs. English materials, 11.20; English translations, 11.11–12, 11.20, 13.101 (see also translations and translated works); French, 8.8, 11.28–30; German, 7.56, 8.9, 11.42; Hebrew, 11.102; Indigenous languages, 11.49–50; Indonesian, 15.88; Italian, 8.10, 11.53; Japanese, 11.97–98; Korean, 11.97–98; Latin, 11.61; Norwegian, 11.77; Polish, 11.77; Portuguese, 8.9, 11.77; Russian, 11.108–9; South Asian languages, 11.119; Spanish, 11.68; Swedish, 11.77; titles of (see titles of works: capitalization of non-English); Turkish, 11.77
- in English context, 11.3–5, 11.21
- and IPA notation, 11.24
- overview of, 11.1
- permissible changes to, 11.9, 11.17–18, 11.21, 11.29, 11.31, 12.7
- and punctuation: apostrophes (see under apostrophes); brackets, 6.102, 6.105, 13.101; colons, 11.126; ellipses, 11.35, 11.56, 11.72, 11.111; em dashes (see under em dashes); exclamation points, 11.21, 11.69, 11.111; glossed ASL, 11.143; permissible changes to, 11.9, 11.13; question marks, 11.21, 11.69, 11.111, 11.126; quotation marks (see under quotation marks); semicolons, 11.9, 11.126; in translations, 6.102, 6.105–6, 11.14, 11.21. See also guillemets
- quotations in English context, 11.13–19; French, 11.32–35; Greek, 11.126; punctuation of, 11.3, 11.21, 11.126; Russian, 11.110; typographic style of, 11.13. See also translations and translated works: and quotations
- running heads for, 2.81
- source citations for: bibliographic terms in, 14.4; English forms of cities (places of publication) in, 14.30, 14.35; journal articles, 14.69, 14.82; journal titles in, 13.100, 14.69; musical scores, 14.155; newspaper titles in, 14.92; publishers’ names in, 14.34–35; series titles in, 14.25; titles of works in (see titles of below)
- special characters, 11.2, 11.23, 11.77, 11.79–80, tables 11.1–5
- titles of, 11.8–12; articles in, 8.172, 13.100, 14.69; brackets for, 13.101; capitalization of (see titles of works: capitalization of non-English); dates in, 13.95; indexing, 15.56–57, 15.60–61; italic vs. roman type for, 11.10, 11.98, 11.109, 13.101; permissible changes to, 11.9; short forms for, 13.36; shortened in running heads, 2.81; subtitles, 13.91; translated, fig. 1.3, 11.11–12, 13.101
- titles of, in specific languages: Chinese, 11.98; French, 11.30, 15.56, 15.60; Japanese, 11.98; Korean, 11.98; Latin, 11.61; Russian, 11.109; South Asian languages, 11.119
- See also European style; non-English names; non-English words and phrases; special characters; translations and translated works; Unicode standard; and specific languages
- non-English names
- personal, 8.8–19; alphabetizing (see under alphabetization); Eastern vs. Western order for, 8.16–18, 13.75; indexing (see indexing: personal names, non-English); particles in, 8.5, 8.7–11
- personal, by language: Arabic, 8.15, 15.83; Asian, other, 8.19, 15.95; Burmese, 15.84; Chinese, 8.16, 11.90–91, 11.92, 11.97, 15.85; Dutch, 8.11; French, 8.8; German, 8.9; Hungarian, 8.14, 15.86; Indian, 15.87; Indigenous languages, 8.5, 11.49, 14.137; Indonesian, 8.19, 15.88; Italian, 8.10; Japanese, 8.17, 11.97, 15.89; Korean, 8.18, 11.96–97, 15.90; Portuguese, 8.9, 15.91; Russian, 8.13, 11.107; Spanish, 8.12, 15.91–92; Thai, 15.93; Vietnamese, 15.94
- place-names: alphabetizing, 15.98, 15.100; Chinese, 11.92, 11.97; in English context, 8.60, 14.30; French, 11.28–29; in Indigenous languages, 11.49; Japanese, 11.94, 11.97; Korean, 11.96–97; Russian, 11.107–8; Spanish, 11.85
- proper, other: company names, 10.28, 14.34–35; in English context, 11.5; French, 8.8, 11.28–29, 15.101; geographic names, generic terms in, 8.56; German, 11.42–43; newspaper titles, 14.92; publishers’ names, 14.34–35; roman type for, 7.55; in titles of works, 11.98
- non-English words and phrases
- alphabetizing, 15.75, 15.100
- bibliographic terms, 14.4
- first use of, 7.55, 11.82
- generic terms in geographic names, 8.56
- glossaries for, 1.68
- hyphenation of: Arabic, 11.86; Chinese, 11.91, 11.97; compound terms from, 7.96 (sec. 1); French, 11.28; glossed ASL, 11.138; Hebrew, 11.102; Japanese, 11.94, 11.97; Korean, 11.96
- italics for, 7.55–56, 8.175, 11.3, 11.6, 11.82, 11.97–98, 11.103, 11.120, 14.173
- language tags for, 11.7
- in legal-style citations, 14.173
- ligatures in, 7.34–35, 11.40
- as mottoes, 7.65
- in place-names, 8.56, 11.28, 15.98, 15.100
- plurals of, 7.12, 11.3
- roman type for, 7.55–57, 11.3–5
- and spelling, 7.2
- translations of, 6.102, 6.106, 11.5–6, 11.20–21
- used as words, 7.66
- and word division (see under word division)
- nonprofit organizations, 4.112
- non-US English
- contractions in, 10.4
- millions, billions, and trillions in, 9.9
- money in, 9.22–25, 9.27
- spelling in, 7.3, 8.69, 8.153, 10.4
- non-US publishers, and copyright, 4.19, 4.21, 4.30–31, 4.41, 4.49
- noon and midnight, 9.40
- nor, 5.36–37, 5.143, 7.8
- North, north, 8.47–48
- Norwegian language, 11.77
- not, 5.108, 5.161, 5.237, 5.238, 6.48
- not . . . but, 6.49
- not only . . . but also, 5.205, 5.251, 6.49
- note numbers, 13.27–31
- citations to, 14.56
- format of, 13.27
- in index entries, 15.34–35
- for multiple citations and references, 13.31
- placement of, 13.29–30
- and punctuation, 13.29
- reducing number of, 13.61
- vs. reference numbers, 13.27
- renumbering, 2.49, 2.68
- sequencing of numbers and symbols, 13.28, 13.52, fig. 13.4
- symbols instead of, 3.80, 13.27–28, 13.52, 13.54, fig. 13.4, 15.35
- for table notes, 2.26, 2.36, 3.80
- with titles and subheads, 13.30
- unnumbered notes in relation to, 13.55
- See also note reference numbers and symbols
- note reference numbers and symbols, 13.18
- avoiding in chapter display, 1.55, 2.26, 13.30
- cross-checking, 2.37, 2.59, 2.68
- for editors’ or translators’ notes, 13.54
- format for, 13.27
- multiple, 13.31
- and note placement, 2.139
- placement of, 12.7, 13.29
- with subheads, 13.30
- for table notes, 3.80
- See also note numbers
- notes, 13.27–64
- abbreviations for (n., nn.), 7.15, 13.117, 14.49, 14.56, 15.34–35
- abbreviations in, 10.3, 10.29, 10.31–32, 10.36, 10.48, 10.50
- author-date reference system with, 13.42, 13.53, fig. 13.13, 14.128, 14.172
- authors’ names in (see authors’ names)
- basic structure of, 13.18, 13.20
- biblical citations in, 10.50–53, 14.139
- bibliographies in relation to, 13.65
- for chapters of edited volumes, 1.62, 1.69, 13.46, 13.49, fig. 13.3
- citations plus commentary in, 13.40
- citations to, 13.117, 14.56
- continued across pages, 13.44, fig. 13.1, 14.56, 15.36
- converted in electronic file cleanup, 2.85
- cross-checking, 2.37, 2.59, 2.68–69, 13.57, 13.115
- cross-references among, 13.31
- editing, 2.68–69
- examples of, figs. 13.1–7
- footnotes plus endnotes, 2.26, 13.52
- footnotes vs. endnotes, 2.82, 2.85, 13.46–51, 13.63
- format of, 1.69
- for frequently cited works, 12.78, 13.63–64, fig. 13.7
- glossary terms in, 1.68
- hyperlinks to (see hyperlinks for source citations)
- ibid. in, 13.37, 13.51
- indexing, 14.56, 15.32–36, 15.116, 15.118
- in journals, 1.105, 1.117, 13.46, 13.49
- keyed to line or page numbers, 13.56–57, figs. 13.5–6
- legal cases in, 8.83
- legal-style citation form for, 14.172
- length considerations for, 13.43, 13.60
- manuscript preparation guidelines on, 2.26, 13.27, 13.44, 13.46, 13.56–57
- multiple citations in single, 13.31, 13.38, 13.61
- multiple paragraphs in, 13.43
- multiple sets of, 13.52–54
- numbering (see note numbers)
- original, in edited or translated materials, 12.7, 13.54
- overview of, 13.46
- on pages with Roman numerals, 14.56
- part titles for, 1.54
- placement of in books, 1.4, 1.68–69, 13.49
- in previously published materials, 2.49–50
- proofreading, 2.139
- publication facts in (see publication details)
- within quotations, 12.7, 12.67
- quotations within, 11.15, 13.41
- reference numbers or symbols for (see note reference numbers and symbols)
- remedies for excessive annotation: abbreviations, 13.63–64, fig. 13.7; several citations in single note, 13.61; shortening or integrating notes, 2.68, 13.60; text citations instead of notes, 13.37, 13.62
- scholarly symbols in, 10.49
- see and cf. in, 13.45
- shortened citations in, 2.69, 13.18, 13.21, 13.32–39, 13.51
- source notes (see source notes)
- submission of, 2.4
- substantive, 13.40–42, 13.52, 13.128, 15.32–33
- to tables (see under tables)
- titles of works in (see titles of works, in source citations)
- “translation modified” in, 11.17
- unnumbered: acknowledgments in, 13.59; biographical notes in, 1.56, 13.59; for compilations, 2.51; for entire chapters, 1.55–56, 13.30, 13.58; for epigraphs, 1.55, 13.55; keyed to text by line or page numbers, 13.56–57, figs. 13.5–6; numbered notes in relation to, 1.55, 13.52, 13.55, fig. 13.4; for tables, 3.78
- See also endnotes; footnotes; note numbers; notes and bibliography system; source citations; source notes; and specific materials to document
- notes and bibliography system, 13.18–26
- and author-date reference system, 13.2, 13.102, 14.1
- disciplines using, 13.2
- elements to include in, 14.2
- examples and variations of, 13.21–26
- flexibility of, 13.2
- notes, basic structure of, 13.18
- overview of, 13.18
- page numbers and other locators in, 13.20
- relationship of bibliographies to notes in, 13.65
- See also bibliographies; notes; shortened citations; source citations; titles of works, in source citations; and specific materials to document
- noun phrases
- as antecedents of relative pronouns, 5.63, 5.65
- in ASL, 11.144
- with expletives, 5.246
- hyphenation of, 7.96 (sec. 2)
- for index entries, 15.9
- with possessives, 5.84, 7.24
- See also nouns
- nouns, 5.6–29
- as adjectives, 5.27, 5.264, 7.27, 7.96 (sec. 2)
- adjectives as (adnouns), 5.98
- as adverbs (adverbial objectives), 5.29
- adverbs formed from, 5.163
- agreement of personal pronouns with, 5.45
- attributive, 5.27, 7.27
- and case (see case [grammar])
- coinages, 5.98, 7.14
- collective, 5.7, 5.9, 5.16–18, 5.35, 5.143
- in compound terms, hyphenation of, 7.96
- concrete, 5.6–7, 5.9
- coordinate, 5.79
- count, 5.6, 15.9
- definitions of, 5.6; common (concrete, abstract, and collective), 5.6–7, 8.1; mass (noncount), 5.9; proper, 5.8
- dependent clauses as, 5.226
- em dashes between pronouns and introductory, 6.92
- formed from verbs (nominalizations), 5.195
- functional variations of, 5.27–29
- in genitive case (see genitive case)
- for index entries, 15.9
- infinitives as, 5.111
- as interjections, 5.215
- irregular, 5.22, 7.5, 7.16, 7.27
- in nominative case (see nominative [subjective] case)
- in non-English languages: Danish, 11.77; German, 7.56, 11.42; Norwegian, 11.77
- in objective case (see objective [accusative] case)
- possessives, 7.16 (see also possessives)
- predicate, 5.20, 5.146
- prepositional phrases as, 5.182
- prepositions with, 5.178
- proper (see personal names; place-names; proper nouns)
- properties of, 5.10–14; case, 5.11 (see also case [grammar]); gender, 5.13; number (see number [grammar]: of nouns and pronouns); person, 5.14, 5.33, 5.42–43
- quoted titles or expressions as, 6.44
- repeating, for gender neutrality, 5.265
- table titles as, 3.55
- titles of works as singular, 8.168
- US as, 10.37
- as verbs, 5.28, 5.254
- See also appositives; noun phrases; place-names; plurals; pronouns
- noun-to-verb transitions, 5.28, 5.254
- now, 5.208
- n.p. (no place, no publisher, no page), 10.48
- n.s. (new series), 10.48, 14.28, 14.83
- nth degree, 9.6. See also ordinal numbers
- number (grammar)
- of nouns and pronouns: and antecedents, 5.35–36, 5.45, 5.61, 5.65, 5.265; defined, 5.12, 5.44; indefinite pronouns, 5.71; with one in antecedent, 5.65; and verb number, 5.142–44
- of verbs, 5.142–47, 5.185, 5.192, 5.211, 6.58
- number of, 5.192
- number sign (pound sign), 2.103, 2.130, 3.80, 11.141
- numbering
- appendixes, 1.66, 8.182
- captions, 2.33, 3.13
- chapters (see chapter numbers)
- double or multiple, 1.63, 1.63n1, 2.33–34, 3.11, 3.51
- illustrations (see illustrations: numbering)
- impressions, 1.30, 1.31, figs. 1.1–2
- manuscript pages in electronic files, 2.43
- mathematical expressions, 1.63
- musical works, 8.197–98
- notes (see note numbers)
- record groups, in government archives, 14.193
- subhead considerations for, 1.63
- table columns, 3.57
- tables, 1.63, 2.34, 2.72, 3.51, 3.55, 15.39
- See also issue numbers; numbers; page numbers (folios); pagination; tables
- numbers
- a or an with, 7.33
- abbreviations and symbols with, 7.96 (sec. 1), 9.8, 9.18–19
- abbreviations for (no., nos.), 8.197–98, 14.25, 14.70 (see also issue numbers)
- in addresses and thoroughfares, 9.52–54, 9.56
- in age terms, 7.96 (sec. 1)
- alignment of, 3.73, 3.87, figs. 3.15–16, fig. 3.21, 6.143
- alphabetic characters in (error), 2.85
- alphabetizing in indexes, 15.73–74, 15.112
- basic principles of, 9.2; alternative rule, 9.3, 9.6–7; consistency, flexibility, and readability, 9.1, 9.7, 9.14–15, 9.21; general rule, 9.2, 9.14, 9.22, 9.34, 9.49
- in binary systems, 9.12, 10.62
- building and apartment, 9.54
- for celestial bodies, 8.140
- for chemical elements, 10.69
- Chicago’s preference for Arabic vs. Roman numerals, 9.69
- commas between digits of, 3.73, 7.43, 9.56–58
- in compound terms, 7.96 (sec. 4)
- in dates, 9.31–38; centuries, 7.8, 8.72, 9.34–35; decades, 9.35; eras, 9.36, 9.66; ISO all-numeral style for, 6.115, 9.37–38; months and days, 9.33; numerals vs. spelled-out numbers, 9.8; periods of time, 8.72; years abbreviated, 9.32, 9.66; years alone, 9.31
- decimal fractions, 9.21, 9.60, 10.67
- dex with, 9.13
- in enzyme names, 8.134
- fractions, 6.117, 6.121, 7.96 (sec. 1), 8.162, 9.15–17
- in gene and enzyme names, 8.133–34
- Greek, 11.127, table 11.5
- hundreds, thousands, and hundred thousands, 9.3–4, 9.56
- and hyphenation: all-numeral dates, 6.115, 9.38; in double or multiple numbering, 1.63; fractions, 7.96 (sec. 1), 9.15; mass numbers, 8.151; nouns plus numerals or enumerators, 7.96 (sec. 2), 9.14; between numbers and abbreviations, 9.18; separators, 6.81; telephone numbers, 9.58
- inclusive (see inclusive [continuing] numbers)
- index entries beginning with, 15.73
- in initialisms, 10.2
- large, 5.254, 9.9–13, 9.26, 12.51
- and line breaks, 7.42–44
- lining, old-style, and tabular, 3.87
- mass numbers, 8.151
- mega-, giga-, tera-, and such, 7.96 (sec. 4), 9.11–12, 10.55, 10.61–62
- millions, billions, and trillions, 5.254, 9.9, 9.26
- for monetary amounts, 9.22–27
- for multiple books within one volume, 14.23
- numerals required, 9.8
- ordinal (see ordinal numbers)
- paragraph (see paragraph numbers, as locators)
- for parts of books in text, 8.182, 9.8
- percentages, 9.8, 9.20
- for physical quantities, 9.14–19; with abbreviations and symbols, 9.18–19; dimensions, 3.27; in general contexts, 9.14; simple fractions, 9.15; whole numbers plus fractions, 9.16
- plurals of, 7.15, 9.55
- possessive forms of, 7.17
- powers of ten, 9.10, 9.12–13
- in proper nouns: and line breaks, 7.42; military units, 9.49; personal names, 6.46, 9.44, 10.9, 10.21, 15.45, 15.49, 15.74; places of worship, 9.50; political and judicial divisions, 9.48; sequels, 8.191, 9.45; sovereigns and other rulers, 9.43, 15.74; successive governments and dynasties, 9.47; unions and lodges, 9.51; vehicles and vessels, 8.117, 9.46
- ranges of (see inclusive [continuing] numbers; page ranges)
- ratios, 6.66, 9.60
- resources on, 9.1
- for roads and thoroughfares, 9.52–53
- section (see section numbers, as locators)
- sentences beginning with, 9.5, 9.31
- for sequels, 8.191, 9.45
- in source citations: Arabic vs. Roman numerals, 14.46; for classical Greek and Latin works, 14.143–45, 14.149; for parts of books, 14.46; for parts of poems and plays, 8.186, 14.154; for scriptural references, 14.141. See also page numbers, in source citations
- for spacecraft, 9.46
- spaces between digits of, 6.129, 9.57–58
- spelling out: alternative rule for, 9.3, 9.6–7; beginning a sentence, 9.5; and consistency, readability, and flexibility, 9.7; for dates, 9.31, 9.33–37; in dialogue, 12.51; fractions, 7.96 (sec. 1), 8.162, 9.15, 9.16; general rule for, 9.2, 9.14, 9.22, 9.34, 9.49; hundreds, thousands, and hundred thousands, 9.4; and hyphenation, 7.96 (sec. 1), 9.14; inclusive ranges of, 9.62; marking manuscripts for, 2.98; marking proofs for, 2.134; for military units, 9.49; for monetary amounts, 9.22; ordinal, 7.96 (sec. 1), 9.6; for places of worship, 9.50; plurals of, 9.55; for political and judicial divisions, 9.48; for roads and thoroughfares, 9.53; round numbers, 9.4; for successive governments and dynasties, 9.47; for time designations, 7.96 (sec. 1), 9.39–40, 9.42; in title case, 8.162; in titles of works, 8.167; to with inclusive numbers, 9.62. See also for physical quantities above
- telephone, 6.81, 9.58
- in titles of works, 8.167, 13.90, 14.46
- and Unicode standard, 11.2
- with units of measurement, 7.44, 9.8, 9.18–19, 10.55
- uses of, editorial: for column heads in tables, 3.87, fig. 3.25; for divisions in publications and documents, 9.28–30; for file names, 2.42; in lists, 2.14, 2.25, 6.140–42, 7.46; for notes applying to specific parts of tables, 3.80; in outlines, 6.143; for table columns, 3.57
- See also Arabic numerals; chapter numbers; decimal points; International System of Units; issue numbers; line numbers; mathematical copy and expressions; metric system; money; note numbers; numbering; page numbers (folios); page ranges; Roman numerals; subscripts; superscripts; Unicode standard; volumes and volume numbers
- numerals. See Arabic numerals; numbering; numbers; Roman numerals
- numerical order, index subentries in, 15.77
- nursery rhymes, 8.187