References are to paragraph numbers except where specified as table or figure (fig.).
- a and an
- and abbreviations, 5.78, 5.254, 7.33, 10.10
- choice between, 5.78, 5.254, 7.32–33
- and coordinate nouns, 5.79
- defined, 5.74, 5.76–77
- meaning affected by, 5.80–81
- omitted from titles in running text, 8.171
- in titles, disregarded in alphabetization, 13.70, 13.81–82, 15.59–60, 15.64, 15.76
- See also articles (definite and indefinite)
- AAs (author’s alterations), 2.76, 2.140, 2.141
- abbreviations, general
- alphabetizing, 1.49, 13.127, 15.54, 15.72, 15.101
- articles with, 5.78, 5.254, 7.33, 10.10
- capitalization of, 10.6–7, 10.30–31, 10.55, 10.58, 10.69
- in chart labels, 3.46
- in compound terms, 6.86
- contractions as, 7.30
- derived from proper nouns, 10.6, 10.55, 10.58
- indexing, 15.54, 15.57, 15.72
- italic vs. roman type for, 2.27, 10.8
- and line breaks, 7.44
- in notes, 10.3, 10.29, 10.31–32, 10.36, 10.48, 10.50
- numbers with, 7.96 (sec. 1), 9.8, 9.18–19
- plurals of, 7.15, 8.122, 10.55, 10.58–59, 10.73, 10.75, 14.49
- possessives of, 6.46–47, 7.17
- punctuation with: ampersands, 6.21, 10.12; commas (see commas: with abbreviations); hyphens, 6.86; periods (see periods [punctuation]: with abbreviations); slashes, 6.116, 10.4; and surrounding text, 6.132
- in quoted speech or dialogue, 12.51
- sentences beginning with, 10.11
- sentences ending with, 6.14
- small or full capitals vs. lowercase for, 10.9, 10.46
- small vs. full-size capitals for, 10.9, 10.43
- spacing, 9.18, 10.5, 10.12, 10.14, 10.55, 10.63–64, 10.74
- spelled out: capitalization of, 2.27, 10.7, 10.23, 10.58; marking manuscripts for, 2.98; marking proofs for, 2.134; parentheses with, 7.17, 10.3
- vs. spelled-out forms, 10.3, 10.31, 12.51
- in tables, 3.57, 3.63, 3.68, 3.82, figs. 3.13–14
- in title case, 8.160
- types of, 10.2
- when to use, 10.3
- See also abbreviations, specific; acronyms; contractions; initialisms; lists of abbreviations
- abbreviations, specific
- Bible, 10.50–54, 14.138–39
- brand names and trademarks, 10.7, 10.55, 12.51
- commercial, 10.77
- company names, 10.28–31, 14.32, 14.33, 14.35
- computer terminology, 7.82, 7.85, 9.12, 10.55
- currency, 9.24, 9.26
- eras, 9.36, 9.66, 10.43
- fig. (figure), 3.9, 3.23, 10.48, 14.49, 14.57
- geographic terms (see under geographic terminology)
- and groups of people and identities, 10.25–27
- Latin, 7.57, 10.8, 10.48 (see also et al.; ibid.)
- in mailing addresses, 10.32–33, 10.38–39
- mathematical, 7.73, 10.56
- musical works, 8.197–98
- organization names, 10.29, 10.28–31, 13.127, 14.175, 15.54, 15.72
- periodical titles, 10.8, 14.69, 15.57
- personal names (see under personal names)
- place-names, 10.32–33, 10.35, 10.36–37, 11.28, 14.191, 15.101
- resources on, 10.1, 10.38
- scholarly, 10.48
- scientific and technical (see under scientific and technical terminology)
- social, 10.6, 10.78
- in source citations: for classical Greek and Latin works, 14.144–48, 14.150; ed., eds., 10.48, 13.19, 13.103, 14.15; with editors, translators, and such, 13.19, 13.22, 13.24, 13.70, 13.73, 13.103, 13.106, 14.5–6; fol. (folio), 14.54; for frequently cited works, 12.78, 13.63–64, fig. 13.7; legal-style citations (see under legal and public documents, source citations for); of non-English bibliographic terms, 14.4; of organization names, 13.127, 14.175; pers. comm. (personal communication), 14.111; pseud. (pseudonym), 13.82, 13.126; of publishers’ names, 14.32–33, 14.35; of recto and verso, 14.53–54; of regnal years, 14.202; of states, provinces, and countries, 14.30; of titles of works, 13.63–64, fig. 13.7, 14.69
- time designations (see under time designations)
- titles and offices of people (see under titles and offices of people)
- titles of works, 10.8, 13.63–64, fig. 13.7, 14.69
- units of measurement (see under units of measurement)
- in vessel names, 8.117
- See also postal codes; and specific abbreviations
- ability or health status. See disabilities and abilities
- ablaut, 5.104
- ableism, 5.262. See also disabilities and abilities; inclusivity
- about the author. See biographical notes
- abridgements, 2.67, 4.14, 4.79, 4.112
- absolute (independent) possessive pronouns, 5.53
- absolute (positive) adjectives, 5.88
- absolute (positive) adverbs, 5.167
- absolute constructions, 5.38, 5.115
- abstract nouns, 5.7, 5.9
- abstractions, 8.38, 8.95
- abstracts
- of books, 1.85, 2.29
- and copyright issues, 4.112
- descriptions in lieu of, 1.85, 2.3, 2.29
- of dissertations and theses, 14.113
- of journal articles, 1.96, 1.102–4, 2.29, 14.85
- manuscript preparation guidelines on, 2.4, 2.29
- and metadata, 2.29
- proofreading, 2.105
- source citations for, 14.85, 14.113
- Abu, Abd, Ibn, 15.83
- academic concerns
- campus locations, 6.87
- courses of study, 8.87
- degrees and affiliations: abbreviations for, 7.15, 10.4, 10.14, 10.18, 10.23–24; of authors, 1.21, 1.56, 1.71, 1.75, 1.101, 1.104, 1.109; capitalization of, 8.30, 10.23–24; in contributors’ lists, 1.71, 2.46; in source citations, 13.74
- honors and awards, 8.32, 8.84
- institutions, 8.69
- lectures and lecture series, 8.88, 14.115, 14.164, 14.167
- letter grades, 7.68
- student status terms, 8.30
- subjects and disciplines, 7.2, 7.61, 8.31, 8.86–87
- titles and offices, 8.29–32, 10.14, 15.48
- See also dissertations and theses; universities
- academic publishing
- peer review, 2.6, 2.54, 4.66
- See also scholarly works; scientific, technical, and medical (STM) works
- academic year, 1.89, 6.114. See also publication dates
- accents. See special characters
- access dates
- for journal articles, 1.92, 14.73
- in source citations, 13.15, 14.73, 14.104, 14.131, 14.135, 14.157
- access rights, 1.96, 1.101–2, 1.120. See also open-access publishing models
- accessibility
- in bibliographies, 6.100, 13.72
- braille displays, 3.28
- of context breaks in ebooks, 1.64
- extended image descriptions, 1.51, 3.28, 3.42, 3.89
- language tags, 11.7
- and markup languages, 1.115, 3.28, 3.89
- proofreading for, 2.142, 2.143
- resources on, 1.64, 2.143, 3.28, 3.89
- subsidiary rights for, 4.112
- of tables, 3.89
- text-to-speech tools, 3.28, 3.89, 7.50, 11.7
- See also alt text
- accession numbers
- for databases, 14.113, 14.157, 14.171
- for museums, 14.133
- accordingly, 6.61
- accusative case. See objective (accusative) case
- Ace (EPUB evaluation tool), 2.143
- ache, compound terms with, 7.96 (sec. 3)
- acknowledgments
- on copyright pages, 1.22, 1.33–34, figs. 1.3–4
- of data sources, 3.78
- format of term, 8.181
- of grants and subventions, 1.22, 1.34
- illustration credits in, 3.31
- indexing, 15.32
- in journals, 1.98, 1.104
- and permissions, 4.106–7
- placement in books, 1.4, 1.46–47, 1.65
- separate sections for, 1.47, 4.107
- submission of, 2.4
- in table notes, 3.78
- in unnumbered notes, 13.59
- acquisition numbers, for musical recordings, 14.163
- acronyms
- as adjectives, 10.10
- articles with, 5.254, 7.33, 10.10
- capitalization of, 10.6, 10.9, 10.30–31
- defined, 10.2
- disease and medical terms, 8.145
- indexing, 15.57, 15.72
- journal titles, 15.57
- spaces omitted from, 10.5
- See also abbreviations, general; abbreviations, specific; initialisms
- active voice, 5.21, 5.119, 5.122–23, 5.139, 5.198
- acts and treaties, 8.68, 8.81–82, 14.176, 14.191. See also legal and public documents
- AD (anno Domini) and such, 9.36, 9.66, 10.43
- additions and insertions, 2.99–100, 2.130, 2.135, fig. 2.6
- addresses, email, 6.8, 6.111, 14.111. See also addresses, mailing; URLs
- addresses, mailing
- abbreviations in, 10.32–33, 10.38–39
- compass points in, 10.39
- numbers in, 9.52–54, 9.56
- publishers’, 1.21–23, 1.93, 1.104
- punctuation in, 6.14
- in text, 6.42
- See also addresses, email; compass points and directions; geographic terminology; postal codes
- adjectival clauses, 5.226, 5.232
- adjectival phrases, 5.80, 5.83, 5.96–97, 5.182, 5.184, 6.85, 7.91–92, 7.96 (secs. 2, 3)
- adjective clusters, 5.173
- adjectives, 5.72–100
- acronyms as, 10.10
- adverbs modifying, 5.161, 5.173
- attributive, 5.83
- be-verbs as parts of, 5.159
- clusters, 5.173
- coinage of (see proper adjectives)
- compound, 6.86
- coordinate, 5.95, 6.39
- dates as, 5.87
- defined, 5.72
- degrees of, 5.88–93; comparative, 5.88–89, 5.91–92, 5.207; and equal and unequal comparisons, 5.92; noncomparable adjectives, 5.93; positive (absolute), 5.88; superlative, 5.88, 5.90–91, 7.96 (sec. 1)
- dependent clauses as, 5.226, 5.232
- derived from proper nouns (see proper adjectives)
- ending in ‑ly, 5.163, 7.93
- gender-specific labels as, 5.264
- as index entries, 15.9
- infinitives as, 5.111
- as interjections, 5.215
- irregular, 5.91
- like, 5.191
- mathematical symbols as, 6.130
- as nouns (adnouns), 5.98
- nouns as, 5.27, 5.264, 7.27, 7.96 (sec. 2)
- and parenthetical elements in sentences, 6.51
- participial, 5.94, 5.115
- and person-first language, 5.260
- phrasal (compound modifiers), 5.80, 5.83, 5.96–97, 6.85, 7.91–92, 7.96 (secs. 2, 3)
- position of, 5.83–87; basic rules for, 5.83; and dates, 5.87; meaning affected by, 5.80, 5.81; after possessive pronouns, 5.84; predicate, 5.83, 5.86, 5.175; when modifying pronouns, 5.85
- postpositive, 5.83
- prepositional phrases as, 5.182, 5.184
- and pronouns, 5.32, 5.53, 5.82, 5.84–85
- punctuation with: commas, 5.95, 6.39–40; dates in text, 5.87; hyphenation, 5.80, 5.96–97, 6.86, 7.96 (sec. 2)
- relative, 5.60
- repeated, 6.40
- as verbs, 5.99
- as words of greeting, 6.57
- See also articles (definite and indefinite)
- adjuncts, 5.72, 5.161. See also adjectives; adverbs
- administrative bodies, 8.64. See also business and commerce; governmental entities; institutions; organization names
- adnouns, 5.98
- adverbial clauses, 5.232
- adverbial objectives, 5.29
- adverbs, 5.161–76
- adverbial conjunctions, 5.208
- adverbial phrases, 5.163, 5.166, 5.182, 5.184, 6.34–35, 7.96 (sec. 3)
- compound, 5.166, 7.93, 7.96
- in compound modifiers, 7.91
- conjunctive (however, therefore, and such), 5.210, 6.52, 6.61
- defined, 5.161
- degrees of, 5.167–71; comparative, 5.168, 5.207; irregular, 5.170; noncomparable, 5.171; positive (absolute), 5.167; superlative, 5.90–91, 5.169, 7.96 (sec. 1)
- dependent clauses as, 5.232
- flat (bare), 5.165, 5.254
- formation of, 5.163
- hyphens with, 7.96 (sec. 2)
- infinitives as, 5.111
- as interjections, 5.215
- in introductory phrases, 6.34
- ‑ly ending, 5.97, 5.163, 5.165, 5.168–69, 7.91, 7.93, 7.96 (sec. 2)
- modifying adverbs, 5.161
- for negation, 5.237, 5.240
- nouns as (adverbial objectives), 5.29
- phrasal, 5.166
- phrasal verbs as, 5.106
- position of, 5.172–77; and linking verbs, 5.175; meaning affected by, 5.172; modifying intransitive verbs, 5.174–75; modifying participles, 5.118; modifying words other than verbs, 5.173, 7.96 (sec. 2); replacing prepositional phrases, 5.196; in verb phrases, 5.108, 5.176
- prepositional phrases as, 5.182, 5.184
- vs. prepositions, 5.190
- punctuation with, 6.34, 6.52, 6.61
- sentence, 5.162
- simple, 5.165
- in split infinitives, 5.112
- and suffixes, 5.163–64, 5.168–69
- See also infinitives; participles
- advertising. See promotion
- affixes. See prefixes; suffixes
- African languages, 11.25–26. See also Arabic language
- after, 5.208, 5.254
- afterwords, 1.4, 1.28, 1.60, 14.12
- age terms, hyphenation of, 7.96 (sec. 1)
- agents, literary, 1.23, 4.18
- aggregators, 1.114, 4.75, 4.112–13
- agreement
- of pronoun with antecedent, 5.45
- of verb with subject, 5.142–44, 5.146, 5.148, 5.211, 5.254
- ah, 6.38
- AH (anno Hegirae or anno Hebraico) and such, 9.36, 10.43
- ahead-of-print journal articles, 1.87, 1.90, 1.95, 1.113, 1.121–22, 14.75
- AI (artificial intelligence), 3.38, 14.112
- aircraft, 8.117–18. See also vehicles and vessels
- a.k.a., 10.77
- al, el (Arabic definite article), 11.86–87, 15.83
- Albanian language, 11.77
- albeit, 5.207
- albums, 8.199
- aliases. See screen and stage names
- alignment
- of facing pages, 2.122
- marking manuscripts for, 2.103
- marking proofs for, 2.132
- in mathematical copy and expressions, 7.45
- in outlines, 6.143
- of quotation marks in poetry, 12.28
- in tables: of cells, 3.71–74, figs. 3.20–22; on decimal points, 3.73, 3.87, figs. 3.15–16, fig. 3.21
- See also lists in text; margins
- all, compound terms with, 7.96 (sec. 3)
- all rights reserved, 1.22, 1.24, figs. 1.1–4, 4.42, 4.73
- along with, 5.147
- alphabetization, 15.64–101
- of abbreviations and abbreviations lists, 1.49, 13.127, 15.54, 15.72, 15.101
- articles disregarded in, 13.70, 13.81–82, 13.125, 15.56–57, 15.59–60, 15.64, 15.76, 15.96, 15.99
- basic rule for, in indexes, 15.64
- of bibliographies, 2.69, 13.66, 13.69–71, 13.112, 13.114, fig. 13.8
- checking, in indexes, 15.132
- vs. chronological order, 15.78
- of compound terms, 15.66, 15.68, 15.80, 15.92
- and computerized sorting, 13.69, 15.5, 15.65, 15.113, 15.122
- of dates, 15.73
- dedicated indexing software for, 15.113, 15.122
- of glossaries, 1.68
- of index cross-references, 15.17, 15.20
- of index main headings, 15.64
- of index subentries, 15.76–78
- of indexes of first lines, 15.143
- letter-by-letter, 13.69, 15.66–67, 15.69
- of lists of contributors, 1.71
- of names, personal (see of personal names and of personal names, non-English below)
- of non-English words, 15.75, 15.100
- of numbers, 15.73–74, 15.112
- of organization names, 15.54, 15.72, 15.96–97
- as part of indexing process, 15.116, 15.122
- of personal names: basic rules for, 15.79–82; as company names, 15.97; compound, 15.80; with initials, 8.14, 15.71, 15.86; with Mac, Mc, or O’, 15.81; with numbers, 15.74; with particles, 15.79, 15.92; with Saint, 15.82; sovereigns and other rulers, 15.45; titled persons, 15.46. See also of personal names, non–English below
- of personal names, non-English, 15.83–95; Arabic, 15.83; Asian, other, 15.95; Burmese, 15.84; Chinese, 15.85; Hungarian, 8.14, 15.86; Indian, 15.87; Indonesian, 15.88; Japanese, 15.89; Korean, 15.90; Portuguese, 15.91; Spanish, 15.91–92; Thai, 15.93; Vietnamese, 15.94
- of persons, places, or things with same name, 15.70
- of place-names, 15.98–101
- and prepositions, 15.61, 15.76
- publishers’ preferences for, 15.112
- and punctuation, 15.67–69
- of reference lists, 2.69, 13.112, fig. 13.12
- resources on, 15.66
- and special characters, 15.75
- of titles of works, 15.59–61, 15.64 (see also articles disregarded in above)
- See also word-by-word alphabetization
- alphabets
- Cyrillic, 11.77, 11.107–9, 11.113–17, table 11.3 (see also Russian language)
- dictionary tables for, 11.83, 11.100
- fingerspelling, 11.140
- Greek, 7.73, 8.152, 11.48, 11.120–25, 11.127, table 11.4, table 11.5
- modernizing archaic letters, 12.7
- non-Latin, 7.55, 11.2, 11.79–80, 11.99, 11.120–21, 11.125, 11.126–27, 11.132, tables 11.2–5
- See also Arabic language; Hebrew language; International Phonetic Alphabet; Latin alphabet; letters (alphabet); special characters; Unicode standard; and names of other languages
- also as, 15.98
- alt text (alternative text)
- authors’ responsibility for, 2.31, 3.15, 3.18, 3.28
- for charts and graphs, 3.42
- for covers of journals and paperback books, 1.51
- editing, 2.71
- for emojis, 10.78
- and hyperlinks, 7.59
- length of, 3.28
- manuscript preparation guidelines on, 2.31, 2.52, 3.18, 3.28, fig. 3.10
- for mathematical copy and expressions, 3.29
- and permissions process, 4.104
- proofreading, 2.142, 2.143
- for tables, 3.89
- See also specific figures
- alterations
- author’s (AAs), 2.76, 2.140–41
- designer’s (DAs), 2.140
- editor’s (EAs), 2.140–41, 13.50
- and printer’s errors (PEs), 2.140
- and proofreading, 2.115
- alternative questions, 5.219
- although, 5.207
- ALWD Guide to Legal Citation (Association of Legal Writing Directors and Barger), 14.170. See also legal and public documents, source citations for
- a.m., p.m., 9.39–40, 10.4, 10.46
- ambitransitive (ergative) verbs, 5.103
- American Indians. See Indigenous languages; Indigenous peoples
- American Medical Association (AMA), 13.3
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1.39
- American Psychological Association (APA), 13.3
- American Sign Language (ASL), 11.135–45
- and Deaf, deaf terms, 8.44
- fingerspelling in, 6.81, 11.140
- resources on, 11.137
- signed languages, defined, 11.135
- signs in: components of, 11.136; compound, 11.139; glosses of, 11.138–45; handshapes, 11.142; lexicalized, 11.141; nonmanual, 11.145; pronouns, possessives, and reference, 11.144; small caps for transcription of, 11.138
- ampersands
- alphabetizing, 15.72
- in company names, 6.21, 10.29, 14.34
- initialisms with, 10.12
- in legal-style citations, 14.202
- for Old and Middle English, 11.133
- in publishers’ names, 14.34
- serial commas omitted before, 6.21
- spacing with, 10.12
- in titles of works, 8.167, 13.90
- in URLs, 7.47
- See also and; conjunctions
- analytic vs. synthetic languages, 5.217, 5.228
- anaphoric pronouns, 5.31. See also pronouns: antecedents of
- and
- ampersand for, 6.21, 13.90
- between with, 6.83, 9.62
- both with, 5.205, 5.251, 5.254
- coordinate adjectives separated by, 5.95
- in generic index cross-references, 15.23
- hyphen instead of, 6.113
- in lists, 6.142
- for multiple authors or editors in source citations, 13.78
- pronouns and antecedents with, 5.35, 5.36, 5.37
- in publishers’ names, 14.34
- punctuation with, 6.19, 6.22, 6.24
- sentences beginning with, 5.209, 5.254
- and serial commas, 6.19
- slash instead of, 6.113
- in spelled-out numbers, 9.5
- as subordinating conjunction, 5.207
- in titles of works, 8.167
- and verb number, 5.211
- See also ampersands; conjunctions
- and if, 6.28
- and other stories, 13.94
- and so forth or and the like, 6.20, 11.35
- and then, 6.24, 6.61
- and/or, 5.254
- angle brackets
- for callouts, 2.35
- in generic markup, 2.35, 2.86, 6.111
- for less than and more than, 3.84
- in mathematical expressions, 6.108, 6.111
- with URLs, 6.8
- in XML, 6.111
- See also brackets
- animals. See zoological terminology
- animations, 1.116, 2.5. See also multimedia content
- Annals of the Congress of the United States, 14.188
- annotated bibliographies, 13.68, fig. 13.10
- annotations
- as copyrightable, 4.5
- keyed to line or page numbers, 13.56–57, figs. 13.5–6
- in PDF files, 2.77, 2.124, 2.138
- See also notes; source citations
- announcements in journals, 1.95–96, 1.98, 1.103, 1.108
- anonymity of research subjects, 12.58
- anonymous works, 4.26, 10.48, 13.81, 14.109
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 1.39
- ante, as prefix, 7.96 (sec. 4)
- antecedents. See under pronouns
- anthologies. See compilations of previously published materials; edited volumes
- anti, as prefix, 7.96 (sec. 4)
- any, 5.9
- any, as prefix, 5.245, 5.254
- APA (American Psychological Association), 13.3
- aphorisms. See figures of speech; maxims
- Apocrypha, 8.107, 10.52. See also Bible
- apodosis, 5.235
- apostrophes, 6.124–26
- directional (“smart”), 2.85, 2.90, 6.123, 6.125, 7.30
- and electronic file cleanup, 2.85
- vs. hamza, 11.84
- marking on manuscripts, 2.99
- marking on proofs, 2.137
- in non-English languages: African languages, 11.26; Arabic, 11.86; Chinese, 11.91; Czech, 11.77; French, 11.38; German, 11.43; Greek, 11.126; Hebrew, 11.102; Indigenous languages, 11.51; Italian, 11.55, 11.59–60; Japanese, 11.94
- other punctuation with, 6.126
- in plurals, 6.124, 7.13, 7.15
- in possessives, 5.54, 6.124, 7.16; vs. attributive nouns, 7.27; compound, 7.24; for . . . sake expressions, 7.21; vs. genitive case, 7.25; with gerunds, 7.28; with italicized or quoted terms, 7.29; joint (group) possessives, 5.24, 7.23; of nouns plural in form, singular in meaning, 7.20; with of, 7.26; of proper nouns, 7.17, 7.19, 7.28; of words ending in unpronounced s, 7.18
- vs. prime symbols, 9.18
- vs. single closing quotation marks, 2.85, 6.9
- uses of, other: in abbreviated decades (e.g., ’70s), 9.35; in abbreviated years, 9.32; in contractions, 5.54, 6.124, 7.30; inappropriate, 5.53–54, 5.254, 6.125, 7.9; in legal-style citations, 14.175; in nouns, genitive, 5.11, 5.22–23
- appendixes
- chronologies as, 1.67
- discographies in, 1.70
- as electronic supplementary data, 1.66, 1.87
- format of term, 8.181
- glossaries as, 1.68
- illustrations in, numbering, 3.11
- indexing, 15.32
- multiple, 1.54
- notes to, 1.69
- numbering, 1.66, 8.182
- parenthetical references to, 13.60
- placement in books, 1.4, 1.66
- running heads for, 1.14
- submission of, 2.4
- as works made for hire, 4.10
- Apple Books, 14.58
- appositives
- clauses as, 5.234
- commas with, 5.26, 6.30–31, 6.44, 8.31
- defined, 5.26
- with mathematical symbols, 10.71
- and pronouns, 5.14, 5.39, 5.55
- vs. serial commas, 6.19
- subordinating conjunctions in, 5.207
- titles and offices of people as, 8.22, 8.31
- apps
- multimedia, 14.169
- names of, 8.155–56
- required to read electronic publications (see file formats and devices)
- site maps for, 2.142
- terminology specific to, 7.81
- text-to-speech, 3.28, 3.89, 7.50, 11.7
- See also electronic publications
- Arabic language, 11.83–88
- articles in, 8.15, 11.86–87, 15.83
- capitalization in, 8.15, 11.87
- names, 8.15, 15.83
- resources on, 11.83
- special characters in, 11.83–84, 11.88, 11.101, table 11.2
- spelling in, 11.85
- word division in, 11.88
- Arabic numerals
- for building and apartment numbers, 9.54
- capitalization of term, 9.67
- Chicago’s preference for, 9.69
- for divisions of publications, 9.28–30
- in enzyme names, 8.134
- for illustrations, 3.12
- and line breaks, 7.43
- lining, old-style, and tabular, 3.87
- in pagination, 1.4, 1.8, 1.52, 1.53, 2.43, 2.80
- for parts of books, 8.182
- ranges (inclusive) with, 9.63–64
- for roads and thoroughfares, 9.52–53
- vs. Roman numerals, 9.69, table 9.1, 14.46, 14.202
- for sequels, 8.191
- in source citations: for classical Greek and Latin works, 14.143, 14.144, 14.149; for journal volume numbers, 14.70; for parts of books, 8.182, 14.46; for parts of poems and plays, 8.186, 14.154; vs. Roman numerals, 14.46; for scriptural references, 14.141; for volume numbers of multivolume works, 14.18
- for spacecraft, 9.46
- in tables, 3.57
- for unions and lodges, 9.51
- See also inclusive (continuing) numbers; numbers; Roman numerals
- archaeology, 9.36
- archival practices, 1.124, 2.83. See also backup copies
- archives, 4.87, 14.193, 14.197–98. See also correspondence; legal and public documents; manuscript collections; unpublished and informally published materials
- art styles and movements, 8.80. See also cultural movements and styles
- articles (definite and indefinite), 5.74–82
- a vs. an, 5.78, 5.254, 7.32–33
- and abbreviations, 5.78, 5.254, 7.33, 10.10
- appropriate use of, 5.78, 5.254, 7.32–33
- in Arabic, 8.15, 11.86–87, 15.83
- astronomical names with, 8.141
- beginning titles of works, 8.165, 8.171–72, 8.193–94, 11.30, 13.100, 14.69, 14.87, 15.56–57, 15.59–60, 15.64
- collective nouns with, 5.9
- common nouns with, 5.7
- coordinate nouns with, 5.79
- defined, 5.74
- definite, 5.75, 5.77, 5.79
- disregarded in alphabetization, 13.70, 13.81–82, 13.125, 15.56–57, 15.59–60, 15.64, 15.76, 15.96, 15.99
- with epithets, 8.35–36
- and gender, 5.13, 5.265
- with honorifics, 10.20
- and hyperlinks, 7.59
- indefinite, 5.76–78
- in index subentries, 15.59–60, 15.76, 15.128
- in indexes of first lines, 15.143
- with Indigenous group names, 7.10
- meaning affected by, 5.80, 5.81
- omission of, 5.81, 8.171, 13.36, 14.91
- organization names with, 8.69, 8.71, 14.33, 15.96–97
- personal names with, 8.8, 8.12, 15.83
- place-names with, 8.60, 15.99, 15.100
- as pronoun substitutes, 5.82
- proper nouns with, 5.8
- in title case, 8.160
- with titles of people used in apposition, 8.22, 8.31
- zero (implicit), 5.81
- See also a and an; the
- articles, periodical. See journal articles; magazines; newspapers and news sites
- artificial intelligence (AI), 3.38, 14.112
- Artists Rights Society, 4.101
- artwork
- commissioned, 3.34
- continuous-tone, 3.3
- and copyright, 4.15, 4.101
- covers and jackets, 1.33, 1.51, 1.82, 2.113, 4.81, 4.94, 4.103, 4.105
- creators’ names, indexing, 15.58
- cropping, scaling, and shading, 3.19
- emojis as, 10.78
- identification of for publishers, 3.16
- inventories of, 3.17–18
- museum text accompanying, 14.133
- original dimensions noted for, 3.27
- redrawn by publishers, 3.20
- scans, 2.32, 3.15
- source citations for, 14.133–35
- submission of to publishers, 2.2, 2.5, 2.32, 3.3–4, 3.15–20
- titles of, 8.200–204; in captions, 3.22; cartoons, 8.202; exhibition catalogs, 8.204, 14.134; generic, 3.22; indexing, 15.58; public works, 8.58; in source citations, 13.88, 14.133–35
- use of term, 3.1
- See also captions; illustrations
-, 1.122
- as, 5.189, 5.202, 5.207, 5.208
- as, as if, 5.191, 5.254
- as, like, 5.191, 5.254
- as . . . as, 5.49, 5.92, 5.205
- as far as, 5.207, 5.254
- as follows, 6.68, 12.16. See also introductory words and phrases
- as if, 5.207, 5.254
- as much as, 5.207
- as . . . so, 5.251
- as so, so as, 5.205, 5.251
- as soon as, 5.207
- as though, 5.207
- as well as, 5.147, 5.207, 6.19
- Asian names
- Burmese, 15.84
- Chinese, 8.16, 11.90–91, 11.92, 11.97, 15.85
- Indian, 15.87
- Indonesian, 8.19, 15.88
- Japanese, 8.17, 11.97, 15.89
- Korean, 8.18, 11.96–97, 15.90
- other, 8.19, 15.95
- Thai, 15.93
- Vietnamese, 15.94
- See also South Asian languages
- ASL. See American Sign Language
- assistive technology. See accessibility
- associations. See organization names
- asterisks
- for emphasis, 7.53
- for expletives, 6.99
- for footnotes, 13.28, 13.30, 13.52, 13.54, fig. 13.4
- in legal-style citations, 14.177
- in tables, 3.80, 3.81, fig. 3.23
- for text breaks, 1.64, 2.10
- astronomical and astrophysical terminology, 8.138–43
- abbreviations in, 9.11, 10.66–68
- celestial bodies, 8.139–43, 10.67
- Myr and Gyr, 9.11
- resources on, 8.138, 10.66, 10.68
- sun and moon, 8.142
- See also metric system; scientific and technical terminology
- at, in legal-style citations, 14.174, 14.177, 14.186
- at sign (@), 15.72
- atlases, 4.10
- attribute pronouns, 5.48
- attribution
- and Creative Commons licenses, 4.74, figs. 4.1–2
- em dash for, 6.95, 12.35
- and fair-use doctrine, 4.88, 4.96
- importance of, 4.15, 4.79, 4.96
- unnecessary, 12.5
- See also illustration credits and credit lines; permissions; source citations; text citations
- attributive adjectives, 5.83
- attributive nouns, 5.27, 7.27
- AUC (ab urbe condita) and such, 9.36
- audio (or audiobook) rights, 4.112
- audiobooks, 1.2, 1.43, 1.64, 1.84, 2.144, 4.17, 14.58, 14.62, 14.164. See also multimedia content; sound recordings
- aughts, the, 9.35
- Australia, 1.38, 9.23
- authenticity readings, 2.54
- author queries, 2.2
- and ambiguity in tracking changes, 2.89
- circling, 2.98
- commenting feature for, 2.92, 2.93
- on cross-references, 2.66
- in edited volumes, 2.47
- example of, fig. 2.4
- and fact-checking, 2.62
- on formatting text messages, 12.50
- inserting in electronic files, 2.92
- marking, 2.97
- on non-English terms, 7.55
- placement in margins, 2.12, 2.48, 2.96–98
- on quotations and previously published materials, 2.67
- on running heads, 2.81
- on silent changes, 2.90
- on source citations, 2.68–69, 2.70, 2.75
- sticky notes for, avoiding, 2.97
- on subheads in tables of contents, 2.63
- on table totals, 3.82
- wordings for, 2.75
- author-and-title indexes, 15.6
- author-date reference system, 13.102–28
- abbreviations in, 13.103
- authors’ names in: alphabetizing, 13.112; authors with same last name, 13.35, 13.116; basic format of, 13.102; different coauthors, 13.112, 13.123–24; editors’ names in place of, 13.106, 13.113, 14.5; examples and variations of, 13.106–7, 13.109; indexing, 15.37–38; initials vs. full names, 14.111; organizations as authors, 13.127; pseudonyms, 13.126; same author, same year, 13.114, 13.123; single vs. several, order for, 13.112; three or more authors or editors, 13.107, 13.123; 3-em dashes vs. repeated names for, 13.113; unknown, 13.125
- basic format of, 13.102–4, 13.116
- blogs and blog posts in, 14.105
- and cross-checking, 2.37, 13.115
- databases in, 14.157
- disciplines using, 13.2
- examples and variations of, 13.105–10, fig. 13.12
- Indigenous sources in, 14.137
- interviews and personal communications in, 14.111
- in journals, 1.117
- legal and public documents in, 14.172
- manuscript collections in, 14.128
- multiauthor books in, 13.107, 13.111, 14.10
- multivolume works in, 14.21
- and notes and bibliography system, 13.2, 13.102, 14.1
- notes used with, 13.42, 13.53, fig. 13.13, 14.128, 14.172
- patents in, 14.158
- periodicals in, 13.110, 14.70, 14.87, 14.89, 14.98
- publication dates in: ahead-of-print, 14.75; basic structure and punctuation of, 13.102, 13.106, 13.110, 13.116, 13.119, 14.1; for databases, 14.157; editions with multiple, 14.16; forthcoming, 13.114, 14.45, 14.75; for letters in published collections, 14.13; for manuscript collections, 14.128; for multivolume works, 14.21; for news and magazine articles, 14.87, 14.89; “no date,” 14.44, 14.104, 14.157; vs. notes and bibliography system, 14.1; references arranged by, 13.113; reprint and modern editions with multiple, 14.16; for working papers, 14.116
- secondary sources, quotations from in, 14.160
- social media content in, 14.106
- syntactic considerations with, 13.122
- titles of works in, 13.80, 13.105–10, 13.125
- websites and web pages in, 14.104
- working papers in, 14.116
- See also reference lists; text citations
- authors
- academic degrees and affiliations, 1.21, 1.56, 1.71, 1.75, 1.101, 1.104, 1.109
- and accuracy of works, 2.62, 12.6
- alterations of on proofs (AAs), 2.76, 2.140–41
- approval of before editing, 2.53, 2.56
- biographical notes on (see biographical notes)
- books published by (see self-published books)
- collected works of single, 8.180
- communications with, 2.74–78; about authors’ changes, 2.78; cover letters and instructions, 2.76, 2.93, 2.97; edited manuscripts, 2.77; editing samples, 2.58, 2.74; about permissions, 4.83
- field notes of, 12.58
- financial assistance for, 1.34, fig. 1.1
- indexing, role of in, 2.76, 15.3–4, 15.24, 15.30, 15.109, 15.113
- interviews transcribed by, 12.56–57 (see also interviews and discussions)
- lists of previous publications by, 1.19
- multiple (see edited volumes)
- own work used by, 3.32, 4.71, 4.82
- papers in collection of, 14.129
- photographs of, 2.113
- publication process and schedule for, 2.2, figs. 2.1–2
- publishers as, 13.86
- responsibilities of: alt text, 2.31, 3.15, 3.18, 3.28; audiobook notes, 2.144; backup copies of manuscript, 2.5, 2.45, 2.77; indexing, 2.76; permissions (see permissions); proofreading, 2.53, 2.106; sensitivity and authenticity readings, 2.54
- review of copyedited manuscripts by, 2.2, 2.76–78, 2.87, 2.93, 2.106
- royalties to, 4.38, 4.56, 4.62, 4.108, 4.112, 4.114
- translations by, 11.16, 12.57
- warranties by, 4.56, 4.76–77
- websites of, 4.69, 4.71, 4.75
- See also author queries; authors’ names; contributors to edited volumes and journals; copyright; manuscript preparation guidelines for authors; proofreading; publishing agreements
- author’s alterations (AAs), 2.76, 2.140–41
- authors’ names
- in books: on chapter display, 1.56, 2.37; in copyright notices, 1.24, 4.44; on covers and jackets, 1.78, 1.79; edited volumes, 1.42, 1.56, 1.71, fig. 1.10, 2.37; with epigraphs, 1.41; with forewords and introductions, 1.45, 14.7; form of, 1.21; in running heads, 1.12; in tables of contents, 1.42; on title pages, 1.21, 13.74, 13.84, 14.3
- as copyright management information, 4.15
- in electronic file names, 2.42
- indexing: in separate index, 15.6, 15.38, 15.144; with titles of works, 15.58, 15.105
- in journals and journal articles (see under journal articles)
- as metadata, 1.84, 13.78
- in production checklists, 2.82
- proofreading, 2.113, 2.139
- in source citations (see authors’ names, in source citations)
- in species names, 8.125
- See also anonymous works; contributors to edited volumes and journals; pseudonyms and pseudonymous works
- authors’ names, in source citations, 13.74–86
- alphabetizing, 13.66, 13.69–71, 13.112, fig. 13.8
- alternative forms of, 13.84
- for anonymous works, 13.81
- author-date reference system of (see under author-date reference system)
- authors known by given name, 13.85
- for blog posts, 14.105
- cartographers, 14.135
- chronological order of for single-author bibliographies, 13.70
- for classical Greek and Latin works, 14.144–45
- with coauthors, 13.71
- deadnames, 13.84
- editors’ names in addition to, 14.6
- editors’ names in place of, 14.5
- examples and variations of, 13.22–23, 13.25
- in footnotes vs. endnotes, 13.51
- for forewords, prefaces, and such, 14.12
- forms of, 13.18, 13.22–23, 13.74, 14.3
- given names, 13.85
- Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers, 14.137
- initials vs. full names, 13.75–76
- interviewees, 14.110
- for journals and journal articles, 14.67, 14.84
- legal-style citations, 14.173, 14.186
- for magazine articles, 14.87
- for maps, 14.135
- mononyms, 13.85
- for multivolume works, 14.19, 14.24
- for news articles, 14.89
- notes and bibliography system of, overview of, 13.18
- organizations as authors, 13.73, 13.86, 13.127
- pseudonyms, 13.82–83, 13.126
- punctuation of, 6.20
- for reference works, 14.130–31
- repeated names, 6.100, 13.69–70, 13.72–73, 13.81
- screen names, 14.105–6
- short forms of, 13.33, 13.35, 14.10, 14.84
- single authors, 13.77
- three or more authors or editors, 13.23, 13.35, 13.78, 13.107
- 3-em dashes in, 2.17, 6.100, 13.69, 13.72–73
- in titles of works, 13.80
- two or more authors or editors with same family name, 13.79
- authorship, in copyright. See copyright
- automobiles, 8.118. See also vehicles and vessels
- auxiliary (helping) verbs, 5.149–58
- be-verbs as, 5.159
- can, could, 5.151, 5.254
- in contractions, 5.109
- defined, 5.107, 5.149
- do, 5.157, 5.158, 5.222, 5.238
- have, 5.136, 5.137, 5.158
- with infinitives, 5.110
- may, might, 5.152, 5.254
- modal, 5.150
- must, 5.153
- ought, should, 5.154, 5.155, 5.254
- and parallel structure, 5.252
- in verb phrases, 5.108
- will, would, 5.135, 5.138, 5.156, 5.238
- averages, in tables, 3.75
- awards and prizes, 1.108, 8.32, 8.84, 8.116, 8.174
- axes, x and y, 3.44, 3.53, fig. 3.8
- ʿayn, 11.84
- Azeri language, 11.77