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Results 11 - 20 of 551 for titles....
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FAQ Item
FAQ Item Headlines and Titles of Works Q. I understand that a title following a person’s name...should be presented in lowercase. Our Human Resources Department defines official job titles at We have titles that are presented with a comma rather than a preposition. For example: director...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Usage and Grammar Q. I am writing a nonfiction text in which I refer to the title of a...novel written by a character in a novel. The fictitious title happens to be the same as the actual...novel’s title. Throughout my nonfiction text I have been italicizing actual book titles. What do I do...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Citation, Documentation of Sources Q. If I am writing out foreign book titles followed by...the English title in parentheses, should the English titles appear in italics or quotations? A...published under an English title, however, then put the English title in italics as you would any other...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Alphabetizing Q. If the title of a magazine article contains the word now, as in “And Now...Gay Rights,” should it be alphabetized under N? A. Conjunctions count when alphabetizing titles; that title would go under A for And....

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Capitalization Q. CMOS mentions that titles are commonly lowercase (president of the...United States) but that there is an exception with the title of Speaker. There is debate in my office...over the titles of archivist of the United States, Smithsonian secretary, and librarian of Congress. If...

FAQ Item
appeared in a magazine. The title of the magazine is in the title of the cartoon series. Do I...italicize? Magazine title: The Etude Music Magazine (I will always italicize that). Cartoon series title ...know if The Etude should be italicized in this case). A. A magazine title is always italic, even if...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Alphabetizing Q. I am overwhelmed by the task of alphabetizing a list of book titles, as...many of the titles have colons, commas, and in some cases, dashes separating the title and subtitle.... It is all getting to be a bit much for me. Given the large number of titles I am working with, I...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Citation, Documentation of Sources Q. For title-within-a-title purposes, is a a book or like a ship? That is, in an imaginary title in italics such as All That Fits: A History...(as a book’s title would) or set roman (i.e., in reverse italics) (as a ship’s name would)? It...

FAQ Item
a chapter title without enclosing the title in quotation marks or otherwise distinguishing it from...other chapter titles that are not quotations? If so, must the quotation be explained, that is...quotation marks or attribution in a title: To Be or Not to Be; Practice Makes Perfect. Other...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Headlines and Titles of Works Q. What is the proper way of capitalizing foreign titles ...appearing at the end of English titles and subtitles? For example, hypothetically, should it be “Aeneas...conflict with Chicago recommendations for foreign titles. There doesn’t seem to be any advice for melding...

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