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Results 1 - 10 of 62 for judgment....
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About Shop Talk - CMOS Shop Talk
have stressed the need for judgment and flexibility in applying the Manual’s guidelines. Here at Shop...

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judgment call. But by editing only the punctuation, you can eliminate the infelicity and retain the...

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judgment call, depending on the kind of writing. The usage is strongly suggestive of someone speaking; it’s most appropriate in conversational contexts....

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. You have to use your judgment. I’m sorry if that’s not very helpful, but rules can’t cover every...

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without acknowledgment. All this requires considerable editorial judgment. Please see CMOS 13.4, 13.7, and 13.61 for more guidance....

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for judgment and partly depends on who your readers are and what you can expect them to know. For...

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editorial judgment rather than correctness. Factors in making the decision include whether your...

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judgment and flexibility. We have stated this in every edition since the first one in 1906, and we hammer on it constantly every chance we get. Sigh....

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equivalent in each case? A. It’s a matter of editorial judgment. If the book is being published for American...

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indicate “the omission of letters from a common root word”—for example, “judgment[]” (77). Does Chicago...

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