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Results 11 - 20 of 131 for judgment.
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[Forum] RE: What qualifies as a nonessential phrase
Yeah, I like the parentheses test, too, and agree with your judgment about it in this case. And thanks for the link! JCEM01.

[Forum] RE: Aunt—Uncle
Correct. But this can get a little murky and might sometimes be a judgment call. Fiction books in particular seem to lean toward lots of caps.

[Forum] RE: Suspension Points
This is such an unusual and stylized use of the ellipses that I think you're somewhat on your own with how to handle this. Without seeing the surrounding entries and the real-life usage, I'd suggest just using your own best judgment.

[Forum] RE: Comma with
I've searched far and wide for guidance on this to no avail. The construction seems to work without commas if the series is short, but once you have more than two items it gets unwieldy. All I can say is use your best judgment.

[Forum] RE: Should we allow colloquial language
With no other context, I don't think it seems unreasonable that they might say that. Pretty often, it's a judgment call. I edit a lot of fiction, and my preference is [i]usually [/i]to let something like that stand as it is unless it jumps out at me as [i]just plain wrong[/i].

[Forum] RE: Capitalization of Word after ellipses in Dialogue
Good point. I think you have to use your editorial judgment there. Yes, if someone trailed off their first sentence and then started another idea, it would make sense to capitalize the "Well," as you have done in your example.

[Forum] RE: 1 or 2 preferred?
It certainly wouldn't be wrong to use a hyphen, especially if it's in the dictionary with it. And if it might throw a reader off to leave the hyphen out, then you should keep it in. I think you just have to use your judgment.

[Forum] RE: too many "the's"?
There are repetitions that are awkward, and there are repetitions that are effective. Sometimes it's obvious which way a particular sentence will go in regard to that, and sometimes it's a judgment call. In this case, I'm agreeing that this one is just fine as it is.

[Forum] RE: Two-Word Adjectives
If it is clear without the hyphen (which is almost always the case with capped terms like "New Zealand"), no hyphen is needed. There is no hard rule; you have to use your judgment.

[Forum] RE: Hyphenation question
For [i]cell phone–related business[/i], see [url=]CMOS 6.80[/url]. Hyphenating your second example would probably be better than not doing it, but it's very much a judgment call.

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