1: Books and Journals
- Overview
- 1.1Scholarly publishing
- 1.2Publication format
- The Parts of a Book
- Introduction
- 1.3Divisions and parts of a book—overview
- 1.4Divisions and parts of a book—outline
- Pages and Page Numbers
- 1.5Book pages
- 1.6Page numbers
- 1.7Roman numerals for front matter
- 1.8Arabic numbers for text and back matter
- 1.9Page numbers for multivolume works
- Running Heads
- 1.10Running heads defined
- 1.11Running heads for front matter
- 1.12Running heads for text
- 1.13Subheads as running heads
- 1.14Running heads for back matter
- 1.15Running heads for endnotes
- 1.16Omission of running heads
- Front Matter
- Title Pages
- 1.17Half title
- 1.18Series title or frontispiece
- 1.19Title page
- Copyright Page
- 1.20Components of a copyright page
- 1.21Publisher’s address
- 1.22Copyright notice
- 1.23Copyright dates of previous editions
- 1.24Copyright renewal or other changes
- 1.25Publishing history
- 1.26What constitutes a new edition?
- 1.27Country of printing
- 1.28Impression number and versioning
- 1.29Original-language edition of a translation
- 1.30Acknowledgments, permissions, and other credits
- 1.31Acknowledgment of grants and subsidies
- 1.32International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
- 1.33Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- 1.34Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP) data
- 1.35Paper durability and environmental statements
- Dedication and Epigraph
- 1.36Dedication
- 1.37Epigraph and epigraph source
- Table of Contents and List of Illustrations or Tables
- 1.38Table of contents
- 1.39List of illustrations or tables
- Foreword, Preface and Acknowledgments, and Introduction
- 1.40Foreword
- 1.41Preface and acknowledgments
- 1.42Separate acknowledgments
- 1.43Introduction belonging to front matter
- Other Front Matter
- 1.44List of abbreviations
- 1.45Publisher’s, translator’s, and editor’s notes
- Text
- 1.46Determining page 1
- Text Divisions
- 1.47Introduction belonging to main text
- 1.48Division into parts
- 1.49Division into chapters—general
- 1.50Division into chapters—multiple authors
- 1.51Divisions for poetry
- 1.52Divisions for letters and diaries
- 1.53Conclusion
- 1.54Epilogue or afterword
- Text Subdivisions
- 1.55Subheads—wording
- 1.56Subhead levels and placement
- 1.57Numbered subheads
- 1.58Ornamental or typographic breaks in text
- Back Matter
- 1.59Appendixes
- 1.60Chronology
- 1.61Glossary
- 1.62Endnotes
- 1.63Bibliography or reference list
- 1.64List of contributors
- 1.65Index
- 1.66Biographical note
- 1.67Colophon
- 1.68Errata
- Covers and Jackets
- 1.69Clothbound covers
- 1.70Paperback covers
- 1.71Dust jackets
- 1.72Endpapers
- 1.73Credit lines for cover art
- 1.74ISBN and bar codes on book covers
- Metadata, Abstracts, and Keywords
- 1.75Metadata for books
- 1.76Abstracts and keywords for books
- The Parts of a Journal
- Introduction
- 1.77Publication formats for journals
- 1.78Noting differences between print and electronic versions
- 1.79ISSNs and DOIs
- 1.80Journal volumes and issues
- Page Numbers and Running Heads
- 1.81Page numbers for journals
- 1.82Page numbers for journals that use a continuous publishing model
- 1.83Running heads or running feet in journals
- Covers, Front Matter, and Home Pages
- 1.84Journal covers
- 1.85Journal front matter
- 1.86Journal home pages
- 1.87Journal table of contents
- 1.88Information for journal contributors
- 1.89Journal acknowledgments, announcements, and calls for papers
- 1.90Journal errata
- 1.91Journal retractions
- Metadata, Abstracts, and Keywords
- 1.92Journal article metadata
- 1.93Journal article abstracts and keywords
- Articles and Other Components
- 1.94Journal articles versus other components
- 1.95Journal article title, authorship, and other first-page information
- 1.96Cross-references and other links in journal articles
- 1.97Journal article subheads
- 1.98Journal reviews
- 1.99Journal announcements
- 1.100Journal contributors
- 1.101Letters to the editor
- 1.102Journal editorials
- 1.103Journal copyright lines
- 1.104Publication history for journal articles
- 1.105Preserving the context of individual journal articles
- Tables and Illustrations
- 1.106Tables in journal articles
- 1.107Illustrations in journal articles
- Source Citations
- 1.108Notes or author-date citations in journals
- 1.109Internal and external links to cited sources in journals
- Indexes
- 1.110Indexes to printed journal volumes
- 1.111Electronic indexes and indexed searches
- Version Control and Material Not Available in Print
- 1.112Journal article version of record
- 1.113Preprints and “in press” articles and articles published ahead of print
- 1.114Supplemental journal content
- Design and Style
- 1.115Journal design
- 1.116Journal editorial style
- Considerations for Electronic Formats
- 1.117Electronic workflows
- 1.118Electronic publication formats
- 1.119Functional features in electronic formats
- 1.120Navigation in electronic formats
- 1.121Links in electronic formats
- 1.122Front or back matter in electronic formats
- 1.123Orienting the reader in electronic formats
- 1.124Source citations in electronic formats
- 1.125Indexes in electronic formats