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[PDF] The Chicago Manual of Style Online Fig. 3.11
movers by desertion status State mover Within-state county mover County stayer Nondeserter .440 .331....229 Returned deserter .422 .353 .225 Deserter .636 .242 .122 Note: State mover is an individual who...moved across states; within-state county mover is an individ- ual who moved within a state but across...

[16th ed.] 4.28 Pre-1978 published foreign works
United States, a pre-1978 foreign work automatically receives the same term of copyright as a pre...for copyright protection in the United States, if no effort was made at the time to comply with in California and other states in the Ninth Circuit. Second, it should be noted that the US...

[16th ed.] 8.111 Armies, battalions, and such
Civil War) United States ( or US) Army; the army United States Coast Guard; the Coast Guard or the...coast guard United States Marine Corps; the Marine Corps or the marine corps; the US Marines; a marine...United States Navy; the navy United States Army Signal Corps; the Signal Corps or the signal corps...

[16th ed.] 14.304 Unpublished government documents
, see 14.232–42 . Most unpublished documents of the United States government are housed in the...National Archives of the United States , augmented by the leaflet Citing Records in the National Archives...of the United States (available at the National Archives website), which includes advice on citing...

[16th ed.] 4.2 Relevant law
, superseding previous federal law and eliminating (though not retroactively) the body of state law...the law discussed in this chapter is that of the United States. The United States and most other...

[16th ed.] 14.294 Laws and statutes
States Statutes at Large (abbreviated in legal style as Stat.), where they are referred to as session...laws. Later they are incorporated into the United States Code (U.S.C.). 17. Homeland Security Act of...

[16th ed.] 5.165 Placement of adverbs
meaning. For example, we nearly lost all our camping equipment states that the equipment was saved...; we lost nearly all our camping equipment states that almost everything was lost....

[16th ed.] 14.303 Secondary sources and freestanding publications
: Government Printing Office, 1907), 4:16. 4. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States .... Median Gross Rent by Counties of the United States, 1970 , prepared by the Geography Division in...Treasury of the Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the Year Ending the 30th of June...

[16th ed.] 8.115 Ships and other named vessels
are both capitalized and italicized. Note that when such abbreviations as USS (United States ship) or...HMS Frolic ; the British ship Frolic SS United States ; the United States USS SC-530 ; the US ship...

[16th ed.] 14.301 Presidential documents
of the Presidents of the United States (Pub. Papers). Proclamations and executive orders are also...United States Code and are best so cited. For more examples, consult The Bluebook ....

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