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Results 1 - 10 of 64 for spaces after period....
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Chicago Style Workout 75 Spaces and Spacing - CMOS Shop Talk
the font color of the second and fourth periods to white using a nonbreaking space before and after ...the middle period 8. To enhance readability, typesetters may add a thin space between consecutive...Chicago Style Workout 75: Spaces and Spacing - CMOS Shop Talk CMOS Shop Talk From the Chicago...

Navigating Spaces in Manuscripts and Beyond - CMOS Shop Talk
(highlighted in red for easier identification): Before and after the middle of three periods in a Chicago...before and after the space from getting separated from each other at the end of a line. In the case...Navigating Spaces in Manuscripts and Beyond - CMOS Shop Talk CMOS Shop Talk From the Chicago Manual...

One Space or Two? - CMOS Shop Talk
in London in 1859, advised using an em space after a sentence that ends in a period: “after a full...two spaces after a period. In other words, typists were using the space bar to mimic the publishing... space after a period to be legible. But that argument makes almost no sense. As we’ve seen, the...

Ellipses with Periods (CMOS 13.53) - CMOS Shop Talk
the period, as in quotations 2 and 3. The first word after an ellipsis is capitalized if it begins... space between ellipsis dots. A period before an ellipsis closes up to the preceding word as usual..., but a space comes between the period and the ellipsis. To find more advice on the use and styling of...

Commas and Periods with Quotation Marks - CMOS Shop Talk
the period relative to the closing quotation mark after “Erratum” (p. 38): Obviously, readers are...Commas and Periods with Quotation Marks - CMOS Shop Talk CMOS Shop Talk From the Chicago Manual of...Manual of Style Contact Join Commas and Periods with Quotation Marks Russell Harper / October 20, 2020...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item One Space or Two? Q. Please explain your recommendation for using one space after a period light of this article: James Hamblin, “The Scientific Case for Two Spaces after a Period,” The...% increase in overall reading speed). Thus, while period spacing does influence our processing of text, we...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item One Space or Two? Q. About two spaces after a period. As a US Marine, I know that what’s...two spaces after a period. If you refuse to alter your bullheadedness, I will petition two spaces after a period. Period. Semper Fidelis. A. As a US Marine, you’re probably an...

Topic Q&A List
using one space after a period in light of this article: James Hamblin, “The Scientific Case for Two... Spaces after a Period,” The Atlantic, May 11, 2018. Answer » A. As The Atlantic article reports, a...recently stating that you now support two spaces after a period, falling in line with AP style. Is this...

FAQ Item
days rarely features two spaces after a period. In the era when type was set by hand, it was use extra space (sometimes quite a bit of it) after periods, a practice that continued into the...class. But introducing two spaces after a sentence-ending period—and only after those periods—causes...

FAQ Item
” rule. A. The sample typewritten manuscript page in CMOS 13 (1982) shows two spaces after a period; in...make an explicit recommendation for one space after a period (or a colon) in typed manuscripts...FAQ Item One Space or Two? Q. When did CMOS first recommend one space (instead of two) after ...

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