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Results 1 - 10 of 73 for preposition....
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[16th ed.] 5.183 Avoiding overuse of prepositions
» Prepositions » Limiting Prepositional Phrases 5.183 Avoiding overuse of prepositions Prepositions can...easily be overused. Stylistically, a good ratio to strive for is one preposition for every ten to...fifteen words. There are five editorial methods that can reduce the number of prepositions in a sentence....

[16th ed.] 5.173 Prepositional phrases defined
» Prepositions » Prepositional Phrases 5.173 Prepositional phrases defined A prepositional phrase...consists of a preposition, its object, and any words that modify the object. A prepositional phrase can be...

[16th ed.] 5.176 Ending a sentence with a preposition
» Prepositions » Prepositional Phrases 5.176 Ending a sentence with a preposition The traditional caveat...of yesteryear against ending sentences with prepositions is, for most writers, an unnecessary and...with which I shall not put.” A sentence that ends in a preposition may sound more natural than a...

[16th ed.] 5.186 Replacing prepositional phrases with adverbs
» Prepositions » Limiting Prepositional Phrases 5.186 Replacing prepositional phrases with adverbs A...strong adverb may replace a weaker prepositional phrase. For example, the cyclist pedaled with fury is weak compared with the cyclist pedaled furiously ....

[16th ed.] 5.180 Prepositions and functional variation
» Prepositions » Other Prepositional Issues 5.180 Prepositions and functional variation Some words that...function as prepositions may also function as other parts of speech. The distinguishing feature of a... preposition is that it always has an object. A word such as above , behind , below , by , down , in...

[16th ed.] 5.174 Prepositional function
» Prepositions » Prepositional Phrases 5.174 Prepositional function Prepositions signal many kinds of...relationships. For example, a preposition may express a spatial relationship {to} {from} {out of...

[16th ed.] 5.178 Elliptical prepositional phrases
» Prepositions » Prepositional Phrases 5.178 Elliptical prepositional phrases Sometimes a prepositional ... prepositional phrases include for example , for instance , in a word , in any event , in the last...

[16th ed.] 5.185 Cutting unnecessary prepositions
» Prepositions » Limiting Prepositional Phrases 5.185 Cutting unnecessary prepositions Many nouns ending...often require additional words, especially prepositions (that is, during her performance of the...and requires the preposition of ). Using the noun’s verb form may eliminate one or two prepositions ...

[16th ed.] 5.177 Clashing prepositions
» Prepositions » Prepositional Phrases 5.177 Clashing prepositions If a phrasal verb {give in} precedes...a prepositional phrase using the same term {in every argument} , the adverb will clash with the... preposition {he gives in in every argument} . Recast the sentence when possible to avoid such repetition...

[16th ed.] 5.184 Cutting prepositional phrases
» Prepositions » Limiting Prepositional Phrases 5.184 Cutting prepositional phrases If the surrounding...prose’s context permits, a prepositional phrase can be eliminated — for instance, within a passage...

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