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Results 1 - 10 of 102 for italicized....
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italicize? Magazine title: The Etude Music Magazine (I will always italicize that). Cartoon series title...know if The Etude should be italicized in this case). A. A magazine title is always italic, even’s within a title in quotation marks. Please see CMOS 8.173 (“Italicized Terms and Titles within...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Italics and Quotation Marks Q. Should the apostrophe in an italicized word in possessive...plural form be italicized? Example: If I italicize the possessive form of the word pirates, would the...apostrophe also be italicized? A. That depends. If you’re referring to the plural possessive form...

FAQ Item
Manual be italicized in the text? What about when it is referred to only as the DSM? A. Yes...; italicize a book title and its abbreviation: the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)....

FAQ Item
italicize “good” throughout or only initially? If I use “good” as a word but don’t say “the word” before I...use it this way, should I still italicize it? A. Always italicize or use quotation marks the first...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Proper Names Q. In CMOS (chapter 8), I have read that one should italicize the genus name...been taught not to italicize the genus name if it doesn’t have a species name with it or an sp. for...every genus name in italicized form? I am currently copyediting a book for grade 7 teachers and I have...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Proper Names Q. Dear Chicago experts, do we italicize a ship’s name in quoted dialogue? My...client says it should be italicized generally, but not in dialogue. A. Although CMOS is silent on...

FAQ Item
should remain italicized. In addition, there is a dialogue in which a character asks, “Do you Harry Potter, when the students are walking up the stairs?” I also think this should be italicized ...readers know you’re referring to a book (or movie, actually, which we also italicize) rather than a...

FAQ Item
punctuation following italicized words, and I am speechless. I’m afraid I’ll have to look for a new...point after an italicized word. What’s wrong with you? Why couldn’t you leave well enough alone...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Capitalization Q. Besides italicization, does “ceteris paribus” require an initial C? In...equal, CMOS doesn’t recommend italicizing any Latin phrase common enough to be included in a dictionary like American Heritage or Merriam-Webster....

FAQ Item
when the thought contains the name of a book (which is also italicized)? For example: I wonder where...I can get hold of a copy of Julius Caesar. Do I italicize “Julius Caesar,” or do I toggle and make...

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