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Results 1 - 10 of 56 for ellipsis....
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Dot Dot Dot A Closer Look at the Ellipsis - CMOS Shop Talk
Dot Dot Dot: A Closer Look at the Ellipsis - CMOS Shop Talk CMOS Shop Talk From the Chicago Manual...Manual of Style Contact Join Dot Dot Dot: A Closer Look at the Ellipsis Russell Harper / July 30..., 2019 If you follow Chicago style, it’s a safe bet you know that a Chicago-style ellipsis consists of...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Punctuation Q. Should there be a space on either side of an ellipsis in the middle of a...line when using the Unicode ellipsis rather than three spaced periods? Example: Should there be a...… space … like this? I’ve read CMOS 13.50, which says that authors can use the ellipsis character in...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Punctuation Q. Can an ellipsis be used instead of a period at the end of a complete...sentence? A. Yes, it can . . . But keep in mind that there are at least two ways to use an ellipsis. In...the first of these, an ellipsis represents a lapse of some sort—for example, a faltering, a trailing...

FAQ Item
falters between two sentences, and that pause is indicated with an ellipsis, is it correct or...three dots—whether the ellipsis follows a complete sentence or not, and whether the ellipsis ...and narration. Following the ellipsis, you can use a capital letter to indicate the start of a new...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Special Characters Q. Can I use the ellipsis character in my manuscript? Or do I need to... ellipsis character, put a space before and after it … like that. At the end of a sentence, it follows a...period and a space, like this. … If a comma or other punctuation follows, close it up to the ellipsis ...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Punctuation Q. At the end of a paragraph, is a single word followed by an ellipsis ..., but then the ellipsis does seem more substantial than a period or other mark . . . A. It’s a widow...

FAQ Item
ellipses to indicate text omitted from quoted material. Does one insert a space after the ellipsis if the...after an ellipsis regardless of its function. If you have trouble seeing spaces in CMOS Online, use...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Punctuation Q. When using an ellipsis in a quotation that contains a full sentence and...the ellipsis is a grammatically complete sentence despite the omission. Please note that it’s...

FAQ Item
quotation, should there be a space after the ellipsis before the closing quotation mark? (1) rarely a need to put an ellipsis at the end of a quotation that forms a grammatical sentence...

FAQ Item
ellipsis. Also, I am puzzled by the rationale of putting a period at the end of an incomplete sentence and...then an ellipsis before continuing the quotation. As I see it, this doesn’t differentiate between a...

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