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Results 11 - 20 of 626 for state.
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[Forum] State versus "State's"
[size=large] Should the sentence below say "state's" or "state?" I've asked two excellent copyeditors and each responds differently. One says it is possessive, and the other says it is not possessive. Contact your state Department of Public Health. Contact your state's Department of Publi

[Forum] RE: cap?
I've looked at that section, but none of the examples apply. They all refer to [i]state[/i] in the context of place (Washington state, the state of New South Wales, etc.).

[Forum] cap?
Should "state" be capitalized in this context? Savvy cultural operators saw a way to get the state to fund and support the development of Yugoslav culture by fully embracing the state’s new internationalist outlook.

[Forum] RE: When to Capitalize State
Because "state of California" is redundant (CA is a state), I would write California's regulation. Also, federal policy is to lowercase state and federal--this is a departure from past policy.

[Forum] Capitalization of "State"
Howdy! I'm having some trouble deciding if "state" should be capitalized in the following sentence, "The book details the growth of the Mexica State in the 1500's." It seems to me that it should be capitalized, just as "Roman Empire" would be capitalized. Thoughts? Thanks!

[Forum] RE: cap?
I say no also. In this context it's basically a synonym for "government". As in "Some people think the state should levy higher taxes to pay for healthcare for all." I believe this is the relevant definition in M-W legal Definition of state 1 a : a politically organized body of people usual

[Forum] RE: State Possessive
Ah-hah! Found it! From the [i]Guide to Grammar and Writing[/i]: When both a city's name and that city's state or country's name are mentioned together, the state or country's name is treated as a parenthetical element. •We visited Hartford, Connecticut, last summer. •Paris, France, is some

[Forum] To capitalize or to not capitalize
When the government rather than the place is meant, "state" is capitalized. However, when "State" is used as an adjective, is it still capitalized as in the example below? In keeping with these State statutory and regulatory requirements for bilingual programs, the development of communicative c

[Forum] To capitalize or to not capitalize
When the government rather than the place is meant, "state" is capitalized. However, when "State" is used as an adjective, is it still capitalized as in the example below? In keeping with the State statutory and regulatory requirements for bilingual programs, the development of communicative comp

[Forum] The State rests -- capitalize?
I am editing a nonfiction book which refers to quite a few trials. In legal writing you'd certainly capitalize State when referring to the prosecution. What about in standard nonfiction (or fiction, for that matter)? Example: "Usually, criminal cases only involve two sides—the State and the defense

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