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Results 21 - 30 of 1440 for capitalization.
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[Forum] RE: Capitalization of computer terms
And here's a link to a Wikipedia page discussing the capitalization of Internet:

[Forum] Name capitalization in dialogue
Does CMoS address capitalization of roles and "pet" names in dialogue. For example, "I love you, honey." And "You bet, doctor." And "Shut up, sis." Thanks!

[Forum] RE: Capitalization of terms such as "code," "manual," "document"
I agree, Pixna, but our unofficial style sheet (it drives me crazy that we don't really have one, but I don't have any authority) calls for some quirky capitalization. So the solution we came up with was basically adapting to that while trying to trying to stick with CMOS otherwise.

[Forum] RE: Bulleted list & punctuation
Thanks for replying! For the capitalization, I was following the "for lists whose items require more prominence, capitalization may instead be preferred" piece of that section. But yeah, the "and more!" piece is definitely where I'm stumped!

[Forum] RE: Capitalization
Thanks for the confirmation that I shouldn't capitalize the common noun referring to the proper noun. Like your rewrites, though my sentence was just made up for purposes of asking the capitalization question. Appreciate your response!

[Forum] RE: Capitalization quandaries
Thanks for the link to CMoS on this subject. In a way it is vague to me. If an author wishes to capitalize church as an indication he/she means the Catholic Church, is that a correct or incorrect use of capitalization?

[Forum] sentence style capitalization
Hi there, I am copy editing for a journal that uses sentence style capitalization in its reference list. If a book title is used in the text itself, would I use sentence style capitalization there in order to match reference list style? For example: Bill Terbott's philosophical musings about

[Forum] Capitalization of initial words in parenthesis after line breaks
Hello, Doing some editing for a coworker. This is from a manual for one of our products. I'm wondering about capitalization rules for when the first word within parenthesis is on a separate line and if using non-sentence forms. I generally stick with sentence capitalization as much as possible but

[Forum] Capitalization of indigenous
What, if any, is CMOS's opinion on the capitalization of indigenous in running text? In Canada, it appears that the First Nations people have requested that capitalization be used when referring to humans, which seems perfectly reasonable, as it offers the same level of grammatical respect that we

[Forum] RE: Parenthetical quotation of complete sentence
Regarding the capitalization, you can apply sentence-style capitalization to all the quoted material. See item #3 at CMOS 13.7:

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