Citation, Documentation of Sources

Q. I have a prepublication edition (“Uncorrected Proof for Feedback Purposes”) of Mishkan Tefillah, a Reform Jewish prayer book. It is, of course, different in many aspects from the final published version. How do I cite this uncorrected proof? (I use full note and bibliography style.)

A. First, make sure your proofs don’t prohibit citing or (more commonly) quoting. Much can change between the proof stage and final publication, so it’s important to respect the publisher’s directions. Assuming it’s fine to cite the work, cite it as you would any book, with the use of forthcoming rather than a year of publication. Please see examples at CMOS 14.146, 14.172, and 15.45.

[This answer relies on the 17th edition of CMOS (2017) unless otherwise noted.]