Citation, Documentation of Sources

Q. When citing a source in Urdu for a dissertation in English do I need to transliterate with diacritics (in the notes and in the bibliography) the name of the author and the place of publishing and publication house? If so, how should I write an author’s name in the bibliography when I have two or more publications by the same author, in both English and Urdu?

A. The question isn’t whether you need to, but whether your readers will understand and benefit from having the information in more than one form and whether they would be inconvenienced by not having it. Once you’ve figured out what your readers want, you can give it to them. To give an author’s name in more than one form, you can annotate or cross-reference as you see fit:

J. Smith [Q. Urdublik]
Smith, J. See also Urdublik, Q.

For rendering the place-name of the publishing house, see CMOS 14.131: “Current, commonly used English names . . . are usually preferred whenever such forms exist.” (We would check Merriam-Webster.) Otherwise, include the Urdu diacriticals and make sure the place-name styling is consistent throughout your notes and bibliography.

[This answer relies on the 17th edition of CMOS (2017) unless otherwise noted.]