15: Author-Date References
- Overview
- 15.1The scope of this chapter
- 15.2Author-date references versus notes and bibliography
- 15.3Notes and bibliography entries as models for author-date references
- 15.4Sources consulted online
- Basic Format, with Examples and Variations
- 15.5The author-date system—overview
- 15.6Basic structure of a reference list entry
- 15.7Basic structure of an in-text citation
- 15.8Page numbers and other locators
- 15.9Author-date references—examples and variations
- Reference Lists and Text Citations
- Reference Lists
- 15.10Function and placement of reference lists
- 15.11Alphabetical arrangement of reference list entries
- 15.12Authors’ names in reference list entries
- 15.13Titles in reference list entries
- 15.14Placement of dates in reference list entries
- 15.15Abbreviations in reference list entries
- 15.16Single author versus several authors—reference list order
- The 3-Em Dash for Repeated Names in a Reference List
- 15.17The 3-em dash in reference lists—some caveats
- 15.18Chronological order for repeated names in a reference list
- 15.19The 3-em dash with edited, translated, or compiled works
- 15.20Reference list entries with same author(s), same year
- Text Citations
- 15.21Agreement of text citation and reference list entry
- 15.22Text citations—basic form
- 15.23Page and volume numbers or other specific locators in text citations
- 15.24Additional material in text citations
- 15.25Text citations in relation to surrounding text and punctuation
- 15.26Text citations in relation to direct quotations
- 15.27Several references to the same source
- 15.28Syntactic considerations with text citations
- 15.29Text citations of works with more than three authors
- 15.30Multiple text references
- 15.31Author-date system with notes
- Author-Date References: Special Cases
- 15.32Items not necessarily covered in chapter 14
- Author’s Name
- 15.33Publications preferring initials for authors’ names
- 15.34Author-date format for anonymous works (no listed author)
- 15.35Pseudonyms in author-date references
- 15.36Editor in place of author in text citations
- 15.37Organization as author in author-date references
- Title of Work
- 15.38Publications preferring sentence-style capitalization for titles
- 15.39Citing author-date sources by title
- Books
- Edition, Volume, or Collection
- 15.40Reprint editions and modern editions—more than one date
- 15.41Multivolume works published over more than one year
- 15.42Cross-references to multiauthor books in reference lists
- 15.43Author-date style for letters in published collections
- Facts of Publication
- 15.44No date of publication in author-date references
- 15.45“Forthcoming” in author-date references
- Periodicals
- 15.46Publications preferring abbreviations for journal titles
- 15.47Parentheses or comma with issue number
- 15.48Colon with volume number
- 15.49Newspapers and magazines in reference lists
- Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
- 15.50Websites and access dates in author-date format
- 15.51Citing blogs in author-date format
- 15.52Citing social media content in author-date format
- Interviews and Personal Communications
- 15.53Unpublished interviews and personal communications
- Manuscript Collections
- 15.54Manuscript collections in author-date format
- Patents and Standards
- 15.55Patents or other documents cited by more than one date
- Citations Taken from Secondary Sources
- 15.56“Quoted in” in author-date references
- Audiovisual Recordings and Other Multimedia
- 15.57Citing recordings and multimedia in author-date format
- Legal and Public Documents
- 15.58Using notes for legal and public documents
- 15.59Citing legal and public documents in text