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Results 1 - 10 of 56 for semicolon....
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[16th ed.] 6.54 Use of the semicolon
Search The Chicago Manual of Style --> --> --> 6: Punctuation Chapter Contents » Semicolons 6.54...Use of the semicolon In regular prose, a semicolon is most commonly used between two independent...gifted writer, Miqueas has never bothered to master the semicolon; he insists that half a colon is...

[16th ed.] 6.56 Semicolons with “that is,” “for example,” “namely,” and the like
Search The Chicago Manual of Style --> --> --> 6: Punctuation Chapter Contents » Semicolons 6.56... Semicolons with “that is,” “for example,” “namely,” and the like A semicolon may be used before...

[16th ed.] 16.96 Semicolon in index entries
: A Summary 16.96 Semicolon in index entries When subentries or sub-subentries are run in, they are...separated by semicolons. Cross-references, if more than one, are also separated by semicolons ...

[16th ed.] 6.57 Semicolons before a conjunction
Search The Chicago Manual of Style --> --> --> 6: Punctuation Chapter Contents » Semicolons 6.57... Semicolons before a conjunction Normally, an independent clause introduced by a conjunction is...preceded by a comma (see 6.28 ). In formal prose, a semicolon may be used instead — either to effect a...

[16th ed.] 6.19 Using semicolons instead of commas in a series
and the Serial Comma 6.19 Using semicolons instead of commas in a series When elements in a series... semicolons rather than by commas (see 6.58 ). For a simple list, however — even if it is introduced with a colon — commas are preferred....

[16th ed.] 6.55 Semicolons with “however,” “therefore,” “indeed,” and the like
Search The Chicago Manual of Style --> --> --> 6: Punctuation Chapter Contents » Semicolons 6.55... Semicolons with “however,” “therefore,” “indeed,” and the like Certain adverbs, when they are used to...join two independent clauses, should be preceded by a semicolon rather than a comma. These...

[16th ed.] 6.58 Semicolons in a complex series
Search The Chicago Manual of Style --> --> --> 6: Punctuation Chapter Contents » Semicolons 6.58... Semicolons in a complex series When items in a series themselves contain internal punctuation..., separating the items with semicolons can aid clarity. If ambiguity seems unlikely, commas may be used...

[16th ed.] 11.136 Greek punctuation
as in English; the colon and semicolon are both represented by a midlevel dot (·); the question represented by a semicolon. The apostrophe (which looks almost like a smooth breathing mark) is...

[16th ed.] 6.96 Parentheses with other punctuation
semicolon only in an enumeration (see 6.123 ); a closing parenthesis should never be preceded by a comma, a... semicolon, or a colon. A question mark, an exclamation point, and closing quotation marks precede a..., usually separated by a semicolon. See also table 6.1 . For parentheses in documentation, see chapters 14...

[16th ed.] 12.18 Mathematical expressions and punctuation
expressions) appear in a single display, they should be separated by commas or semicolons. For example... semicolons separating expressions should be aligned horizontally on the baseline, even when preceded by constructs such as subscripts, superscripts, or fractions....

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