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Results 11 - 20 of 77 for contractions....
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FAQ Item
FAQ Item Punctuation Q. What’s the proper orientation of the apostrophe when using a contraction ...

FAQ Item
some other contraction, should there be a space between the opening quotation mark and the apostrophe...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Citation, Documentation of Sources Q. If a book is not published yet but is under contract ...

FAQ Item
at our university press is to omit the period after contractions such as Dr or Mrs and omit periods...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Commas Q. I’m editing a contract with many lists in it. After the recent court case...

FAQ Item
title? A. Treat the contracting apostrophe in “o’clock” as if it were a hyphen and write Four...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item None of the Above Q. I have a moral dilemma. I’m a contract editor for a consulting...

FAQ Item
should be used? A. There’s no rule against contractions in the real world, but your version of Word.... Published content varies in its tone, and therefore in its tolerance of contractions. If your...writer naturally uses contractions, wiping them out will change his tone of voice, so you should talk to...

For Freelancer Editors How to Set Fees - CMOS Shop Talk
contract (after which the contractor must be hired as a full-time employee or the contract must be...hybrid work situation in which I was put on the payroll after the time limit on my contract ran out...for both the employee and the employer in contract situations, as long as the contract terms are clear...

FAQ Item
order to avoid being pressed to provide a videoconference in fulfillment of our contract? Thank you.... A. It’s always smart to be clear in a contract. Why not say “telephone conference”?...

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