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Results 1 - 10 of 77 for contractions....
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Michael Gross talks about the Authors Guild and book contracts - CMOS Shop Talk
Michael Gross talks about the Authors Guild and book contracts - CMOS Shop Talk CMOS Shop Talk contracts Chicago Manual / October 23, 2018 Michael Gross is director of legal services at the...copyright, fair contracts, and free expression. CMOS: During your years at Authors Guild, has the...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Punctuation Q. Contracts often employ defined terms in quotes and parentheses, e.g., ABC...Corp. (the “Seller”) shall sell ten widgets to XYZ Corp. (the “Buyer”). When drafting such a contract ...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Punctuation Q. In formal writing, it is always recommended not to use contractions. But...technical, contractions are still generally discouraged (as you will find, for example, in the...). But in nontechnical contexts, any rule against using contractions works against writing that...

FAQ Item
all the contractions because it is a formal publication with a safety message they want to see...firmly reinforced. The original creator of the publication argues that we should keep the contractions ...guidelines on exceptions to the general rule of avoiding contractions in formal writing? A. A complete...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Usage and Grammar Q. Dear CMOS, What is your opinion of the contraction “there’s” for...source says “there’s” has two meanings, “there is” and “there has.” If contractions were appropriate in a...

FAQ Item
my source documents are contracts that were negotiated with the American Federation of Musicians. I... contracts should be listed in my bibliography. A. It’s usual to cite documents like these in notes but...

FAQ Item
version of Microsoft Word “corrects” the contraction “it’s” by removing the apostrophe. He also claims...that they “looked it up” online and that the rule has been changed so that neither the contraction nor...the possessive has an apostrophe. I explained to him that the contraction and possessive of “its...

FAQ Item
contraction, because I don’t see how “Bachelorette’s Out of Control” can be correct without “The...

FAQ Item
FAQ Item Commas Q. HELP! I’m arguing with a contract lawyer over this sentence: “The vendor may use...

FAQ Item
quarter hours are usually spelled out in text.” I’m an editor on contract with one of the larger self...

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