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Results 1 - 10 of 599 for chapter.
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[Forum] Title of TV show as chapter title
I'm editing a short story where the client wants to use the title of an in-world TV show as the title of one of her chapters. Imagine [i]The Big Bang Theory[/i] as an entire chapter title. Within the work itself, should the chapter title be italicized? (Chapter 11: [i]The Big Bang Theory[/i]; Cha

[Forum] Chapter title
This may seem like the worlds easiest question but I'm wondering how you simply write out chapter titles Like for example do you write Chapter Two Or all capitalized? CHAPTER TWO I seem to get different answers everywhere. Any help would be appreciated-am simply wondering format for writi

[Forum] Formatting chapter references in text
Hi everyone! I have a question regarding formatting of in-text chapter references. I have read the CMOS sections pertaining to this (specifically 8.179 and 8.180), and also I found several threads related to this topic which all indicate that the word "chapter" would be lowercase. However, the ex

[Forum] RE: chapter eleven
When referring to a chapter in a book, the chapter and number should be lowercase. However, Chapter 11 bankruptcy refers to a specific law, and laws and ordinances are typically capped (according to examples I've found in CMOS and online).

[Forum] RE: Chapters by different authors
How weird, Pixna. I guess you don't want to do dittos? Or how about Chapter 1 - Chapter 21 by Tom Smith Chapter 22 - by George Hightower Chapter 23- by George Hightower Chapter 24 - by T.H.E. End

[Forum] Chapter number references in text
The author has spelled out chapter titles in headings (Chapter Seven, etc.), but I seem to remember seeing somewhere that [i]references[/i] to chapters should use numerals ("In Chapter 7, I discuss axe juggling"). Is this right? Thanks!

[Forum] chapter eleven
Do these look okay (as a matter of style) by lowercasing the word "chapter" and spelling out the numbers? He read chapter one. She filed chapter eleven. TY

[Forum] RE: Capitalization in running text of chapter, section, figure, etc.
Also Notice that in the chapter title, "chapter" is capitalized, but when this section referred to a specific chapter, it is not capped.

[Forum] RE: What would you do?
I'd accept. Getting your name out there never hurts. Regarding the troublesome chapters, if I were reading a large textbook with uneven editing from chapter to chapter, and if I knew a single copy editor had worked on it, I'd chalk up the chapter-specific inconsistencies and error to the chapter's a

Thank you, But if the chapter hasn't number? For me it's important the author of the chapter of the catalogue and the title of this chapter. I want to be precise.

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