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Results 11 - 20 of 781 for numbers.
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[Forum] Numbers in Recipes
Hi, everyone. Recipes are [i]not[/i] something I've worked on often, so if anyone out there has experience with them, I need your help! I know that numbers in the ingredients list should be numerals, but what about the numbers in the intro and in the directions? I always thought that, with rec

[Forum] Numbers for Ages
I have to admit that numbers are very difficult for me to edit. I have multiple numbers in my large document. It is a personal history with pounds, lengths, ages, et cetera. I am confused as to what is to be spelled out and not--especially with age. Please help. I have read the rules and am still no

[Forum] note number placement with colons and semicolons
Hi Should endnote numbers be placed before or after semicolons? Like so23; or like so:24 with both numbers being superscript. CMOS 14.21 says the numbers go outside punctuation, but intuitively this doesn't seem to work for the colon family. Thanks in advance.

[Forum] RE: Spelling out numbers in technical publication
I think it's an editorial judgment call. When I work on technical books, I differentiate between general numbers and technical numbers. In your sentence, I would spell out all the numbers, and I wouldn't abbreviate "inch" or put a comma after "or" (as this isn't a compound sentence, just a series of

[Forum] RE: number vs numbers
Thanks, RGJaxon. I agree with everything you said too. In this sentence really wrong, though? [b]7. The groups they encountered grew in numbers, while they lost soldiers in the fight.[/b] Can "numbers" be substituted to mean "members"? Or if it means "size," should it be changed to "number"

[Forum] RE: Spelled-Out Numbers vs. Numerals
Welcome, RahmJ. I think the general rule at 9.2 applies here: spell out whole numbers one through one hundred. As I understand it, the categories guidance at 9.7 allows you to make certain exceptions to the rule to solve specific problems, but there's no problem here with spelling out both number

[Forum] RE: cardinal numbers under 10 presented as numerals
I agree that this seems wrong. I wonder if it was simply a misprint or typo and should have been "cardinal numbers higher than ten" or "cardinals numbers ten and up." I would definitely inquire with your boss, as this is a highly unusual directive and seems particularly egregious with a nontechn

[Forum] RE: What to do with the journals, which don't have volume numbers, but 2 issue numbers?
[quote='Biblio_Ru' pid='40409' dateline='1596122686'] So the journal can have a 4(51) number on the title page. What to do with this? Just omit the second number? [/quote] That's what I'd do absent a compelling reason to do otherwise. The purpose of a reference is to allow the reader to easily

[Forum] RE: Numbers in Fiction
Hi, Oliver. Welcome to the forum. I'd handle it the same way you did. Numerals that are usually numerals (such as phone numbers, seat numbers, odd dollar amounts, and so forth) seem to scream to stay that way. In my opinion, spelling them seems to add a layer of awkwardness and unnaturalness that w

[Forum] RE: nine-one-one OR nine one one?
I totally concur with Diane. Presumably, you want the writing to be readable, but the spelled-out numbers really aren't very readable. Writersdigest may say that people speak in words, not numbers, but they don't know that when I say numbers I picture them as digits in my head. I think writing out o

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