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Results 61 - 70 of 136 for introductory.
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[Forum] RE: Introductory phrase
And here's another thread talking about the same thing:

[Forum] RE: comma with "and"-linked sentences + introductory phrase?
That is very helpful. Thank you!! (I assume the second example of Garner's--the "But this:" sentence--should start "But too often, the people who talk this way...")

[Forum] RE: Introductory clause question
Thank you, All! Yes, informal is fine for this MS--I even injected a few contractions to lighten the thing up. What would I do without you helpers? I'm glad I won't have to find out. thank you again

[Forum] RE: Introductory clause followed by two independent clauses
Opinions vary on how to punctuate sentences like this. Here's a link to a post on the subject: The Purdue OWL endorses punctuating the independent clauses as y

[Forum] RE: Comma after Year
Good recasts, Tbaldini. I also tend to leave commas out after short introductory phrases (unless there's a chance they'll be misread).

[Forum] RE: Punctuating and formatting multiple nonconsecutive days in a date
I like the bulleted list that you put at the top of your posting. It seems quite clear. If you can't do it that way, can you at least move "2016" out of the way into an introductory sentence?

[Forum] RE: Short introductory phrases with numbers
I don't think commas are needed with any of these, Pinky. However, I wouldn't necessarily keep all of these as you have them -- some are more passive than active voice and are awkwardly phrased.

[Forum] RE: Introductory clause followed by two independent clauses
I'm not sure about a commonly accepted rule that applies to this, but I usually consider whether the introductory phrase applies to both indie clauses. I'm not certain, but what I'm picturing is that the green light is behind the doors, and the characters are able to see it because the doors open up

[Forum] RE: Yes, another darn comma question
Thanks, RG, you've confirmed my thoughts. However, I don't see how CMOS 6.24 applies to the sentence; it speaks to introductory dependent clauses, not compound predicates, but I get the point.

[Forum] RE: Comma Quandary
In addition to the link RG provided, please also see [url=]CMOS 6.36: Commas with introductory adverbial phrases[/url].

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