Recommended Browsers

Desktop Computers and Laptops

For optimal performance of The Chicago Manual of Style Online, we recommend using one of the operating systems and browsers listed below. If you are part of a network, we recommend you contact your network administrator before making any changes to your current settings. If you are using an OS or browser other than those listed here, results may be unpredictable.

Current operating systems and versions

  • Windows: 7 and higher
  • Mac OS: 10.6 and higher

Current browsers and versions

  • Chrome: 55 and higher
  • Firefox: 49 and higher
  • Safari: 10 and higher
  • Internet Explorer: 9 and higher
  • Microsoft Edge: 40 and higher

Mobile Devices

The Chicago Manual of Style Online will be optimized for certain handheld mobile devices with a screen resolution of up to 960 pixels. For these handheld devices, we recommend using one of the following operating systems and the corresponding browser versions.

Apple iOS 6 or higher

  • Safari 7 or higher

Android OS 4 or higher

  • Chrome 36 or higher

Because of the large variance in handheld devices, the CMOS Online site may not optimize for every mobile environment. Choosing “Request desktop site” in the settings of your mobile device may resolve certain issues.